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  1. To The Mountain Men To the Tribesmen, The People of the Mountains, The Kingdom of Norland and Jarldom of Dunrath do not accept this proposal written forth. We reject it on all counts. 1. The Jarldom of Dunrath shall build as they see fit and as the King of Norland allows. 2. The Fortress known as “Fort Cathrine” will continue to stay standing. 3. The Settlement known as Gränsstad will continue to exist as it has. 4. The Construction of estates outside the walls of Dunrath shall continue as they have. 5. Constructions of roads through the Raenrland will continue as they have. 6. The Tribesman of the Mountains will be allowed to live in peace. These terms are non-negotiable. Should you refuse, The Father’s fire shall rain down on you, and all of Norland shall descend upon your lands until all of you are sent to his halls for judgement. We are the rightful rulers of all the lands of Norland, including the Raenrland mountains. There will not be an acceptance needed as these are our terms, if they are not followed, all of you shall have war upon you. Signed, His Royal Majesty, Vane Freysson Ruric , King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, High Chieftain of the Rurikkid, Protector of Highlanders His Highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad The Most Honorable, Dùghlas MacDhaibhidh MacFhilib MacMartainn Sutharlainn, Chieftain of the United Clans of Barr and Suther, Jarl of Dùnrath, The Rt. Hon. Lady, Leyna Edvardsson, Baroness of Krew, Chieftain of Kazimir, Envoy of the Kingdom of Norland
  2. ❆ The Elysium Krugmas Tavern Night ❆ 19th of The Sun's Smile, SA 45 “Krugmas is the day that brings everyone all together.” [!] A painting of the Elysium square, filled with festive decorations and freshly adorned with a vibrantly lush Krugmas tree, its many branches embellished with shimmering ornamentation. To the Citizens of Elysium and Her Allies, As winter advances across Almaris, the Duchy of Elysium will be celebrating Krugmas! In these darkened days which envelop our realm, times like this allow us to celebrate the cheerful revelry which must be held steadfast in one's heart to persevere. These festivities will commence upon this upcoming Snow’s Maiden, within the upper-most floor of The White Bear Tavern. Any and all are invited to come and enjoy the warm merriment which permeates the wooden walls of our tavern. Steaming hot chocolate, peppermint sticks, freshly baked gingerbread cookies, chilled eggnog and more will be served by our diligent keepers, as the spirit of Krugmas is maintained throughout. Furthermore, all participants will receive small festive presents upon entry, and are invited to take this time to exchange gifts with their family and friends. As well as the interchange of presents, all are also encouraged to swap tales, whether they be of festive nature, or simply stories of times past. Remembrance and communion found the ideals which represent Krugmas, and it is these same sentiments that we intend to honor by hearthfire and snow. Finally, while it is by no means required, all are welcome to don sweaters of Krugmas spirit, whether they be ugly or not! Perhaps, too, Father Krugmas himself will pay a visit this cold winter night, and deliver joy and gifts alike to any young ones who may take part in such holiday spirit… Signed, Duke Eugeo de Astrea Lady Aylin de Astrea, Heir Regent Minister of Interior & Foreign Affairs Penned by, Lord Esmond Reede, Co-Owner of the White Bear Tavern and Department of Culture Chancellor Lady Emerald Guenevere, Elysian Post and Postal Founder Event Committee
  3. Blood, Snow and Shadow “When your City is in flames with the walls crumbling around you and the very air in your lungs is choked with ash and ember.. When your citizens are hung from the walls and the banners of the Black Sun hang from the ruins of your Keep.. it will be too late to renounce your False Gods. We offer you this one final chance at Salvation.” - The Barrowlord Astark to the imprisoned High Prince of Fenn, Vytrek. In all of Fenns long and storied history, this would be their darkest of days. A day forever to be remembered, where the Stalwart Light of the few stood against the coming dark in what was to be their final hour. The actions that played out this day would determine the fate of their city and their people as they stood on the very brink of annihilation. And yet.. The Nations of Almaris did nothing, standing on the sidelines and choosing to battle their Descendant brothers and sisters in petty disagreements between Nations and perceived insults. Killing and maiming each other over material possessions, land and titles. If only they knew that once Fenn had been reduced to ash and rubble and the banners of the Blackened Sun hung from their walls.. That this host of Xion, this Legion of the Damned would be on their doorstep next. And so the embattled defenders of Fenn stood alone. The Ivae’Fenn, the Vigilants, the ordinary citizens of Fenn and their Azdrazi allies.. Surrounded on all sides as the jaws of death closed in on them. With a Prophecy foretold, warning of the coming events, they did all they could to bolster their defences and forge new weapons. But would it be enough? ❄ The Battle of Fenn Begins ❄ And so that fateful day arrived, an eerie silence taking hold of the city as the defenders stood ready. The Archvigilant of War assessed the defences and the nervous defenders, he had faith in his people and in Wyrvun to carry them to victory. Several lines of defences had been set up between the main gates of the city and the Keep, the once peaceful city had been turned into a veritable fortress that stood ready to receive the Blackened Host. And so it began.. The silence would be broken as thousands of trumpets pierced the wintry air and the howling winds of the blizzard that still ravaged the city. They could not see their foe, the unhallowed fogs and blistering blizzards obscuring their sight to nothing. Yet, the Children of Fenn had prepared themselves, wearing magical helmets to detect the heat signatures of their foes in the mists. Bang. Bang. Bang.. the Gates of Fenn were battered relentlessly, the cries and moans of the undead crying out for the blood of the defenders in the names of their dark masters. Then, with a thundering crack would the gates be breached and the horde of the damned poured through into the streets of the city. “Open Fire!” The command was relayed to the