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Everything posted by Roguechaotic

  1. Skin: Haenseni boy Bid: 60 Discord: RC~#3417
  2. IGN: RogueChaoticCharacter name: Axel BrashtonWhich game(s) are you signing up for: Agility Percision Balance
  3. Aeonn would read the missive and set it unto the table in front of his comrades "Seems weve a new kind of monster to slay, for those who worship that which cursed our blood will shed its own as payment for their sinful choice"
  4. Alistair...for this one night not Aeonn as he hears of his dear sister passing after just seeing her a few days past in the Urugan Tavern drinks his sadness away for she would not want to see him in mourning. "Heh...another fiery spirit for the beyond" hed then raise his glass in toast to her memory "To the very...first...valkyire....may there be many more who follow your example dear sister...and I will keep my promise...youll see me sometime...but wont be to soon" as he downs the his glass one of many to come hed pause looking to the cieling with a tiery eyed smile "A rest...after a job...well...done"
  5. Aeonn thinks back to the many encounters hed witness of haense slaughtering rimetrolls pondering on the large amounts of red that stained the oh so pure white snow "...something must be done...for we are the true invaders...this is truly their land and we are but pilgrims who landed upon this land...weve no right to exterminate that which call this land home..."
  6. Aeonn would take a deep breath from his cigar before blowing the ploom of smoke as he read the page over "Undead er not, dont matter much to me as long as they dont go killin people"
  7. o7 much love to ya basket. Hope to continue seeing you around sometime red,blue, or whatever tag youll have.
  8. Aeonn would actually seem to perk up at the news of the treaty, it being themost emotion hes showed in years "...glad norland has the sense to understand all life and not just their own"
  9. Aeonn would file away the missive going 'Chu im sorry but to hell wit the ocean were fightin it" and proceeds to polish his armor for the coming oceanic confrontation.
  10. Aeonn would read this over going "Domrinur your gonna needa abit of help wit fightin the whole ocean now"
  11. Ive a group of anti heros atm so lawful evil kinda fits in that range so if your interested hit me up RC~#3417
  12. Aeonn would happily take up the invitation "So o'l Dorimnur is gettin hitched, well ill be sure the rest of the Eight know" laughs at how just a month ago they were bashing a naga's brains out together and now its a fancy get together. He then taps his chin thinking "Wonder if that suit i requested will be prepared in time?"
  13. Aeonn walking along east fleet would ponder the bird and the beacons reasoning for being there "First it was Demons....now its Fae creatures....seems all separate plans want a piece of the material one..." he'd sink his sword into the ground as he'd sit upon a rock to the side of the main road "...I wonder which will come next....time only tells" he'd then ponder a request with one of the groves "...I may have to pay a visit to one of the druids homes for more answers..."
  14. Aeonn would sit in the keep of brynrose pondering over a copy of the missive "...goodness theyve got heart...cant say itll go well but theyve got the effort" hed then fold the parchment and file it into a desk
  15. Aeonn would happily sign up himself and his guild to assist unloading the cargo, mostly to ensure he and his group can make sure such is protected. OOC: (Probably 2-4 people)
  16. Who was your favorite persona to play
  17. Aeonn would sit along the round table reading a copy of the missive slipping on his magic ring "Im sure whoevers going to reclaim the land needs a shield..."
  18. Aeonn resting at the roundtable would once more hear chatter, mutters, and whispers through the wind from many he had passed that would allow this to reach his ears. "Seems more interesting spots are opening in this land...time we made a visit..."
  19. Aeonn looks around the round table "a cannon could be useful?" He consults with the others seated to his sides and front
  20. skin: What a lovely shawl bid: $18 discord: RC~#3417
  21. skin: What a lovely shawl bid: $16 discord: RC~#3417
  22. Skin: What a lovely shawl Bid: $11 Discord: RC~#3417
  23. Skin: what a lovely shawl Bid: 70 mina Discord: RC~#3417
  24. Id like to traverse the ruins as well if youd be so kind
  25. What weapon from good ol D/D2 am iiiii
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