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Everything posted by Dyl

  1. the beard and the process.... for all my nba followers. as meek mill once said "oh scary hours turn the cameras off please."

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I have 76ers and Chicago meeting in the Eastern Conference Finals this year.

    2. Dyl


      I would love to see that. Slash Brothers vs Embiid and Harden would be so dope.

      Edited by Dyl
  2. check out Rhenyari, really cool, super awesome.
  3. I’ve been told I’m a living meme, so do me.
  4. darth revan is canon now...

  5. Isa Basrid prepares to march on Southbridge. “You are not forgotten Prince Philip Aurelian… I fight to honor you.” He’d don his ancestor’s Gunner armor and prepared himself to fight the nation he used to be loyal to.
  6. The 1st Count of Susa shakes his head from the Seven Skies, wondering why his successor would give up his position as Patriarch to a lesser branch.
  7. Some writing would be written on one of Yasamin's snowmen, "We will meet soon child..."
  8. Isa B. sits at a nearby tavern, sipping his tea. He'd hear of the notice of the former Duke's declaration, nodding and smiling. "Mitras, he has honor. Good for you Lord Peter."
  9. Good job great emperor lmao 

    1. Marquesa_


      The emperors (and regnant empress) you endorsed weren’t any better.

  10. Ayo shits crazy, I’m a Haense nationalist now @Xarkly @Pureimp10

    1. Pureimp10


      certified haensa

    2. seannie


      Straight outta west side reza, crazy motherfucker named Dyl
      From the gang called Haensaz With Attitudes

    3. Valannor


      ah shit not again, I hate when I suddenly start screaming KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM in the streets of west Karosgrad

  11. “Damn, that’s crazy,” said an elderly man from his abode.
  12. "My respect to both His Royal Majesty and the Ducal House in these trying times... Not many real ones left in this world." An elderly man states.
  13. gib private channel in the rp plz
  14. @Anore @CharmingCavalier and myself, the great peacemakers of the craft because of basketball.

  15. ayo i think dingo doesnt want basketball because he got his ankles broken on the court or he might've gotten dunked on

  16. crazy how i helped bring peace to lotc through basketball....


    azog strong

  17. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE PROVIDENCE VIGILANTES, FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE ORENIAN BASKETBALL TEAM: @Cracker has announced this will be his last season as head coach of the Providence Vigilantes. @Nectorist has rejoined the team. @Chennster has been waived. @GrizzlyWes signed to a contract @Da_Emperors signed to a max contract @Anore to Freeport ***** Pidgeons @Dyl signed to a supermax 1 year deal.
  18. yo who else tryna find the One Piece? Luffy taking too long


  19. With crossbows aimed at him by the Emperor's order, Isa Basrid mutters these words, "I love Haense, I hate lizards." He did like Haense, it was the second part the Emperor had forced him to say.
  20. Here go all your problems again

    three, two, one, you're pinned

  21. movie soundtracks really leveled up. 


    My Guy by Leon Bridges is my **** rn

    1. Sorcerio


      IDK, no one can really beat Howard Shore. 

    2. AmericanSimp


      Nothing will ever beat How to train your dragons, shiz is spicy spicy

  22. Isa sat by his grandmother's side in her final hours, pondering why it had to be her. His baba had disappeared when he was young, only imparting on him his native tongue, and his imma had died years prior. Yahya was the last remaining paternal figure in his life... and now she was gone. "Yahya...." He muttered as the life faded from her, alas, the young adolescent could not cry. Isa knew all too well this pain, it could not wring tears from him anymore.
  23. LT why u gotta do striga like that?

    1. Tiresiam


      Yeah I'm thoroughly disappointed, but not surprised.

    2. Nug


      w-what happened

    3. DrakeHaze.
  24. i been making like 2000 a minute

  25. i wanna change my rank can a mod or admin give me 230 points to my content count plz

    1. GMRO


      personally boosted.

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