defenders, several ballista and regiments of archers readied their weapons before unleashing a hailstorm of projectiles into the breach and the horde swarming through it. The projectiles glinted under the blackened sun overhead, their arrowheads of aurum and thanium seeming like a descending storm of stars that laid waste to the first wave. Arms and armour fell to the ground as phantasmal warriors were slain in the hundreds, being manifested and banished to whatever realm they had come from. Yet it was nowhere near enough. The first line of defences were quickly overwhelmed, an intense aura of dread taking hold of the city as the undead horde butchered and slaughtered their way through the Fennic defenders without mercy. Chanting the name of their Forsaken Lord and offering up Xionist chants to the Black Sun that lingered overhead. Those who had not succumbed to the butchery that took place in the first line of defence quickly retreated, falling back to the second line as Ballista's were reloaded and arrows were knocked in place. ❂ The Dark Lord Arrives ❂ From the midst of that carnage a towering figure clad in armour wrought of infernal design stepped forth, their stygian gaze coming to study the defiant defenders that stood in opposition to the Children of Xion. The Forsaken Lord of the Xionist forces had arrived, flanked on either side by an honour guard of towering stone Knights that pulverised any would-be assailant that dared neared this Dark God. A discordant choir of voices would make their presence known, booming forth from the armoured husk of that Forsaken Lord. “Children of Fenn, you have had your chance to repent and forsake your False Gods for years. And yet you still stand defiant, willful slaves to higher powers that care not for you or your kin! And so.. With a heavy heart does the duty of your execution fall upon us. We cannot allow you to be pawns to the Aengudemonica any longer..” “Open Fire!” came that command once more from the Fennic Commanders, another volley of ballista bolts, arrows and javelins descending upon the damned host and the Forsaken Lord. The efforts of the defenders would prove fruitless however, the Barrowlord extending forth a palm and bringing forth the mortal magicks at their command to summon an ectoplasmic barrier of immense proportions that stopped the hailstorm of projectiles in their path. A victorious cry would rise from the attackers as suddenly the atmosphere on the battlefield changed.. Both the Children of Fenn and the Children of Xion fell silent as the shadows seemingly intensified before retreating and being pulled into the centre of the city and the gaping crater that lingered there. The two armies stopped their fighting as they watched onward in terror as the Apparition awoke from its slumber under the earth. As a sickening laugh of a child's voice broke the silence, chaos was unleashed once more. The Apparition was the friend of none and the foe of all, laying waste to both the Children of Fenn and the Children of Xion in droves. It shifted in and out of reality, appearing in the midst of tightly pact formations of troops before tearing them limb from limb in brutal fashion. The forces of Light and Dark resumed their slaughter of one another and did their best to avoid the Apparition's wrath as the very streets of Fenn became slick with the blood of the fallen. There was one however that held the key to Fenns salvation and victory in this seemingly impossible fight, a Draconic Warrior and Champion of the Flame. Standing in the back line and offering aid to the beleaguered defenders, his very presence acted as a beacon that bolstered the faltering hearts of those who were overcome with fear and dread. With ease he laid waste to any hungering geist that managed to breach through their lines, cutting them apart and banishing them with blistering dragon's flame. Yet he was here for one in particular, his fiery countenance studying the carnage before him in search of the enemies Champion and Commander. There they were.. ❖ The Decisive Moment ❖ The Forsaken Lord was cutting a bloody swathe through the battlefield and leaving a great many dead in her wake alongside her Stone Guardians. Though her path of destruction would come to a sudden halt as the Apparition conjured forth a glimmering storm from the skies that unleashed devastation on the battlefield and tore into the Forsaken Lord’s Honour Guard and herself, cutting them apart. This was the opportunity the Fennic defenders needed, a single moment in the shifting events of the battle that would determine their victory or defeat. As the Barrowlord engaged in bloody close quarters combat, their armoured form would come to be destroyed and their true form would be exposed for all to see. The sickly radiant visage of the Wight Barrowlord ascending into the air above the battlefield as infernal weapons hovered around them intent on killing a great many more. Yet, unaware to this Lord the apparition hunted her.. Should the Apparition have claimed the power from this Forsaken Lord, it would be unstoppable. It would be unknown if the Draconic Champion knew this or not, but they were well aware of the opportunity that had presented itself and with their arm reared back a mighty spear of dragon flame was conjured forth and hurled with great speed. It punctured deep into the Barrowlords form, a shrill cry escaping their being as it was torn apart and exploded from within. This was the turning point of the battle and the Hierophant, the Forsaken Lords personal champion, sounded the call to retreat. Their voices booming across the battlefield for all to hear! “The Lord has fallen, retreat!” With this final act would the city of Fenn be saved, the Draconic Warrior watching as the Children of Xion were routed from the city only to watch as the Apparition descended on him in those final moments of the battle.. ↽ The Aftermath ⇀ And so the Defenders of Fenn would win the day, but at what cost? The streets of Fenn were covered with the slain bodies of hundreds and the gutters ran red with the blood of the fallen as the city burned. Many sons and daughters of Fenn had been slain, and the Apparition still yet lived in the Crypts below.. Would they continue to stand alone against this threat? Barely holding on to their lives as week after week, year after year they were assailed by the forces of the dark. Or would the Nations of Almaris finally turn their gaze to Fenn and rally to their aid? Only time would tell.
