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About Tythus

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    Admin Lvl: 9999

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    Right behind you!

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  1. Welp…that’s it. 10 years. Ten years of Lord of the Craft. A decade ago LotC was little more than a ragtag bunch with a lukewarm idea about roleplay. We didn’t have the most amazing and unique lore in the world or world-class plugins…but we had our own dream. I had no idea it would grow to become what it is today. None of us did…just think about it. In 2012, the literal founders of LotC bailed. We took what scraps we had left and cobbled together a buggy, but working server. Over the years we’ve painstakingly built back our plugins from zero and faced rollbacks and crashes and our own fair share of drama and conflicts. Some months we survived from payment to payment. Some would say we have no right and no reason to still be online. Against all odds. Here we stand today. As sappy as this is going to sound…LotC stands today because of you. That's the only reason. You are its community and you are its backbone. Every year LotC changes because we do. When we’re bored, we find ways to make fun together. When times are hard, we prop each other up. When the storytelling, organizing, writing, drawing and building grows challenging we rise to help our friends. We make the occasion bigger than ourselves. LotC is a fabric woven together by the friendships we make…and the kindness, support, and joy that we bring to each other are by far the greatest reasons for our success than any one person, story, plugin, or campaign. So here’s a toast to an incredible ten years and an incredible community. It’s really phenomenal and I can’t wait for us to turn our first page in this next chapter. Happy anniversary Lord of the Craft, have an amazing weekend. Thank you for keeping it real, - Tythus Also, I will be chatting with@marimbamonk this weekend on Sunday! Be there for the interview (12pm EST) p.s. If you’d like to hear more about the history of the server, and what is to come down the road, make sure to check out the ‘Past and Present Admin Panel’ Q&A tomorrow at 12 noon EST in the Lord of the Craft Discord: discord.gg/lotc. If you need to be verified, type /Freja discord in-game to link your account. Check out out full list of events here. p.p.s. It’s my cake day :D p.p.p.s quack. Crowns Sale! To kick off the celebrations, we’ll be launching our Ten Day Ten Year Anniversary sale, which is active right now on our webstore, store.lordofthecraft.net. We’ll be offering a third (33%) off on all Crown Packages, use the coupon code AEGIS at checkout (minimum basket size of $20 after using the coupon). This coupon code will be active until 23:59 EST / 20:59 PST on July 4th. Enjoy!
  2. 👀 you looked at my profile on sunday 

  3. Please talk to Korvic and help him fix the god damn server.


  4. Please can the commentary be kept respectful and constructive there will be further changes announced also soon
  5. Im sorry to have to inform you on here and not the Minecraft.net chat but my Minecraft user is jennyz101 and I have applied

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. winterforever


      alright thank you so much I was confused at who and alright thank you so very much

    3. Vaynth


      Don't mention it. I know what you mean, seeing all the teams can be a bit overwhelming at first. Welcome to lotc by the way, we're happy to have you.

  6. talked to one of the in-game admins who redirected me back to you, if at all possible can i get my old account back? the whole forum-resetPW nonsense happened and i haven't had access to it since maybe 2016 and i'd like to check my old messages.

    1. Vaynth


      Hey, just letting you know that getting a hold of Tythus through his forum account is pretty difficult. Would be better to ask the admin you spoke to for an email you could use to get in touch with him more easily.

    2. Royced


      will do, also @501warhead maybe you could assist ??

  7. i like burgers. i only eat 3 types of burgers:

    bottom bun + burger + cheese + top bun

    bottom bun + burger + cheese + bacon + top bun

    bottom bun + burger + ketchup + top bun

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Textarea


      i like fries. also fries with cheese sauce. grilled cheese sandwiches are also good with burgers. i think i once had mashed potatoes and a hamburger in the same meal. i like food :)

    3. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Have you ever tried a drink with your food? One time I had a "root bear float" with my lunch and it was very good, I suggest you try it! 

    4. Textarea


      i usually drink soda, tea, or a milkshake. i don't know if i've ever had a drink that was really really good. the last time i had a food that was really really good was a slice of mint brownie pie (https://www.villageinn.com/pies/special/mintbrownieblast/)

  8. Hey my Updog. Can I get the PW to my old account Akeron reset? 

    Edit: I just remembered our talk from last year let me get to that!

    Edited by Royced
  9. aardvark pays uff

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