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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Supremacy

  1. Starting a fund to help Combustionary resolve his unconscious conflicts. Help make LotC GMs happier and healthier.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TeaLulu


      Starting a fund to send you to therapy.

    3. Mithradites


      I will donate one Euro for every act of evil Supremacy has caused, so that Combustionary may receive a handy helping of alternative medicine.

  2. Still hunting friends to make a new thing! Oh ho!

    1. Angmarzku


      Describe the word 'friend' 

    2. Remyy


      What is this 'New Thing'

  3. Still hunting peeps for a new group ;)

  4. When you're trying to make an ironic and edgy joke about feminism— it helps if you actually know some feminist theory. Otherwise instead of being funny, you just look ill-informed... Just sayin'

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Proddy


      the 'male privilege' and 'rape culture' that feminists chirp on about is all concepts created in their head - shut the **** up about it already.

    3. lawnmowerman
    4. Malocchio


      teen angst at its finest

  5. "Arrest Kalenz!" "What did he do?" "Magic!" "How can you prove it?" "We... Er... Umm..."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      They could just, make it up, or lie. People do do that in RP....

    3. ryno2


      it got better...

    4. CloakandDagger


      1. All mages are things that can burn.

      2. All things that can burn are made of wood.

      3. Therefore, all mages are made of wood.

      4. All things that are made of wood are things that can float.

      5. All things that weigh as much as a duck are things that can float.

      6. So all things that weigh as much as a duck are things that are made of wood.

      7. Therefore, all mages are things that weigh as much as a duck.

      8. This thing is a thing that weighs as much as a...

  6. "Halfling! I need a book to design my illu- Er... Knitting! Yes... Knitting!"

    1. Kaiser


      go away, boom reader


  7. "I have only ever come across 4 power-gaming mages in my year and 3 months on LotC, 2 of them before the Magic App, and 1 after it was created. "

    You may want to edit it... Numbers don't add up.

  8. "Is it so hard to simply abide by the lore set out for your characters? Everyone should feel the need to be a "special" or different character; because they're not! I'm sick of seeing Wood Elves running around with pale skin. " ~ Cappy | Greatest comment ever.

  9. "Is it so hard to simply abide by the lore set out for your characters? Everyone should feel the need to be a "special" or different character; because they're not! I'm sick of seeing Wood Elves running around with pale skin. " I officially love you for that comment.

  10. [13/2/14 7:41:25 PM] Tentoa: Okay lemme tell you all a secret. My parents don't buy cup ramen anymore because when I learned to make it myself at the ripe young age of 10, I binged the entire 6 pack. And I do it every time. [13/2/14 7:42:03 PM] Kalameet: o __o [13/2/14 7:42:09 PM] Tentoa: I could eat that **** for the rest of my life. Which would be about 3 years, because of the sodium.

    1. Moot
    2. Vulkin Frostbeard

      Vulkin Frostbeard

      lol I could eat cup ramen all day.... gonna go make some now actually

    3. domainoft


      You should learn to make homeade romen without all the salt...still tastes great and is good for you..."As long as you exercise off the carbs"

  11. *Cracks knuckles* VA writing time.

  12. *Cracks knuckles* Villain application writing time.

  13. *Drops a basket of Thank you*

  14. *Flips illusionary table*

    1. cruzazul


      Wrecks it with the better magic that is evocation.

    2. Viscen


      Illusion magic is best magic.

    3. Goldd


      Correction: Evocation all the way.

  15. *Makes the order of the stop making orders of the rose*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *breaks free and calls it

      "The Society of esteemed Medical Practitioners" *

    3. BrandNewKitten


      *makes the order of attractive Mali'Aheral

    4. hex37


      *joins the order of attractive Mali'aheral. Bans Kalenz.

  16. *Returns... To empty seat...*

    Haha - Goodnight!

  17. *Senses a disturbance in the lore forums*

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)


    2. V0idsoldier


      It will happen. Soon.

  18. *Shakes fist* VA Purge! I'll get you for this!

    1. gabriel101x1


      To war I say ol chap!

  19. *Shifts uneasily*

    1. Bircalin



    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Didn't read the "f" in the first word. The visual was worth it.

  20. *Sniffs the air* I smell high elves.

  21. *Throws an illusionary snowball at a child, he fails and hurts himself in the process.* *Child throws 50 real snowballs back.*

  22. *Tips his Old Hat*

    1. Mithradites


      Yet, you still ain't the coolest cat in the woods...

    2. Mithradites


      Yet, you still ain't the coolest cat in the woods...

    3. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}
  23. *Waddles back to LotC

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      You got so lucky, you missed the drama tsunami last night. Aside from that... WELCOME BACK!

    3. Jistuma
    4. Tayelikel


      Welcome back :D

  24. *Whispers to the MAT* You forgot to put an accepted app on the list again.

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