  4. FIFTH NAME DAY EXTRAVAGANZA [i] A painting of the Royal House celebrating Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta’s fifth name day sits here. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, Her Serene Highness, Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya, formally invites the people of Hanseti-Ruska and the honorable invitees below to her fifth name day celebration in the Nikirala Prikaz. Attendees will be expected to wear white carnations, Her Highness’ favorite flower. The festivities shall begin with a magnificent feast, where Her Highness shall be presented with marvelous gifts, an exorbitant amount of pastries, and an exquisite name day cake. After the feast, Her Serene Highness shall invite the attending youth out into the gardens to search for a hutch of animals that have been released, with each chicken signifying one point, each rabbit signifying three points, and the singular fox signifying ten points. The winner shall receive a bag of sweets and a sash. INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO: His Grace, Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Vladrik Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Johann Barclay, Count of Reinmar and his noble pedigree The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Sigmar Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree The Allies of Hanseti-Ruska SIGNED, Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Emma Karenina, Queen of Hanseti-Ruska Her Serene Highness, Prinzenas Klara Elizaveta, Duchess of Baranya [OOC: To be held in the Nikirala Prikaz on the 2nd of December at 5 PM EST.)
  5. Wedding and tournament is in the Varhelm Square in Norland. We hope to see you there!
  6. ☾ The Elysium Astral Feast ☽ ✧ The Grand Harvest, Year 49 of the Second Age ✧ -- Pinned to notice boards throughout the realm, a small ornate flyer rests before you, its parchment bordered with an intricate golden trim, and its ink denoted by a rich lavender hue. -- -- A local Elysian artist’s rendition of a darkened night sky dotted full of billowing sky lanterns. To the Denizens of Elysium and Its Allies, As Autumn advances, and the air continues to grow crisp and cool, it is necessary we remember the importance of union and familial bond in times of complexity and change. Let us set aside our trials and tribulations and for one night celebrate and commemorate such strong unification which emboldens us all to our causes, whatever they may be. In two Elven days, upon The Grand Harvest of year forty-nine of the Second Age, invitations are extended to all to attend the Elysium Astral Feast, held within the grand palace of the Duchy of Elysium. Any and all are delightfully welcomed to enjoy the festivities and feasting that will be provided by the de Astrean family and Department of Culture. -- Festivities Upon entry into the palace, all attendees will be gifted their own handcrafted paper floating lantern to keep until the conclusion of the dinner. All will continue up the grand quartz staircase of the Palace towards the upper floor, where a banquet will have been laid out and prepared for all to enjoy a delicious and well-rounded meal of many courses. Following the conclusion of the feast, Duke Eugeo de Astrea shall provide a short speech regarding the de Astrean family and its origins, as well as the significant presence of family and fellowship seen spread wide throughout our wonderful Duchy. Once the speech has seen its end, all participants will be invited to exit the palace and enter the gardens, where the lanterns handed out previously shall be withdrawn. Within these paper vessels shall be penned wishes and whims one may hold for themselves or their families, to be then set alight and released into the shimmering sky above, welcoming the dawning days before as the lanterns intertwine with the starlight beyond. -- Special Invitations are extended to the Clans residing within the Duchy of Elysium, as well as the De Astrean family and its many members. Signed and Penned by, Lord Esmond Reede, Department of Culture Chancellor. With cooperation from, Lady Emerald Ferinn-Guenevere, Department of Culture Collaborator. Orchestrated by, [Saturday, 6PM EST] Issued the 20th of Snow's Maiden, Year 49 of the Second Age.
  7. Hello LotC! It's marimbamonk, or Zac Clay. I stream LotC on the weekends :) I'm happy to introduce a new project of mine: LotC Quest Cards! Here is the first one. Every day (except Sundays), a new quest will be added to the card. The card will be updated on my Discord: https://discord.gg/SAsaJcRVXj How It Works Quests can range from broad, general tasks – like "RP with another character" – to more specific ones, like "explore this location." If you want to start a quest, simply log on to LotC and choose your own path to try to complete it! Quests are open-ended, so feel free to be creative, as long as you still feel like you've completed the task! You don't need to complete a quest the day it comes out – just make sure you've finished it by the end of the week! Most importantly, make sure you take screenshots as you undergo your quest. You will need to submit 1-5 screenshots as proof that you've completed each quest. Once you've completed as many quests as you care to, you would submit all of your screenshots to the form found in the #cards channel on my Discord. The form will show up on Saturday (when the final quest is revealed), and closes on Monday (when a new card is announced)! Once your quests are submitted, you're all done! Some cards will have rewards, or prizes. Submitting this one, for example, will enter you in for a chance to win a free game through Humble Choice (it's like Humble Bundle). More details and stuff are on my Discord server; that's sort of the hub for the quests right now. See the link above if you want to get involved! Otherwise, let me know what ya'll think! Thanks!
