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Status Updates posted by ToodIes

  1. >tfw an MA for a magic that is still in lore submissions is accepted despite the teacher not even having an MA for said un-accepted magic

  2. @FlamboyantTyrant Are TAs re-opened after that thread dump?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      One more thread to go and they will be, just need to edit it a bit and make it public (it’s the main ST launch thread)

    2. ToodIes



      @FlamboyantTyrant The TA changes thread isn’t public, idk if you’re still working on it or forgot 

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      I just unhid them, they should be viewable now

  3. yFiQLVBdT0a-fhTGW0I3zg.png

    rep not found

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ToodIes


      Aren't you a forum mod

    3. rukio


      We don't talk about that.....+1'd

    4. ToodIes




  4. all crp fights should be settled in wynncraft

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Greehn


      just know my idol setup would wipe your asses

    3. creamynoteblock


      49 minutes ago, Greehn said:

      just know my idol setup would wipe your asses

      lol block these puppets rtd

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      I’m using morph! #eledefsmatter

  5. Anyone have a good map of Arcas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ilikefooddude
    3. Heero


      ilikefooddude is the hero lotc needs but doesnt deserve

    4. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I made one for the wiki that’s sort of complete



  6. April 28th - May 9th, I shall be on vacation in Europe.

    I might be able to post on the forums occasionally, but it will probably be only from my phone and whenever I happen to get Wifi.

    ...adieu le petit croissants :huh22:

  7. azdrazi are so dragon’s dogma coded 

    1. FlemishSupremacy


      So true


      buy the azdrazi polymorph dlc for only 1.99 so u can alter your character

    2. Honourary


      never coming back from getting the milk toodles sorry

      @FlemishSupremacy is your teacher now

    3. Onnensr


      Look arisen, a ladder!

  8. bring back the sunless sanctum

  9. by talos this can’t be happening 

  10. crazy how xan died on the first day of pride month. coincidence?

    1. TeawithFrisket


      its actually a hate crime cuz all paladins are gay. 

    2. High_On_Math


      41 minutes ago, TeawithFrisket said:

      its actually a hate crime cuz all paladins are gay. 

      It was confirmed that xan and azdromoth getting married was one of the possible outcomes of the fight, but sadly ST did not make that one happen.

    3. Sean_VEVO


      On 6/1/2024 at 10:22 PM, TeawithFrisket said:

      its actually a hate crime cuz all paladins are gay. 

      They might have been, but their father (Xan) disapproved of it. :(

  11. Daily reminder that a Thanks is a downvote


  12. Damn, they removed downvotes

  13. Did anyone else just suddenly lose connection?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slothtastic


      Oh yeah. What was the thieves GT anyway?

    3. ToodIes


      I've no idea what GT stands for, but the server's back up now.

    4. Slothtastic
  14. did the math and the in-game year’ll be 1775 on july 4th

    can’t have **** on lotc

  15. elves should look different enough from humans that just cutting their ears off doesn't make them pass as one. this is, incidentally, why dark elves will always be the best elves

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ClassyDryad


      I believe st has already stated before that elves and humans can't pass as one another 

    3. Hunnic


      very true, although as unwillingly said difficult to portrait.
      Dark elves however... are the best elves.

    4. ___


      for years i thought lotc elves kinda looked like elder scrolls elves until i started seeing people rp elves pretending to be humans just bc they clipped their ears like that wouldn't leave massive ugly scars lmao

  16. For the low cost of one rep, you can ensure this poor MT member has a positive post-to-rep ratio.

  17. fun fact! locking doors and chests and stuff used to be gated behind iron vip. the server got shut down by mojang for a few days over this but everyone found a weird alt ip to play on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mirtok


      Also region plots were tied to Gold and Diamon VIP

    3. Crevel


      This is why Halflings developed a tradition of leaving their chests unlocked.

    4. Jentos


      I’d forgotten this. Neat fact tbh.

  18. gee i sure hope nothing bad happens to my favorite aengul xan

    1. Shiredom


      bros dead

  19. gotta admit that i didnt like them when they came out but aviaries kick ass

  20. how do you make the colored text in letters that they had in the adultery ones???

    1. Laeonathan


      I was wondering the same.

  21. humans use celsius, elves use fahrenheit, dwarves use kelvin, orcs say 'it's hot'

    1. Qctho


      Kharajyr use Rankine

      Just like them, it is:


      -Typically assumed to be useless

      -Almost never used

      -Actually pretty cool when you check it out

  22. i didnt get that devils were just tieflings until now. no wonder they're so popular

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tav


      *looks at you with my slitted eyes, swivels serpentine tail mischeviously

      i believe current lore kinda made a mistake saying that three was the least required amount of mutations needed for a cursed child, the automatic ones are always just horns, eyes, tail / snakeskin. it's also kinda awkward that now irply cursed children are being banished -- could you imagine playing a knight chasing down a devil yelling "FOUL UGLY DEMON!!' and you go to their imgur and it's just an anime character with horns 


    3. Turbo_Dog


      I want to see the Hellboy 

    4. satinkira


      @Unwillingly new art for my cursed child, what do you think



  23. i miss being able to hit shift twice and getting speed II

    1. HogoBojo


      When was that a thing?

    2. NotAPan


      13 minutes ago, HogoBojo said:

      When was that a thing?

      when nexus was around :( it was a buff for dark elves

  24. I need more signature invasions. 

    All the cool kids have signature invasions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToodIes


      no just not enough enough

    3. TinyBiceps


      which staff members can edit signatures??

    4. ToodIes


      idk admins prolly

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