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About bungo

  • Birthday 09/20/1996

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  1. B. B. Basarab contemplates in a tower floating through the cosmos. The only good Adrian is a dead Adrian.
  2. perhaps there is a conspiracy? i heard drfate was also a member of this coal miner’s union, a well known terrorist organization and cult.
  3. Damn.. people are trying to keep us living in dirt and mud huts to preserve their theme of a medieval server. Perhaps we should enact serfdom and not let anyone leave their own tile to embody a true medieval server. Perhaps enforce the institution of feudalism on the High Elves? The vast majority of people did not read in the medieval era, and we should not allow them to have public libraries. This entire thread is people complaining about things that will not affect them. A gun is as strong as a bow or crossbow mechanically however a great deal of these people complaining can conjure a comet to obliterate me. It’s just a flavor addition and plenty of fantasy experiences have some sort of firearms associated with them. I’m still going to shoot Arthur Callahan in the head when I find him whether you like it or not
  4. Ragnarr Ceasarsunnu Tiber reminisces of his first hunt within the Seventh War of Imperial Aggression against the Northmen, a measly Orenian man of eight years who was no match for him and his seax. He now sits within his cell, being denied death in battle as by the Orenian dogs as Wotin demands. “I was a Jomsviking, the cream of the crop. How could they defeat us without winning a single battle? Were all of our great blots in vain? We were promised a glorious and everlasting victory... at least my ancestors still smile upon me. It is not for vain though, for we shall fight again, and again...”
  5. RP Name: George Casimir MC Username: bungo Discord: bungo#2190 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Oren Why Do You Wish To Come?: To learn, love, and live. What Skills Can You Bring?: A genteel nature.
  6. The wigged Governor of the Province of Krugland grins as he is served Sutican crumbcake while his boy servant reads him out the missive. “Perfect... the Piastdom has succumbed to the wiles of Earl Godric of Northland. I shall marry my son to the Piast’s daughter and our union shall form the Capetdom of Paris... Now we only need to Rurikdom of Muskovy to be able to conquer the world. The Emperor shall be none the wiser...”
  7. dude who are you? you creep me out.



      Heard that alot.

  8. dude dont call them evil or monsters they have feelings
  9. The Duchy of Adria commissions the troupe to perform at court.
  10. somebody help this person stole my identity

  11. ******* hacker

  12. see you in 6 months norland

  13. Barnabas Basarab, a scholar, a poet, but most notably a lover signs only to spite the school of thought pertaining to L’Academie d’Odo en Metz.
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