  8. Prelude. [!] Far and across every realm - to all Descendant kind, the following message would be delivered. To some, it will be stamped with a self-devouring serpent. To others, a single, baleful eye wreathed with flame. To some still, an assembly of seven stars above an Elven crown. The meaning, regardless is the same. I have walked into the den of the Titan, expecting death, and instead am given this charge. This warning I extend to Almaris and all its peoples. “Mark this hour’s passing. Amathea’s doom is certain. I will come upon it as a great and terrible malice of the like that this world has only just forgotten. It will begin at the city’s heart, which will blacken and burn. A poison will flow through the woodland realm’s veins, and when it has been made grey, I will reap all that I have sown and feast upon its lifeforce. Black metal will fall from the sky and mar every monument to elvenkind, every altar to your gods, and every grove in which you celebrate life. I will do this without pause. And when I have finished my work I will look to the East.” For Azdromoth is his name Calamity, his domain Amaethea is next. @Bhased @Panashea @Iverach @_pr0fit @Xarkly @Terry @OhDeerLord@Lionbileti @BenevolentManacles @WestCarolina @Formenost @Malaise @Valannor @Abeam @Monkee@Bethinwonderland @Suicidium
  9. Concealed words The first lights of day broke through the window reflecting onto the dark elven man’s face that rested onto his messy double bed. The man groaned in displeasure as he felt the sun rays on his face, he turned around letting the light now light his back, showing his many ugly scars on his skin of soot in great detail. He then patted the empty space on the other side of the bed, feeling the wool fabric under his palm, as he did that he slowly opened his eyes as he looked at the empty spot with a frown and blurry vision. A groan left his mouth as he raised his back to now sit on the bed, he felt his head spinning as he did that.... right... the other day was very active one for him: he attended his beloved son’s wedding and enjoyed a beautiful night with his fellow mali’kers and family, he organised an exciting fist scuff night too. But after that he had a talk with his latest partner, he now was alone again and got rightfully called a “bastard” by that woman. After that memory all he could remember was running to the tavern with his lads. He now fully understood why he was sick, he surely chugged a whole stock of alcohol, he knew he was a shameful alcoholic and when he saw drinks and started sipping the first he would not stop until he was satisfied, of course he never was so he just ended up wobbling around the tavern while complaining of his crappy life choices and crying about irrelevant things like the drunk man he was. He still now is wondering how his poor liver can still function with this quantity of toxic alcohol passing through it. Other than the spiralling down situation of the other day he stood there with a stupid smile on his face, thinking about the marriage of his son and that sweet girl named Aver’wyn, as he did that he turned to the window and whistled. From the open window a menacing crow with feathers of soot heavily landed on his right shoulder. As it’s claws grabbed onto his skin the man did not flinch, instead he started to write on a piece of paper, he folded it once finished and attached it to the golden crow’s collar “go an’ do yer job, Schwarzer” he said softly as the crow soared out of the window with unnerving speed. You may be wondering who might receive these letters... or what it may be written on them... these letters were merely dropped from the diligent Schwarzer somewhere in Stygian Hollow, lost to time until a lucky folk manages to get their eyes on the mysterious piece of paper. Perhaps Zirath wanted to have some fun after the stressful life he led. He patiently waited for a stranger to pick his letter up and send a bird back.... who knows... he may give a little prize. [ooc: there will be a sign around stygian that needs to be found! it's a letter! good luck :) and when you find it send me a screenshot with you in it on discord! sorry if i made typos and sorry if the sketch is unfinished, bad quality and kinda sucks. i made a little story because i discovered i love writing these! so thought to integrate my creative writing with events on lotc more often, for some reason the post has gray ugly lines...]
  10. THE AURVELDT SPRING HUNT A painting of a previous ball sits at the top of the missive. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, Viscount Isaak Amador and Viscountess Eleanora Helaine Amador are pleased to announce the Aurveldt Spring Hunt in celebration of Their Majesties, King Sigismund III and Queen Emma Karenina’s tour of our beloved kingdom. While a hunt for the finest boar of Hanseti-Ruska takes place, led by the King and Viscount Amador, Viscountess Amador will hold a tea for the gentlewomen in the gardens of Aurveldt. Guests are encouraged to bring their hounds to the event. Afterwards, the successful catches from the hunt will be butchered and served to the guests. INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING: His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Johann Barclay, Count of Reinmar and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Yvo Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree SIGNED, The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt, Baron of Mondstadt The Honorable, Eleanora Helaine Amador, Viscountess-Consort of Aurveldt, Baroness-Consort of Mondstadt, Lady Chamberlain of Nikirala Prikaz [OOC: To be held on Thursday, September 30th at 4:30 PM EST/9:30 PM GMT]
  11. A LUNCHEON AT AURVELDT [i] A painting of a previous garden party sits here. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, In celebration of the first Saint’s Anniversary of of Haenseni Independence, Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Helaine Amador would like to invite the ladies and gentlemen of Hanseti-Ruska to the Viscounty of Aurveldt for a garden party hosted by the House of Amador. All denizens of Hanseti-Ruska are welcome to attend, and are encouraged to come socialize in celebration of Haeseni Independence. Fine teas, light wines and delicious food shall be provided by the House of Amador for the guests throughout the event, and guests might choose from a variety of activities to spend the time with their peers, including games of Haeseni Chess and discussing prominent topics pertinent to the current and future Haeseni citizens. INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING: His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Johann Barclay, Count of Reinmar and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Yvo Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree SIGNED, The Honorable, Eleanora Helaine Amador, Viscountess-Consort of Aurveldt, Baroness-Consort of Mondstadt, Lady Chamberlain of Nikirala Prikaz [OOC: To be held September 23rd at 4:30 PM EST/9:30 PM GMT]
  12. 𝓓𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼 '𝓷 𝓣𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼 Tira othok'koss anarmar, yno'ka'az rullok, yoth korth ath yno'yemka yoth tira'geron Use your hands, he said, for they are meant for working -=- The dwed of Urguan have long been known for their craftsmanship, though even between ourselves we may not know all. Just as Yemekar once did, our mortal bones were forged and fingers sewn to follow in our creator’s footsteps. It is in our blood to craft and create, though perhaps just as much as to drown in hearty drink. With such said, I invite all those who follow to join us in Hefruum for drinking and tinkering, an event to fill the tavern with laughter and enjoyment. Bring your friends and your kin to enjoy a lesson in craftsmanship. A secret Hefruum specialty brew will be served, and a lesson will be given in a craft, be it Hefruum’s wooden works, or Urguan’s skill in metal, come and join us for a grand time. The gathering will be held in the Sugary *** Tavern within Dol’Anym (Hefruum). This year’s lesson will be taught by Celeste’Tol Blackroot on the art of woodcarving, specifically detailing for your craftsmanship. Supplies will be provided at the event, so just make sure to bring your working hands! Dinner will be served for those in attendance after the lesson, at the Wooden Mountain Inn below the tavern. All food will be provided, though extra drinks are available for purchase. Stays at the inn will be discounted for the event, only two minas per person per night. OOC: The event will be held in Hefruum’s tavern on Sunday, September 26th. It will start at 2:00PM EST. Bring your friends!
