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Everything posted by Zhulik

  1. Rachel Maddow, in attempt to smear trump, proved that he payed a rate of 25% in his taxes and provided 0 Russian business links

  2. If you lack a 3.0 post-rep-ratio you're literally uncivilized

    1. justDEWit


      Help me, please.

  3. LORE PROPOSITION - TINFOIL ARMOR A Harian Tinfoil Warrior, Circa 1600 In a world where magic runs rampant alongside the growth of an ever present aura of paranoia, it is of the utmost importance to defend oneself against mind probing huns. Innocent men and women are becoming deceived by such vile magicians, leading them to believe that they are the opposite gender if not already resulting from their pineapple illatian pastries. Tales of such illusory and probing have spread far and wide, and thus the demand for magic resistant armor is high. As a result, smiths across the land, most notably Haskill of the Freeman’s forge, have taken to pressing melted tin to a papyrus thin state so that it may be molded with ease. With this invention, denizens across the lands may sleep in peace- and in tin, to ensure that their internal viscera is not morphed to that of a bestial creature. Tin foil equipment will allow the user to deflect magical influence and attacks without flaw depending on its crumpled state. Akin to sound proofing, the more crevices and bumps a piece of tin armor holds the more resistant to magic it is. For example, a smooth sheet of tin would be useless to magic whereas its crumpled counterpart would be impervious. Despite its extreme defense to magic, it's delicate and thin state makes it quite useless against any other form of attack. To provide balance to magic users, quite literally anything (bar magic) can destroy this armor. Arrows can pierce it, fingers can poke it, and more importantly, one could rip it by simply walking. Despite its detriments, however, tinfoil armor remains the go-to headwear for those fearing illusionists. Waldenian Soundproofing, circa 1364 To craft Tinfoil Armor, one must gather tin through roleplay means, melt it, and then press it into its thin state. Once this is accomplished, one must then carefully craft it through roleplay means. Should you roll anything less than a twenty in its careful construction, the armor will be torn. Once in combat, should the armor be damaged or torn, the exposed area would then become vulnerable to magical attacks once more. Mechanically speaking, it may be possible to statgen base chainmail to have hugely negative defensive debuffs (practically none) with its durability also being modified to be destroyed within two hits. Furthermore, due to its light nature, if a mechanical armor set were to be created it would hold no speed debuffs. The way one would determine whether someone was wearing tinfoil armor or not is purely dependent on their skin, which should look something along the lines of: Should this lore be accepted, I believe it will add an additional level of role-play not yet seen on any medieval fantasy server. This document is purely science based, and now that the current year is 1600, a time in which pirates roam, the need for tinfoil equipment is necessary. However, should this lore not be accepted, I truly believe people will still craft such equipment through roleplay means even if it woiuld not provide the additional magical protection as they would hold the belief that it truly does. I have kept this short and sweet, like an innocent child, for I believe I've nailed my points across rather effectively. For those who are too lazy to read, I shall summarize in a tl;dr. Tin Foil Armor should be magic resistant depending on its crumpled state (coating your armor in tin will not do anything unless it is pure tin!). Tinfoil headgear should prevent illusion magic and mind probing from affecting the wearer. To craft a single piece of armor, or the tinfoil itself, smiths must roll a perfect 20/20 in role-play to provide validity to the tin foil's stability. Tin Foil armor has no durability nor defensive buffs to ranged or melee.
  4. Zhulik can't bully his way to the adminship

    1. FORƎST


      i heard zhulik supports drumpf

    2. mitto
    3. Thatpyrodude


      zhulik for admin 2017!

  5. Thanium doesn't melt stone walls

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    2. Zindran


      But alchemist's fire might

  6. @Vege can courland/snelves be the yu zong vong please it'll fit my star wars memes better

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhulik


      im like grand admiral thrawn, a military siege strategist. im a  side character, odd looking and part of the imperial remnant. I detest rebels and their new republic but will eventually get killed by my own men before i can see their destruction. then it'll be the duty of the others to survive the yu zong vong while my last words will be "but it was so artistically done"

      you're the yu zong vong because you were an outside force that the empire was initially formed to prevent- the dwarven/snelven/dunamian/courlandic collective. the rebel alliance eventually destroyed the empire and now these odd outsiders want to conquer the world with a new yu zong vong empire. Maly is Sidious, the one who plotted the rise of the orenian empire and pyro was vader- he killed himself and sheev to save his son john godwin or something. Savoy is the jedi order killed after order 66 and lorraine are the fish people from mon calamari because they provided the bases and methods of transportation for the rebellion despite not being the most populated. Elves are wookies cus chewbacca gets ganked by a yu zong vong and were enslaved by the empire also trees

    3. Chaw
    4. Vege


      that was beautiful 

  7. XTMc5F3.png


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lev


      vegetable is not my emperor 

    3. Vege


      vegtil is not my empurr

    4. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      i will most certianly say this is a minor victory

  8. can I use the statuses as twitter

    1. Mj.


      Yeah post 30 second fight videos and political opinions BLM rules!!!

    2. Wendigo
  9. I dont appreciate the misogynistic forum pic you have, pls remove

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      better put some ice on that 


  10. Westerlands is now ancap if you are interested ancap-meme-generator.png

  11. If any rebel has the nuts to 1v1 me in yugioh come at me. you win, I submit!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seannie


      hows aesterwald going?

    3. Mj.


      I have one of those things that hooks into your arm and you put the cards on it

    4. oblivionsbane


      It always amazed me how shitty I was at that game.

  12. how did i become a gm manager

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DragoonCrow


      Want an honest answer?


    3. LadyRebecca


      Everything is going to burn. 

    4. Taketheshot


      Good the war can finally get back on track.

  13. I may need to start the #FreeKincaid movement again, the FMs declared war.

    1. Zhulik


      EDIT: LadyRebecca declared war.

  14. @joey calabreeni Enjoy wasting post to rep ratio kiddo, enjoy getting reported!

  15. Give Joey Calabrese his ability to post on the statuses!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LadyRebecca


      I demand a tribute.

    3. Zhulik


      I'll just give him my account with GM pex and see what happens

    4. Kvasir


      it went well for heerozeero I don't see what bad can happen.

  16. @LadyReecca said I wouldn't

    1. Wendigo
    2. Zhulik


      LadyReeca is sweating

    3. LadyRebecca


      *wheezing, Zhulik. I can't breathe due to my illnesses, damnit

  17. Don't blame Kincaid for what he does, because the Kingdom of Heaven awaits him whenever he prays

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