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Everything posted by Dinochad

  1. "This am so cruel.." Lady Vasilia Reza Kortrevich read over the gossip panel, her eyes growing small as it brought up her personal heart break. She felt tears bite into her eyes as she threw the pamphlet across her room- sniffling into her hands. She whimpered helplessly before the many servants that she'd help clean ushered in to comfort their lady. "Everyone knows etz just made up gossip Mea Lady..." One chirped into her ear, gently swiping the tears from the young lady's face. Vasilia recoiled and turned, laying on her bed with sniffles and croaks as she felt embarrassed and ashamed. "Ea know but ea do niet need everyone knowing that yam niet dobry enough for Lord Ludovar. Yam such an idiot!"
  2. All I want for christmas is for you all to buy my art. </3 I'm hungry...

  3. Lady Vasilia Reza Kortrevich rested in her room in her home Jerovitz, when one of her closest friends- one of the servants, came to see her- sharing some heartbreaking news. Upon hearing the news of the passing, Vasilia froze. She was bewildered and stunned- how could someone she had just spoken to and seen not even a saints day ago just die? She felt the same ache in her heart that she prayed to Godan she wouldn't feel again. Her servant could see the expression cross her face, and she spoke up quickly. "Lady Vasilia, please do not worry!" She pleaded, but the Lady turned and shook her head. "Spasiba, vy do niet have to worry about mea, ea've been through this before." She promised gently, hugging her dear friend before escorting her to her room door. "Please, give mea a little privacy for a bit, ea'll be down to help vy prepare dinner." Once the door closed the female croaked out a whimper. She didn't like the feeling, the tearing in her chest. The loss of someone she cared about, and hoped well for. In her dismay the docile Lady felt something deeper in her chest. She gritted her teeth as tears formed in her eyes, her form stumbling to her desk where she fell into her chair, hands covering her face as she wailed pitifully. "It am mea fault. Ea could niet stop Lady Margot from spouting insults at her."
  4. ~[!]~ Vasilia Kortrevich blinked in surprise when she finally heard news. The poor lady took it with a straight face in public but once she returned to Jerovitz she wailed for the memories she loved. She remembered how helpful Ellie had been for her when she was a little girl- how she boosted her with confidence after her incident. The little lady would cry herself to sleep and dream of the happy memories. ~[!]~
  5. Lady Vasilia Reza Kortrevich Youngest Kortrevich Daughter To whom may be interested and finds themselves a fit match, the youngest daughter of the Kortreviches, Vasilia Reza Kortrevich- is reaching the age of 18, she is yet to be betrothed, and hasn't received many offers. She is a prime example of a proper lady and is one of the lovely wards of the Koenas. If one finds themselves interested in such a lovely lady, please send any offers or interested house calls to the eldest Kortrevich Son - Komit of Jerovitz, Vladrik Otto Kortrevich, Deputy Ambassador to Oren.
  6. If anyone needs anything, I'm here for you.