  13. [!] as the wind blew on Stygian Hollow and Thunders roared in the rainy sky, a golden figure glanced over the dark elven city with eyes full of bitterness and rage, burning the trees with its fiery gaze. In the air some energy and tension could be felt building up as the rain consumed the stone under its feet. [!] "may the ones yond consum'd pow'r decayeth and roteth with these poisonous roots yond hath grown with those folk!" ???, ???pm EST, Stygian Hollow, Urguan LOTC event note: the animation is not the best and the voices are even worse but i did my best :) enjoy
  14. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Dulle fur Leopold ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ A depiction of a Sedanian bravely fighting alongside their Savoyard and Osinite Allies during the succession war for the bastard prince of William “the coward” Buckfort. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Dullue fur Leopold, or translated to Duels for Leopold. Is an event where his Serene Highness, Leopold I of South Sedan shall host a tournament, for one to be named the Champion of Sedan. All are allowed to fight with their blood and sweat for the title under the watchful eye of the graceful and diligent Sovereign of Sedan. Alongside the duels. We, the event planners and his Serene Highness himself do warn anyone coming for hostility will be imprisoned and trialed by Sedenian Law. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The Household of His Serene Highness Invites His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree As well the rest of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska’s Citizens His Serene Highness, Oliver Renault de Savoie, Prince of Savoy and his noble pedigree As well the rest of the Principality of Savoy’s Citizens The Right and Honorable, Quentin Brae, Lord-Mayor of Du Loc and his noble pedigree As well the rest of Du Loc’s Citizens His Excellency, Azkel Frostbeard, Lord-Regent of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and his noble pedigree As well the rest of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan's citizens And the rest of the allies and friends of the principality For the Dulle fur Leopold ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ OOC Time : 6:00 PM EST Date : 9/19/21 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Sign up Age : Alliance : Race : ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Decreed by, His Serene Highness, Leopold I of South Sedan, Prince of Sedan, Duke of Ravensberg, Count of Louisville, Count of Döbern, Baron of Avoria, Lord Ponce and Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, and Destroyer of Rozanians. Her Ladyship, Roberta Louise de Ravensburg ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
  15. A New Lord and Lady [i] Hawks carry invitations to various citizens of Hanseti-Ruska. A sketch of Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Amador holding Lady Sofiya Marjoreya sits here. To the citizens of Hanseti-Ruska, Viscount Isaak Amador and Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Amador, are pleased to announce the births of their children, Lord Aleksandr Lukas Amador and Lady Sofiya Marjoreya Amador. In celebration of the birth of their children, Viscount and Viscountess-Consort Amador hereby invite the following parties as well as all citizens of Hanseti-Ruska to a banquet at the Viscounty of Aurveldt where the joyous parents will accept gifts on the twins’ behalf and name their godparents. FORMAL INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING: His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Johann Barclay, Count of Reinmar and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree The Honorable, Robert Ludovar, Viscount of Sesweck and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Stefan II Vyronov, Baron of Astfield and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Yvo Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree His Royal Highness, Franz Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree PERSONAL INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING: Her Royal Highness, Petra Emma, Prinzenas of Hanseti-Ruska and Duchess of Karosgrad Her Imperial Highness, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of the Holy Orenian Empire Her Ladyship, Juliya Baruch Her Ladyship, Georgina Baruch His Lordship, Kaustantin Baruch His Lordship, Viktor Baruch and partner Gifts are appreciated but not required. SIGNED, The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt, Baron of Mondstadt The Honorable, Eleanora Helaine Amador, Viscountess-Consort of Aurveldt, Baroness-Consort of Mondstadt, Lady Chamberlain of Nikirala Prikaz [OOC: To be held on Sunday the 19th of September at 4 PM EST.]
