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Everything posted by Morigung-oog

  1. I mean based but what if we just remove all genitalia from every race in lore. Combine this with Slorbin’s idea and the ERP menace shall finally be purged and we shall have our good (mostly) holy, god-fearing mineman community. Though instead of a kiss, that degenerates will easily find a way to corrupt, we remove mouths and orifices from every race and instead have babies delivered upon a good, solid handshake. Huzzah! Checkmate, romance rpers and degens.
  2. Honestly, I’m normally against this kind of stuff but I can see this actually working as long as it retains the level of balance as stated in the piece. Good work, Slorbin. Very nice piece of lore. +1
  3. "Worse or weaker?" Questioned that pale elf who had been inflicting disaster upon the 'thill from afar. Her features warped into a wicked, malice-filled grin as she read over the missive with her sharp gaze. Rather than showcasing anger, she appeared very much entertained by the sudden change in leadership. "His transgressions and foolishness during his time as leader will not be forgotten. Incompetency is unacceptable, even as a mere pawn." A slow shake of her head was given as though she'd won a battle in a war through the shortcomings of her opposition, a gloved hand shifting through her almost ethereal looking locks. "Poor Braxus, his mental deficiency has just made him that much easier to be captured and terminated, and I don't even have to lift a finger. In raising a new and frankly unready mali to power, he has just signed their own death warrant. It should be most entertaining to watch all of this unfold."
  4. Valindra accepted that she didn't get an invite as she'd socked Oliver in the jaw a few mali days ago
  5. Valindra silently mourned the loss of the musin she’d once procured an entire bathtub of strawberries for.
  6. Always sad to see someone step back, but also I’m glad you’ve acknowledged that it no longer makes you happy and done something about it. I’ve always enjoyed our RPs, from meeting back in Carolustadt to playing chess through boring diplomatic meetings. Thank you for all of the good times, friend. Take care of yourself and know that you’ve pretty much an entire server who are rooting for you wherever you go now. PS: I look forward to our chess rematch, whenever that may be so you may finally kick my ass at it.
  7. "Incorrect- I proposed negotiations between Haelun'or and Ivarielle, and not an elected monarch but a monarch to oversee and guide with a council doing the bulk of the work." Valindra tutted upon reading the report, shaking her head in disappointment. "Whoever wrote this was clearly dropped on their head as a baby."
  8. “Deathroll?” A long time gambler grinned, readying a disguise so she could gamble away her coin.
  9. Valindra signs the petition with a faint smirk.
  10. “You alone are not the Silver State, Braxus. Accept that you fucked up.” Valindra snickered as she read the response, rum bottle in hand. “I wonder how it feels to know that even your supposed allies, your own council are turning on you since they have seen the truth.”
  11. “Haelunor brainwashing strikes again.” A pale elfess snickered, shaking her head. “I feel as though they’re trying to get publicity to get malipower to replace the contents of their armoury… Perhaps another visit is due. My massive stocks of iron could use a top-up.”
  12. Valindra grinned wickedly as she cleaned the Orenian blood from her blade. After doing so, she proceeded to acquaint herself properly with Urguan’s new land. “Like taking candy from a baby..”
  13. "Mm, I do pity these brainwashed 'thill... Perhaps we should just... let them be..." Valindra sighed, seemingly quite dejected. A large frown played upon her lips and a long silence followed... ... ... ... And then said expression warped, into one of amusement. "Ha! I jest... At least to the letting them be part!" Cackled the white haired elfess, taking a swig from her glass of wine. "I'd be all too glad to put these fuckers in their rightful place if they ACTUALLY become a threat to the princess's claim."
  14. "I mean, she has already won. Almost every major and relevant nation backs Ivarielle's claim. I don't see why she'd bother debating over a truth against a brainwashed Sohaer and Dimaethor's herd of cattle." The elfess snickered, finding the word that had spread around to be truly amusing. "She really did just walk out on them? That is true princess energy right there."
  15. An elf in the midst of battle hummed the tune in celebration after cutting down an imperial wig-wearer in a particularly brutal fashion.
  16. "Ohoho shit. Well played, my western lliran. Well played indeed." The elfess applauded from her cave in Elysium, feeling a surge of pride as her buddies all became official buddies.
  17. Zill Zill. Happy entrapment anniversary. I have some questions: -Are you gonna do more LOTC parodies -Who is your favourite chaotic high/snow elf who happens to get around just about everywhere? -What do if still on mineman pretend for another decade?
  18. Valindra casually snickers while her player waits for the Crumena-posting to begin.
  19. A certain elf gave a singular nod in approval while she enjoyed her vacation away from the North.
  20. "Haelun'or's structure is in desperate need of a reshuffle... Ain't personal to you, Braxus- I know you're just a puppet with the others pulling your strings." Valindra sighed while sat upon her bedroll with her Karin's head rested in her lap. "You may promise not to harm her, but can your citizens promise the same? They're much akin to rabid animals nowadays."
  21. "I-- He's alive?" The elf muttered in joyous disbelief as she too rose from her seat, tapping the box of sohaerite truncheons she'd salvaged. A look of determination appeared upon her pale visage. "Othelu... Wherever you may be, my dear, dear llir... Please stay safe." She murmured, chuckling as she read the missive once again. "Bugger always did have a way with words. Should he ever resurface in person, I shall buy him a drink.. Hells, I'll buy him the whole tavern."
  22. "Where once I saw silver I now only see gold... Your time is running out." Snickered Valindra, bottle of alcohol in hand.
  23. "What a pity Braxus became a slave to Kolvar and in turn Dimaethor. He surrounds himself with those he once called imbeciles and said he'd never be like." Sighed Valindra, sharpening her blade. "Perhaps he may still see sense, though I doubt it."
  24. Valindra paused as word reached her. The word of a hand to hand fighting tournament excited her as she thought back to the wood elven asses she'd kicked the last time she fought in such a way... Then she noticed the word 'Wedding' and any desire to attend was gone. Instead she prepared for a nice, convenient vacation so that nobody would drag her along as their plus 1. She'd give her congratulations after the honeymoon.
  25. IGN: Moribundity CHARACTER NAME: Valindra Liavyre DISCORD: Morigung-oog#8519 Grace Kelly by Mika- I don’t know if this counts as avant-garde or experimental but the dude was compared to Freddy Mercury. Big bop. EDIT wait this isn’t pop AND r&b- sorry ;-; Also love your skins. Happy Holidays!
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