  7. I don't like this topic, at all. It's something I tend to avoid because of past experiences- but I wanted to speak up about what I think and my opinion. Things need to change that is for sure- especially towards groomers and everything. But coming from someone who came from a community that got deleted because of this same shit- I think the ultimate thing to help is to educate rather then start duck hunting. Educate those who are younger on what grooming is and how to avoid it. Because in the end that is the most we can truly do. We aren't their parents and we aren't the police. Sure you can ban them but if someone is truly groomed they won't notice it. They'll keep talking to that person on discord or any other way. It's a never ending cycle. They normally don't realize until they are an adult because it then becomes obvious. So keep an eye out on the minors of the server- make sure if you see ANYTHING happening you mention it right away. When I was new on the server I was younger, I believe I was 15/16 I remember joining voice chats and having fun with everyone because that's what this community gives you- you can make friends and family it's incredible. But It was ruined for me because of a player I won't name because I do not like to call out people for others to send death threats or worse- no matter how deserving I don't believe anyone deserves that. But this person would come in the voice chat and say the creepiest things to me- to the point a separate voice channel was made and that's where I had to go because they made me so uncomfortable. Others noticed it and I don't think that player is around anymore (thankfully) But Like I said just keeping your eyes open for others. Don't make jokes over things when someone mentions someone doing stuff- help them out. And if you're a sick person who thinks "Oh I'm gonna frame someone just because I can teehee" - Just leave. Leave this server because that is horrible and lying about such things is utterly disgusting. But like I state before. At the end of the day. If you ban someone it won't stop them if they are preying on a poor kid who doesn't know any better. I don't agree with an Age cap or raising the minimum age- I agree with education. We aren't their parents but there needs to be a way to help others understand.
  8. IGN (MC Username): Dinochad Discord: Dinochan#1825 Likes: Music, Art, Games, FOOD Dislikes: Games Im not into? Are you willing to spend USD on a gift or In-Game only?: I'd /kinda/ be willing to spend! Depends on what I find <3
  9. ~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~ ~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~~❀~ [!] Found inside the beautiful cave of Elysium, is a dead half-elf. The blonde is leaned against the wall, flowers tangled in her long locks. Her single eye is closed and a look of peace is upon her face. She has a empty cup of tea with remnants of some kind of herb inside. In her other hand she has a note! [!] " To those that care, I am writing this so those who I love understand what has happened, and where I went. I went missing for a long time, I'm so sorry I didn't spend time with everyone. I found out I was sick, very-very sick. I didn't want any of you to worry, but it got worse and I got scared...I wanted to see everyone again. So I returned to see those I cared about one last time- even if it was just a glance. I forgave those who wronged me and I was happy to learn truths. I am leaving now, I had this tea made and I put in something to help me pass peacefully. I'm so glad to have known everyone and no matter how dark my past was...I'm really glad I met all of you. I love you, Nym"
  10. After a simple day of befriending others and practicing her ladylike skills- The beautiful Vasilia returned home to Jerovitz- excited to speak to her sister about some ideas for their flyers. Instead the poor Lady found the note, her brows knitting slowly. She felt her body sieze up, shaking her head. "N-nie! P-papej went off too and he died! N-nie! Mea sestra please.." The poor Kortrevich wailed, fearing that she would have to grieve once more- she was terrified for her favorite sibling could end up with the same fate that their Father found. Dead.
  11. [!] Passed about and pinned around would be a rather appealing letter! Little smudges from ink could be seen, giving it a cute messy look! At the top is a messily drawn picture of a hand [!] ------ -♡ A Demand For Compassion ♡- Ve time has come for hatred and cruelty to begone! Nie more will it be okay for strangers to pass around papers declaring they plan to hunt down those who am ve friends of humans! Haense am our home, this world am our home and Godan created it for us all to love and care for each other! People come saying that ve world needs to be pure and cleaned, saying that we am niet allowed to learn ve ways of our kind Mali friends! Ve real truth am that friendship with all races will lead to prosperity! So join us! Join ve kind hearted youth of Haense - take our hands and help lead everyone into a safe future. Befriend all, friendship am ve key to help Haense and ve world flourish. This am a demand, if we keep up this cruelty Haense will be in danger! Ve world will be in danger! We need to rejoice in ve love and life that Godan has given us! Nie matter where vy are, spread kindess! Protecting vy always - Ve Daughters of Haense [!] At the bottom of the page just above the signature is two fingerprints shaped to form a heart. [!]
  12. The recently departed Adeline d'Azor greets the fallen male in the seven skies. She smiles kindly, moving to embrace him before uttering in the softest of voices. " I've missed you. "
  13. "You were the best thing to happen to me little one, you came to me and I knew from that moment that I wanted to take care of you." Katari recalled the bittersweet words from her youth, she always loved her father. She never once blamed him for the loss of her arm and even when she lost him and he her- she searched for him, looking for him for nearly 70 years. Finally she had found him! While traveling to the place she'd least expect him, she caught sight of him in the Druids. She still remembered the embrace they shared as her father was hers once again. "N-No, this can't be right? I-I just found him! N-No damn it! Give him back!" The now grown elf fell apart at the news. She collapsed upon hearing such and gave up. She couldn't live without him again. The High elf packed up her things and left the druids, disappearing.
  14. "Hmm...Norland." Nym softly taps her chin after hearing all the buzz about Inuis' thoughts. She thought for a bit more before a large grin grew on her face. She wondered how Norlands' Marshal was feeling after facing her teeth. Hopefully he was enjoying his lack of an ear! "They aren't an issue. I can handle them."
  15. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya

  16. Khoris feared for the impure that would suffer, but she knew that it must be done. The mali'thill stared upon the poster before swiftly lowering her head and silently uttering. "Death to the impure, may your poor souls finally rest."
  17. Just boosting this so it gets more noticed <3 <3 Beautiful skins!
  18. Khoris gasped in glee and devoted her support to her dearest friend and boss
  19. Adeline Lucie d'Azor read over the contents with a blink. She reread it before eagerly nodding. "Things will be more peaceful- fathers hard work i-is paying off! I'll congratulate him when he gets home!" She happily exclaimed!
  20. Hey everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that if you ever are experiencing something or know someone experiencing something, and you are afraid to speak up that my DMS are open and I’m sure every staff members is open! If you need someone we’re here for you. Come to me for anything! You can message me here or reach me at Dinochan#1825 on Discord ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Werew0lf


      I’m just like experiencing this thing where I’m really handsome irl and it’s hard to live through my peng looks


      ty for listening

    3. frill


      experiencing a $1500 watch on my wrist rn. Not a struggle 

    4. Gustando


      experiencing being rich and popular in minecraft B)

  21. I 100% recommend! He made Monk Nym look so cute and AHHH I SQUEALED WITH EXCITEMENT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER IT- ITS AMAZINGGGG And he listens to if you have an issue and he fixes it for you! He is so talented ❤️
  22. Dinochad


    Changed Status to Denied
  23. Dinochad


    Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to Never responded to the pending, though here are the changes that would need to be made: Forest Dwarves do not have elf ears- can you fix that on your skin please ❤️ Forest Drawves Cannot be 5 ft – Dwarves are short! After correcting the above things, you may reapply at any time. If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord @Dinochan#1825, and I recommend you join the LOTC Discord using the following invite: https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F
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