  16. [!] After several discussions between High Keeper of Norland and Heir Regent of Elysium on the matter, a letter circulated through both Norland and Elysium: It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Outrider Matilda Osmond has passed into the Allfathers Halls. Mother of Aila and Raimyr, wife of High Keeper Dramyr Edvardsson Ruric, friend of everyone she came into contact with, we wish to extend invitation for her funeral which is to be held on the premises of Old Elysium: it was a place she held most dear and is where she shared many memories with her loved ones and fellow Rangers. Signed, High Keeper Dramyr Edvardsson Ruric Aylin de Astrea, Former Chief Diplomat to Norland, Heir Regent & Head Diplomat to Elysium
  17. El’kaliri Thilln’asul 5th of Sun’s Smile, 40 S.A. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” The day of the Silver Sun is a day that commemorates all the progress which has led us to the point we are at today and where we will be in the future; to honor progress, those of the past, those of the present, and those of the future. It is a day that signifies all that has been and all that we ensure it will be. It is a time for discussion of our future and what will become of such. In order to ensure that we stand by the tradition of silver and uphold the Silver Revolution, Haelun’or shall be hosting a Masquerade of the Silver Sun in the Citadel this coming First Seed of 41 S.A. There shall be games, food, dancing, and most importantly the mali’thill. While all that are friends of the state and beloved citizens are welcome, they are asked to abide by a strict dress code of silver and light blue-hued attire along with their masks. Masks are encouraged so that people may focus on parts of their purity outside of that of the beloved forms that were blessed by the Golden Pools and to highlight other parts of oneself. We cannot wait to see you there. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Penned and Signed; Valyris Wynasul, Okarir’tayna OOC: Friday, September 10th @ 4:00 PM EST // 9:00 PM GMT
  18. A DAY OF TWO DEBUTANTES VE VALWYCK HAUCHMETVAS c. 389 ES The Ladies Juliya and Georgina Baruch in portrait preparing letters for their Hauchmetvas. To the citizens of Hanseti-Ruska and honorable invitees below, Their Ladyships, Juliya and Georgina Baruch, are pleased to announce the date of their joint Hauchmetvas, to take place at the Castle of Lichtestadt in the Duchy of Valwyck. The pair look forward to the day upon which they shall celebrate their coming of age, and are excited to carry on family traditions, as well as implement some of their own. I. WREATH BESTOWMENT First carried out by Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Amador, cousin to Lady Georgina and Lady Juliya, the pair of ladies shall be bestowed with wreaths of flowers to celebrate their coming of age. Lady Georgina shall receive a wreath of violets, sunflowers, and oleander to represent her modesty and humility, vitality, and gracefulness in the beginning of her life as a young woman. Lady Juliya shall receive a wreath of poppies, aster, and daisies to represent generosity, wisdom, and beauty to wish her well in the beginning of her adulthood. II. UNCLE-NIECE DANCE In place of their father, the Ladies Georgina and Juliya have decided to bestow their first dance as grown women upon their uncle, Duke Ruslan Baruch of Valwyck. The pair shall take turns waltzing with Duke Baruch with the eldest debutante, Juliya, taking the first waltz of the evening. After the Uncle-Niece dances, guests are encouraged to take to the floor. III. THE DEBUT JESTER Their Ladyships are also implementing their own tradition, in which a chosen relative shall be dressed and painted as a jester for the duration of the Hauchmetvas. The chosen relative shall perform at the request of the debuting lady or ladies, and shall be expected to follow instructions to a tee for the duration of the Hauchmetvas. Lady Juliya and Lady Georgina have chosen to allow their cousin, Viktor Baruch, the honor of being their Debut Jester, and shall be expected to appear to the Hauchmetvas in full jester regalia. IV. THE PARADE OF THE SUITORS After the uncle-niece dances, potential suitors are highly encouraged to present themselves before the pair of ladies should they be looking to offer suit, presenting an appropriate gift to each of the two. Lady Georgina has requested hounds. After said parade, suitors may request to dance with either of the debuting ladies. Any and all interested suitors may present themselves to Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Amador during or in the days after the Hauchmetvas so she might properly vet the prospective partners. FORMAL INVITATIONS ARE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING: His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree @Rudi His Grace, Johann Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree @Frymark His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree @biggestdon The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree @Luminaire The Honorable, Robert Ludovar, Viscount of Sesweck and his noble pedigree @erictafoya The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and their noble pedigree @Pureimp10 His Lordship, Stefan II Vyronov, Baron of Astfield and his noble pedigree @Wolfey34 His Lordship, Hildebrand Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree @Limo_man His Royal Highness, Franz Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree @Gusano A PERSONAL INVITATION IS INCLUDED TO EVERY MISSIVE: His Lordship, Kaustantin Baruch (Please return home, Kaus, please!) @Herod SIGNED, His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Viscount of Voron, Baron of Laval and Riveryn, and Guardian of the Haenseni Coast Her Ladyship, Juliya Adryana Baruch Her Ladyship, Georgina Sofiya Baruch
  19. The Union of Amador and Baruch [i] Hawks swoop through the skies, carrying letters of invitation to their desired destinations. A painting of Lady Eleanora surrounded by her mother, sisters, and aunts as she prepares for the wedding. Viscount Isaak Amador and Lady Eleanora Baruch are pleased to announce the date for their upcoming nuptials to be held in Saint Henrik’s Basilica in Karosgrad. Guests are expected to dress formally for the service and following feast at the Nikirala Prikaz to celebrate the marriage. FORMAL INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO: His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree His Grace, Friedrich Barclay, Regent of Reinmar and his noble pedigree His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree The Honorable, Robert Ludovar, Viscount of Sesweck and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Stefan II Vyronov, Baron of Astfield and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Yvo Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree His Highness, Franz Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree PERSONAL INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO: Her Royal Highness, Petra Emma, Princess Royal of Hanseti-Ruska Her Imperial Highness, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of the Holy Orenian Empire His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and Her Grace, Marjorie Baruch, Duchess-Consort of Valwyck and their noble pedigree His Lordship, Karl Amador, Knight Paramount of Hanseti-Ruska and Her Ladyship, Margot Amador and their noble pedigree Gifts are appreciated but not required. SIGNED, The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt, Baron of Mondstadt Her Ladyship, Eleanora Helaine Baruch [i] Event to be held on August 29th, 2021 at 4 PM EST.
