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  • Character Name
    Azaghal Doomforged
  • Character Race
    Dark Dwarf

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  1. providing quality content starting November 1st

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Burnsy


      44 minutes ago, Quirkyls said:

      Please don’t.


    3. Guest


      R u gnna spawn in pots again

    4. z3m0s
  2. Holy **** bloodnight got gm? You’re back? Nice to see you around man. I remember you were one of the first people to RP with me back in Anthos with that cult stuff, good times

  3. OOC: Minecraft Username: Bloodnight Timezone: CST How active you can be (semi/always/neither): Why are you interested in joining: Because I stare into the deep darkness and saw a light that can offer me salvation. IC: Name: Adolphus Age: 31 Race: Human Gender: Male Noble or Common Lineage: Noble Experience and Knowledge of Canonist dogma (None/Semi/Fluent): Semi Religious Affiliation (Atheist/Canonist/Xionist): Canonist Willingness to serve for life upon taking oaths of entry into the Order (None/Complete/Semi): Complete
  4. Is handy mumbledee dead yet

  5. dank memeeee

    1. drfate786


      What? I don't see any memes.

  6. Yeah, so regardless of what people say to defend this, I am a firm believer that this'll be just another thing for the "niche" players. Books will mostly go to the high elves / ascended / holy groups, especially books that don't make sense going to them. I won't be swayed by whatever good words that anyone put fourth, we've been shown time and time again these types of additions that strictly benefit a small group of players. Let's focus on bringing and flushing out actual lore for actual player groups that legitimately matter like the four races, our dark magic groups that get absolutely zero spotlights (server's to whiteknight) instead of focusing on these ignorant things that won't ever give any attention to people on this server that are critical to this server's continued success. The last time the dwarves, for example because I play a dwarf character as my main, was when we finished the Hall of Urguan event, a full MAP later, nearly 6-7 months ago. Albeit that event wasn't even completed to its maximum potential, after the lore was basically annihilated by malicious people. I was brought on as a builder on that event last minute to get it ready for launch, it wasn't a completely thought out event, and was a raped and butchered version of what it should've been. 4.0 was, for all intents and purposes, the "Dwarven" map, this isn't something that can be argued, it is fact. We got so destroyed that map it now has become a joke among our player base, mainly our older players who survived its horrors. So, tl:dr stop making shitt(not bad writing, meh) lore that will basically only benefit an extremely small amount of players and actually focus on the main groups of people. But, what do I know, I don't know all the plans that the server has to yet unfold, I am only working off what I have witnessed and been told as a player.
  7. All people wishing to still play their Doomforged are encouraged to contact me and share their Skype details if I don

  8. Time enough this got accepted, it doesn't even need to be lore approved because all the aspects of the weapon are already in play on the server. We can easily say that cannons pretty much are a thing in fantasy, so the argument of preserving the "fantasy element" of the server is a useless and hopeless one. Warhammer Fantasy, which is an amazing universe, has cannons as a widely accepted part of war, and does so extremely well. It doesn't conflict with anything that makes the game fantasy, it even improves it seriously in certain regards, it gives the Dwarves and Humans alike a powerful weapon, albeit yes the Dwarves do understand the technology far better than the Humans do; "Still, for all their bumbling about they certainly know how to make good cannons. You'll rarely see a Dwarf cannon blow up, not like those shoddy, cheap, over-sized pop guns that the men of the Empire are so proud of...Great Cannons, Bah!" - Warhammer Wiki. Cannons aren't something to be scared of, they won't ruin the fantasy element of the server and to think that is foolish, if anything it'll improve it. Also, if the High Elves get a massive magical cannon, why cant we get a gunpowder based cannon when, and I mean this seriously, literally everything necessary for a cannon to operate already exists on the server.
  9. need a fancy skin done for a golem will tip

    1. lawnmowerman


      PM me details.

    2. Bloodnight


      atlest im not scottish

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