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Status Updates posted by overlord2305

  1. Good soldiers don't enlist to begin with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. overlord2305


      Only get semi decent communication skills after twelve years, basicly don't have a dad, struggle with depression for four years and make sure no one has shown you kindness in the last three years

    3. UnusualBrit
    4. Corvoo



  2. 1 AM, browsing the forums, programming and listening to old Mötley Crüe albums. Living the dream

    1. Zhulik


      yea but where's your income

    2. lawnmowerman


      yeah woo cool!

    3. overlord2305


      I deliver mail two days a week, thank god for parents

  3. I will see you burried

    1. devvy


      lol can i come too sounds lit

    2. overlord2305
    3. devvy



  4. Is @RobertGoodwill drunk?

    1. bumblefina


      NO how DARE you insult my GOOD FRIEND robert GOODwill. this IS UNACCEPTABLE

    2. overlord2305


      I will strangle you until you're unconcious because I lack the social skills to properly calm you

    3. bumblefina


      i like u already

  5. How did rosencrantz stay calm instead of gutting those provocatours on the spot, good job though

    1. Jakesimonson
    2. nordicg_d


      because he wouldve lost

    3. overlord2305


      Not if the emperor actualy had a spine and backed his subjects

  6. Are there actualy children starving in haria? Are there even people in Haria?

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. ibraheemc2000


      nope there isn't any starving children in Haria and yes there is people in Haria :)

    3. overlord2305


      Are there any children in Haria though? The fact you waited this long makes me think you waoted for them to starve so you could say theres no children starving to death....anymore

  7. Rebecca ban when

    1. LadyRebecca
    2. Chorale__


      when becca does something bad, thats when

    3. overlord2305



  8. I'd like to congratulate all the Americans on their escape from a much more free and better organized goverment.

    1. LatzMomo


      I feel bad for you sometimes.

    2. overlord2305


      It is hard pittying so many people, yes. Thank you for your support.

    3. mmat


      I love this bait

  9. What'd the powder do

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO
    2. overlord2305


      Ooooh wasn't sure if your char got meds or offed herself in the post

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      yeah I realized how vague it was AFTER I posted it... oops.

  10. Looking for someone to rp a child

  11. You're still inferior to @zaezae

    1. Harri


      consider yourself banned

    2. overlord2305


      Consider yourself un-kawaii

    3. TJBMinecraft
  12. FMs are real staff in the same way the programming team listen to feedback. That is to say, not.

    1. mmat


      Leave mitto alone....

    2. overlord2305


      I will hurt you like a spoon like I hurt kowaman's feelings with a 16 year old meme

  13. Regarding the poll http://prntscr.com/h8nup2 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      This would be cool




    2. overlord2305


      @dsdevil I know for certain that is is. You see for the bank plugin you can enter specific amount, given amount is then withdraw, deposited or transfered. This means that it is possible to have a player enter text, and then have the plugin interact with said text, the only thing that would need to be done is for this text to then be written to a file, this can be something as simple as a .txt 

  14. Why do you feel knowing who I am is somehow relevant to my arguement? 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      i dont want to get banned but

      please shut up

      (lack of profanities)

    2. overlord2305
    3. Archipelego
  15. What am frost-e

    1. zaezae


      Okay, imagine you build a fort and name it "Remaining Alive" and under it you put another sign that reads "No boys allowed!" and that's what a frost-e is. 

    2. overlord2305


      Can I burglarize this fort, reel sneeky deeky?

    3. zaezae


      You  can be forced to become a thrall I guess?

  16. Forums acting weird for anyone else?

    1. overlord2305


      Sends me to a page with a big "apply now" button when I click on the logo at the top of the page that would normaly take me to the landing page. When I clcik the apply now button it sends me to a modified landing page lacking much of the recent threads section or the status updates.

    2. overlord2305


      The thread preview is sticking out kff the screen to the right. Am on a phone

  17. Is the server down or just maintance? gives me the "Communications error"

    1. StevenQuick


      Do you have the right update?

    2. overlord2305
  18. I'm technicly your senpai

    1. MissToni


      because you are older than me?

    2. overlord2305
  19. I'm genuinely curious how many backups and lines of code have been checked so far, don't think much folks realize how much effort goes into basic server and database management

    1. overlord2305


      Usualy these are the same group of people

  20. You are my new favorite person

  21. Anyone that views my profile gets a million free minas, legit

    1. Archipelego
    2. HedgeHug


      *checks account* false

  22. *does a flip, falling off the ledge, landing on a orc* 'eh, no one cares'

    1. Archipelego
    2. overlord2305


      *orc proceeds to have hurt feelings*

  23. Can I volunteer my rig for temporary server hosting at this point

    1. adamc2000


      That will be true heroism my friend, if they allow it =(


    2. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      I doubt they would lol, they arent so easily swayed by providers

  24. Can you elaborate on the purpose of the reply to my char sheet

    1. HedgeHug


      Oh surely, it was to make you aware of it's existence as it's a recent addition to the LotC Lore. I hoped it would help as a guideline to your rp and may contribute to an optimal roleplay experience!

    2. overlord2305


      Awsome! Was already getting nervous it wasnt lore compatible anymore or somerhing

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