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  2. "LICH FRIENDS! LICH FRIEENDSS!!" Lukas exclaims again, his investigation now able to begin ANEW, following the not-so-Paladin Paladins SLAYING of Az'rekash.
  3. EXECUTION OF THE VALEMAN STEIN The Veritable servant of Justice, Holy Ser (Pan) Slawomir Lis, the Leper Knight, or better known by his alias of Zecharael’s Avenger, self-proclaimed agent of the aengul Raguel (Aengul of Justice) has delivered this recounting of events to the Poor Fellows-Soldiers of Saint Jude as a respected collaborator and colleague to our order. PRELUDE Revered by the Holy Ser MacSkaul, Grandmaster of our Judite Order, the Pan Slawomir Lis has given us the following account of his investigations. His initial interest was drawn by sayings of Stein’s betrayal and apostasy among members of the Host of St. Johann, the functioning militia of mine own Reinmaren home. A former member, Stein was accepted into the community and took the name Stein from his birth name Stone - he was blooded and inducted into Reinmaren society. Forsaking such generosity and hospitality, Stein conversed with the druidic laity in the Vale, riding forth from Reinmar regularly at a time of heightened tensions. Breaking his oaths to the Lord GOD, and to the Host, Stein did this for no reason other than he was seduced by the power of the Corruptor and his GODless magicks. He even came to befriend several within the city, and attended their government’s unorthodox popular council, in which all citizens confer. With this step, he had fully forsaken the grace of the Host and of the Reinmaren people. Returning to Kretzen, Stein was brandished a traitor, and hanged. His execution was public, with countless witnesses. Yet, merely a day later, he was yet again spotted. Through the works of the cursed Iblees, Stein was, against the will of the Lord GOD, brought back to life again. Stein, reanimated, fled, and was tracked down by members of the Order of Saint Tylos, and the Reinmaren Inquisition led by the sagely wise, veteran Holy Ser Matthias, cousin of his Holiness, Caius Primus. Here, he was hung once more in the square of Kretzen, city of the Reinmaren peoples. Countless more bore witness to his execution. Yet, again, the stubborn heretic continued to live. In his third wicked return, Stein chose wisely and fled south. He fled to Haense, where, as allies of the Barclays in Reinmar, guards further notified the Holy Swords of the Reinmaren to strike him down. He was captured, tied, and promptly executed for a third time. In his fourth and final life, Stein took a pseudonym - Njal. With this, he foolishly fled to the mage city of Hohkmat, using his daemonic allure to seduce a vulnerable Elfess, one voidal artificer and citizen of Numenost, Gloria Aestra. Through her holy actions of confession to an informant of the Pan Slawomir Lis in Hohkmat, the Leper slowly began his pursuit. Over the course of several years, the Leper Knight, under his disguise and mask, tracked the travels of Gloria Aestra, and her heretic husband, until he had them pinned. Unable to undergo a confrontation in Hohkmat due to his unaffiliated with any order, and the lack of any warrant, the Leper instead chose to confront Stein in Numenost. CLASH Mustering allies in anticipation of a grand battle between a master Inferi with a Hohkmati-trained warmage by his side, the Leper Slawomir confided not only his true reason for being in Numenost, but his target, into the Dame Monika Aleksiya - a knight of the Petran Laureate. Together with his companion, Jon de Lewes, the trio gradually coerced, then confronted the pair in an alley. Here, respective weapons were brandished and Stein cowered behind his Elfess wife. ‘Surrender, and no harm will befall you. Flee, and you shall die.’ promised Pan Slawomir, under the guise of Zecharael’s Avenger. And, to break a promise is a grave Injustice. His honourable Savoyard companion took his shield and shepherded heretics back, forcing them against the wall. At this point, Stein fled with a level of cowardice only comparable to that of Darkspawn. Leaving his wife at swordpoint with three armed knights, Stein vaulted the walls of Numenost, threatening to kill himself, but instead scaled the cliffs of Numenost, endangering three servants of GOD in the process. Then, he swam across the Anduin, and the honourable Slawomir Lis, overcoming his sickness, swam to pursue him. Blade in hand, determination and Justice fueling his pursuit, the Pan Slawomir caught Stein in the act of summoning his steed. Pressed against the cliffs of the Uruk, Stein in his cowardice did not even draw a sword. The Pan Slawomir, in his honour, did