  20. -= A Gathering In the Alley =- [!] Across Almaris a flyer is stapled to all easily accessible notice boards. Upon the parchment is the scrawling script describing the following. Join us in the Alley Alehouse on the Amber Cold of the 35th year of the second age for a joyous event! Hosted in the Vortice capital city of Talon’s Port by the Congress of the Monarch, the party will include a wide range of alcoholic choices, games, and delectable food for purchasing. Below is described a few games that will be ran during the event! Competitive darts A game of skill in which the participants shall take turns throwing three darts at the board, Highest scoring individual of the night will win a free drink of their choice from the bar. Iblees coin A deceitfully difficult game in which players will take turns trying to throw mina across the table and land a coin in each of the opponents five shot glasses. Each coin made in your glass requires you to slam the shot. If party goers are interested a tournament may be organized but otherwise this will be done on a person to person basis. Tavern Brawl As the name suggests that the roof of the tavern will be used for brawls. An ''alleged'' safe place to show just how great of a fighter that drink says you are. Bets can be placed or simply just a friendly event of slamming each other with chairs. Individuals with the most wins at the end of the event shall get 150 mina and free drinks for the following elven week. These selections are just to name a few of the attractions offered at the Port. The only restriction imposed on attendance is the city will be strictly denying all weapons from entering the city. If you forget this and show up with one, the guards will gladly hold it for you till you leave. Elsewise all are free to attend no matter race, nation, or creed so long as they do not start any issues.
  21. A DEBUT AT VALWYCK A painting of Lady Eleanora Helaine of Valwyck. The Lady Hauchmetvas of Her Ladyship, Eleanora Helaine Baruch, to celebrate the event of her fourteenth birthday, shall be held at the Castle of Lichtestadt to mark the young lady’s transformation from child to adult. Potential suitors are encouraged to introduce themselves and offer gifts or flowers to the young Lady Baruch. WREATH BESTOWMENT A wreath of irises which represent transformation, white lilies which symbolize purity, and sweet pea flowers which mean happiness, to wish the young lady happiness in this time of change, shall be given to Lady Baruch by her stepmother, Duchess-Consort Marjorie Helaine Baruch, at the start of the Hauchmetvas to wish her happiness and success in this new stage of her life. FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE Following the bestowment of a wreath to Lady Eleanora, she and the Duke of Valwyck shall share a dance to mark the opening of the ball. Afterwards, potential suitors are encouraged to approach the young Lady Baruch and ask for a dance. EXPECTED ATTIRE Guests are encouraged to wear the colors of their respective houses whilst ladies wear a flower of their choice with the exception being white peonies. The young Lady Baruch requests that no other attendees wear light blue, so she might be easily picked out amongst the crowd. FORMAL INVITATIONS WOULD BE SENT TO: His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his pedigree @Rudi His Royal Highness, Nikolas Barbanov, Duke of Galahar and his pedigree @GMRO His Royal Highness, Franz Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his pedigree @Gusano His Grace, Maric var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his pedigree His Grace, Erich Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his pedigree @DeadGuyMatt The Honourable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz @Luminaire The Honorable, Isaac Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his pedigree @Pureimp10 The Honorable, Kazimar Ludovar, Viscount of Seswesk and his pedigree @HogoBojo His Lordship, Hildebrand Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his pedigree @Limo_man Potential suitors are encouraged to seek out His Grace, the Duke of Valwyck, in the days following the hauchmetvas should they wish to declare their intentions of courting Lady Eleanora. SIGNED, His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Baron of Laval, Riveryn and Voron, Guardian of the Haenseni Coast Her Grace, Marjorie Helaine Baruch, Duchess-Consort of Valwyck, Countess-Consort of Ayr, Baroness-Consort of Laval, Riveryn, and Voron Her Ladyship, Eleanora Helaine Baruch established, 1581 “By Mountain, River and Coal” [OOC: To be held at Valwyck on Wednesday. the 28th of July, at 4:30 PM EST.]