not choose to kill Stein. Instead, with one deft blow to the temple, Stein crumpled to the floor unconscious. The venerable companions of the Pan Slawomir Lis had been tracking the chase from Numenost, tracing their steps until they too found themselves at the foothills of Krug. Together, the three dragged the apostate up the misty mountains of the Numenedain, lugging him to the Cathedral of Saint-King Caius. Before the Father Aerin Marsyr, Stein repented for his sins, but the faith deemed it not enough. For his crimes, for his apostasy, and for his lies, he would die. EXECUTION As promised by the Pan Slawomir Lis, Stein was put to death on the 8th of Snow’s Maiden, TA 181. Kicking, screaming, crying, in regret of all his sins, from his first life, and all in between, he was thrown onto the wall overlooking the Anduin. Begging and whimpering for his life as a scared dog, as, in all truth, all men would, Stein would see his death. The Pan Slawomir Lis confessed to me his regrets that day. He, in his heart, had believed that Stein was capable of redemption. The Avenger had felt his penance had been done, that with Stein’s professing of faith before the Father Aerin Marsyr, that he would be forgiven. Alas, as servants of the faith, we are just that - servants. It is not we who judge, but those who act for God - the clergymen. With tears streaming down his face, Stein gave a final stare up to the Avenger; tears of his own slid down the ferrum mask, leaving darkened tails behind them. The mask shrouding all other emotion, with a fell swoop, Stein’s head toppled off into the Anduin. Soon after, with a nod of the head, the Ser Ruthron pushed the rest of Stein after him. And so, Stone the Valeman, Stein the Reinmaren, and Njal the False-Elf fell into the whitewaters of Numenost. REFLECTION I had been tracking the Pan Slawomir for a different reason, more to bring justice to him, than to interview him. However, the admiration of the grandmaster is not something easily earned. When I learned of such, and I found the man wandering the forests of Crothstadt in search of some beast, I raised no arms. Unimpressed with his findings, he returned with me to the Holy See, wherein over the course of several days, he retold these events. A man crying, and a knight to cry, is a rare sight, and yet through his words I was simply brought to tears. His dilemma was one I never wish to bear, and I never wish for anyone to ever bear. The Leper’s cause to kill was just, for it must have been Just, for the Lord GOD is just, and it was His law he upheld. Yet, his own impure beliefs, for which all Sons of Horen are subject to, as we are all of Sin, had to be betrayed. And so, as Stone the Valeman perished, as did Slawomir’s doubts of faith. For, through Justice, no matter what one thinks of the Lord GOD’s judgement, man will be redeemed and returned to the skies. formatting ugly as ****
  4. A young ker quite familiar to Wren, jumped excitedly up and down on the ledge of her chair by the fireplace in her room, reading over the governmental post-up. “Oouhh! Wren un ea should have a chat again!!” Yelena grinned, thinking of herself, weilding a giant axe of her own next to Wren, an idea on her excitement level currently only second to seeing her girlfriend…
  5. Balas Gemeye takes a prolonged and uncomfortable look at the guild listing and laughs until his side hurts, throwing the poster into his fireplace. "Thes es jus ah cheap knockoff ov dah workforce wit an entreh fee! Bahahahahaa!"
  6. A Knight's eyes bulged at the missive. "H- HOW many mina?" He promptly began packing his river-monster-slaying-equipment; he had a fortune to collect.
  7. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.
  8. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.
  9. The former Grand Maer, Ioanna Kortrevich, endorsed her late husband's kinsman with great pride!
  10. Rickard 'Ricky Dicky' Kortrevich puts his name forward for the ballot as well as a copy of his propaganda.
  11. Thank you everyone for the suggestions- I am looking to implement a few of these into a build rules proposal soon. :)
  12. "Yes, I think so. I'll have to prepare my fishing gear as well." Henrik-Otto Ludovar would say in response with a warm smile towards his student and fellow smith, before departing to get his equipment ready. @JuliusAakerlund
  13. Yesterday
  14. Renata Alba long had gifts prepared for her very first nephew. She cooed over the newborn, extending out painted nails to pinch at chubby cheeks - much to the dismay of her eldest son, Thiago, who stared grumpily in one year old fashion. "Little bebe-"
  15. "Celebration of sin, one could say." Stated Father Edmund.
  16. It came to her in a dream; a sanctum of lucidity that held very few unwanted mysteries. But there it was: an object she could not will away. It was a lamp, of all things, that she seemed to fixate on, on this night. Tentatively she reached for its pull switch. Click It was not darkness she saw, but instead the absence of anything at all. Here, there was no light, nor sound, nor anything to touch her senses. Knowing she was asleep proved to be of comfort; in here, her head, she was in control. She could not be harmed. Whatever foulness sought to be levied against her, she was confident it could be repelled like so many other interlopers before. Stipples of white dots begin to turn on, one by one, expressly blanketing the impossible darkness with light. The lamp was one, and had become many. It comes far too suddenly for description to do it any good. Blinding, searing, scorching light.. And yet...? Nothing. The pain that was supposed to come from this cataclysm never came. Sarah found herself in the middle of the crack itself - the eye of the storm, so to speak, upon a glass platform. From her platform, she viewed this ululating crack - but could not hear it. It is a blemish. A black mark. A stain. And it did not welcome her. She felt herself falling suddenly, glimpsing only for a moment the vaguest idea of where this rift might be, as she was dragged down into the abyss. "Shit. Here it comes." She thought. A grasping claw built of a sickening, cryptic poison that sought to take her form- Click She had not realised it until just then but the pull switch was still in hand, and she'd instinctively yanked it. Stirring from her sleep, her senses found themselves returning. It was not a particularly harsh rousing. After all, this singular moment was but hypnic jerk. The crackling of a fireplace. Familiarity. Safety. Company. Home.
  17. First Edition A collection of Hymns written by the Duke of Brabant, Ser Sterling Whitewood, as he is battling sickness. These have been published at the Duke’s request for the people to enjoy and use. ASH Oh Free my flame, to the sky Upon the pyre, I shall arrive My kin and friends, do not cry This is to what we all strive Spread the ash and mark the birch Keep God’s land, as it was birthed For it must be, unbismirched Be the bane of the accursed. You shall know to set the flame. Once you feel the longing call, A pious end for knights and dames, Peace to all your goodly souls Oh Free my flame, to the sky Upon the pyre, I shall arrive My kin and friends, do not cry This is to what we all strive STRENGTH Lord, My god Give, me strength Let, me keep My foes at length At, the end Of my, blade Please, God guide Its swing and strike The wicked Shall have No pyre Oh God Bless me To not tire Forgive me If I fail Lord, My god Give us all strength OWYN Oh Holy Purifier Owyn, the repentant one The roaring fire, is my choir. If I sin, I know the way Following your singed steps On the holy path I’ll stay Oh Holy Purifier Owyn, the repentant one I am your eternal squire In the darkest, longest nights Your fires are our guiding stars By your teachings I shall live till My final rites
  18. Freja

    Map Art - DrFong

    Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  19. Full Name of Man - Joa Dietrich von Leopold Date of Birth of Man - 1958 Full Name of Woman - Valerie Auclair Date of Birth of woman - 1949 Location of Ceremony - Petra Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1981 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha ================================================================================== Full Name of Man - Demetria Sigismondo Date of Birth of Man - 1950 Full Name of Woman - Austina Temesch Date of Birth of woman - 1956 Location of Ceremony - Aaun Location of Ceremony (Year) - 1981 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Mother Alrisha
  20. A LETTER TO THE ROYAL DUMA ON CRIME. Written and issued by House Korvacz. c. 534 E.S. “Together, We Prosper.” WHILE THE CITIZENRY OF HANSETI-RUSKA PROSPER, their homes do not. Over the years, break-ins have occurred across the nation’s capital, leaving homes with battered doors and broken hinges at best. Houses on Barbovstriet suffered this on the southside, and even Aranykort faces break-ins on the northside. We do not know how many of these break-ins people have reported to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, but we have taken notice of no prevention or reaction from citizenry and military alike. Should a thief or worse threaten Kastell Lesanov, the palace gates would be closed. Our neighborhoods host common and nobility side-by-side, royalty and merchants too. It should be no different for the citizens of Haense, regardless of their status. Thus, House Korvacz proposes the following to the Royal Duma: Similar to the proposition of Princess Stefaniya Edvarda’s A LETTER TO THE ROYAL DUMA: ON CITY ACCESSIBILITY, there should be an installation of accessible doors at the respective gates of the south and north sides of the city, Donagrad and Obergrad. The construction of these doors would fall under the oversight of the Grand Maer, as Chapter XI.V. section iii of the Haurul Caezk’s Law of the Kingdom outlines the duty to, “Maintain the appearance of the Crownlands and Capital, and aid the Crown with improvements to infrastructure.” These proposed doors would allow citizens to move between the different sections of the city to their