  22. Wand


    “Black skies, sunless cold teeming Heatless, without flame, southern shadows seeking Unbroken, undead, spectral fingers reaching Long Darkness unbound, forgotten lessons teaching.” -The Wheel-Turner 10th of The Grand Harvest, 33 S.A. Somewhere in the Southern Woodlands of Almaris Dreadful gloom had fallen upon the Elvenessi peninsula, tenebrous mists obscuring sight. The moon above hangs low and pale, its visage coin-round and silvered. Fleeting moonlight shimmered sparsely across the glade clearing. Emerging through the forest’s treeline, the spear-wielding hunting party of Nevaehlen encroached upon blighted, silent lands. Nature's song had been muted here -- prelude to what would befall an otherwise unremarkable hunt. The hunters' quarry: a corrupted Fae, whose ravenous hunger expanded across the southern woodlands of Almaris. Such a prized creature would be the culmination of Laedrad’s Grand Task - and a worthy opponent, at that. It was too rare a sight to pass up, for it was not often a Fae emerged from its other-land: the Fae Realm. Fewer still were those one could name who personally dealt a Fae a killing blow. A dozen strode into the clearing fair, and met the scent of death. The rolling mists billowed across the corpses of the woodland dwellers: deer, boar, and all things native; their corpses were sunk to the earth, mangled bodies and viscera staining the earth of the ground - rotting the forest floor with decay. What was not fresh-bled was blanketed with the evening mist. Altogether, hundreds of bodies laid here, a seedbed for blight. From the corner of the clearing, movement. A goat’s haunch and cloven foot curled and rose. With it stood the beast of horrors, its face a lion’s, its body an amalgamation between goat and lion. Once it had been a noble, frightful creature of the Fae - but through unknown means had been corrupted. To the hunters of the Vale, it mattered not at the moment, and there would be no time for any druid to commune. It struck forth. Its body bore three sets of legs, each powerful and thick like tree trunks. Its gored, mangled figure wheeled across, and the afflicted woodlands bore witness to its gruesome growth. Its blackened ichor ruptured from each wound the hunters dealt, as the beast stretched its body high - as if reaching for the moon above. Then, wicked hands and feet beset the unlucky victim, seeking to pull Tanila Aureon into its maw. She, the partner of Laedrad, may have been spared her fate if only she had not come to hunt - for what happened next would damn her, and damn her sister, Nenar Terin. Once, a hundred years and fifty prior, if not more, a pallid malady had stricken the servants and allies of the Aspects. This Palebeast sickness grew and festered, taking root in the hearts of some. The perpetrator, this violator of nature’s Balance was hunted forevermore. He would perish and be forgotten, but his teachings lived on. Now, the Wheel had come full circle to this moment. An instrument of the Old fed upon the Fae's blood - and the beast's shape became twisted. It became wrong, like water which ripples inwards, or a shadow facing the sun. Its shape was broken and grown anew, forging a Palebeast from the burning ichor. And as the instrument of Strife bled the Fae, it too drank of the death below. It was a sight none of the hunters could have prepared for. Tanila was consumed, and from the Palebeast sprouted a Pale Tree - its wood fading to the color of bone. The woman too became pale, her eyes red. The Pale Tree broke her form, twisted her to spear through Nenar Terin, joining them together in an unsightly, sisterly embrace. The treeline broke - the viscera, bone, and blight obscured beneath the shadow of what the Pale Tree had become. Its barren canopy blanketed the clearing, such that even the native redwood seemed frail in comparison as it reached towards the moon above. A dozen strode into the clearing there - but two would not come home. - OOC: Event hosted by @Keefy
  23. A Karosgrad Fair [i] Flyers line the streets of the capital of Haense, bold colors catching the eye. Penned by the hand of Lady Eleanora Baruch. A painting of a city fair of the past. A fair shall be held in Karosgrad for the people of Haense consisting of multiple activities including an ice rink in the square and booths for vendors to display their goods along with various games for children such as a ring toss and face painting. Fairgoers will also be able to enjoy tossing rings around milk bottles, attempting to win a fish by tossing a light ball into its bowl, a dunk tank as well as an entirely new game called Pie the Koeng where one will be able to throw Haense’s finest meringue pies at a likeness of Koeng Heinrik II. SIGNED, Her Grace, Marjorie Helaine Baruch, Duchess-Consort of Valwyck, Countess-Consort of Ayr, Baroness-Consort of Laval, Riveryn, and Voron Her Ladyship, Eleanora Helaine Baruch [i] Taking place on Saturday, the 24th of July at 4 PM EST.
  24. [!] Flyers would be posted all around Almaris, advertising the upcoming festivity of the Vortice Masquerade Ball! We, the Congress of Vortice, cordially invite you to join us in our Dance of the Ocean ball in the capital city Talon’s Port. As the name suggests, it is an ocean themed ball, so we implore you to dress accordingly in an ocean themed scheme. Blues,greens, purples, corals, and so on. You can even come in a bathing suit if you so please! Just keep it appropriate, as children will likely be there. Be sure to bring your masks and get ready to dance, eat, drink, and have your fun with your friends. Hosted in the month of Malin’s Welcome, 33 S.A Everyone* is invited! Special invites listed below: The Duke of Elysium, Eugeo de Astrea, and his company The Matriarch of the Jade State, Xiuying Li, and her company The Grand King of Urguan, Levian’Tol Grandaxe, and his company The High Prince of the Realm of Elvenesse, Evar’tir Oranor, and his company The King of Norland and his company The Rex of Krug and his company The Emperor of Oren and his company The King of Karosgrad and his company DO NOTE THIS IS A ***CIVIL*** EVENT, any hostility will be met with a swift disinvitation. *Everyone does not include the Rustlers or any banished persons who are viable to arrest by the State Army of Vortice. [!] RSVP Invite information has been posted below as well! https://forms.gle/Q6opaUKAkrRotg1a6 Signed, the Monarch of Vortice, Keeper of the Depths, Vivian Maelstorm
  25. [!] A note is pinned to the Knoxville Noticeboard! WILDERNESS EXPLORATION! ~The lovely ol' woods of Knoxville!~ While the Smokey Mountain Park may have been planted by our own wee hands, a long while has passed since we had total control over happenings within it. These days, nature takes its own course within the woods. I say we crack open the foliage and take a better look at what's been going on in there! I'm sure there's something cool we've missed! -Filibert Applefoot, halfling and resident of Knoxville ((Event to take place at 8 PM EST, tomorrow the 6th of July, 2021. If you can't find Knoxville, you can locate it using the below map: ))
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