homes or otherwise, in case of any emergency, investigation, etc. where gates may be in use. Regarding burglary, specifically, the active use of the Donagrad and Obergrad gates combined with citizen access could isolate incidents of thievery and prevent them wholly should the intruders be foreign. Another issue we face with burglary is the destruction of things we hold dearest. Upon returning from duties in Krusev, we found one of our family’s hounds, Elek, lying dead on our porch, a stab wound in its chest. Despite no one being home, Elek died protecting the hearth. This raises great concern for many reasons, but the greatest is our livelihood. The dogs of the Korvacz family are our companions as much as they are tools. When the dogs are not playing with the children, they join us for hunting, to track and kill prey. The bounties of our hunts give us both food and income and we share these things with our lieges and neighbors alike. If someone slaughters our dogs with impunity, it threatens our work and sets a terrible precedent for everyone with livestock or beloved animal companions. Thus, House Korvacz proposes the following to the Royal Duma: There should be an amendment to the Haurul Caezk to punish the needless slaughter of another’s animals. Dogs, cattle or otherwise, are a man’s property and should be defined as such in our lawbook. In the Law of Crime, Chapter VII.IV. should change from, “Let he who defaces the property of another or does damage to that of farmlands or forestry be guilty of Vandalism,” to “Let he who defaces the property of another or does damage to that of farmlands, forestry, or domesticated animals be guilty of Vandalism.” The changes that the Korvacz family wishes to see have been outlined, in briefer terms, to assist in the decision-making of the Royal Duma. They are, as follows: I. The installation of doors with citizen access on the gates of Donagrad and Obergrad. An effort to keep the city accessible to its citizens while decreasing and isolating burglary and attempts at thievery. II. The amendment of Chapter VII.IV. in the Law of Crime to “Let he who defaces the property of another or does damage to that of farmlands, forestry, or domesticated animals be guilty of Vandalism.” An effort to recognize domesticated animals, such as pets and livestock, as property within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and allow punishment to wrongdoers that harm them. Firress Rozsika Korvacz. Firr Alekszej Korvacz. Firress Sifrá Korvacz.
  21. riorr

    Cheap Skin Sale

    7 Sold!! To the dwarf with the great beard!
  22. The skull of Gorkus, The Iron Boar, is locked away in some far away prison, doomed in eternal sealing, yet surely it ponders. "Why de skah am I nub in de list?"
  23. 7th of Veronica's Strength, 107 D.R. The del Maravillas; a household formed via the initial familial lines of the royal household of de Pelear. Many firsts came to be had, and the first of their titles, of their generation - formed a house of their own to make a legacy for ages to come. Twins, blonde of hair, born to Prince Arman de Pelear and Princess-Consort Harmen de Pelear came to be. His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba. Born into a grey area, in which they were royals and nobility alike, they toed the line of something new as they ventured forth into the world. The duo wished for and strived for more, and so as they came into adulthood, they were granted the title of Dual Barony of Soles Gemelos - thus beginning the household of Del Maravilla. TRADITIONS AND VALUES As is with any household, traditions and values are something passed onto the future generations. While the del Maravilla household is new in name, the traditions and values they have been raised with will move on and to the family, while leaving room for expansion. Meritorial Heirship The household values competency, which is showcased in their meritorial heirship. While the founding siblings are known for their party nature, hard work is always put first and foremost, which allows for the finer luxuries in life afterwards. The Value of Twins Following the experiences of the founders of the house, and in honour of the patron twin saints, Clement and Evaristus, it is generally believed that twins are lucky or blessed. Household Revelry Variety is the spice of life, and what better to spice things up by coming up with unique parties and festivities. It is common practice for del Maravillas to throw feasts or celebrations, often showcasing something new or exciting to the rest of their peers. A House of Luxury Only the best is expected of the household, and only the best shall be had. Whether the finest dresses, or the flashiest parties, the del Maravilla household is one of luxury and excitement - never allowing for a dull moment to take hold. CULTURE Rule of Two The House, wielding a dual rule over its land. They believe in the Rule of Two, which means that something should generally be governed by two overseers. This idea stems from the founders of the house, Rafael and Renata being twins. Having two people lead something allows for different skill sets and views to be at play, as well as keeping one another in line. Arboriculture While many houses in Hyspia practice traditional agriculture, such as wheat and corn farms, the del Maravillas pride themselves in their skills in Arbori and floriculture. Or better known as the growing and study of trees and flowers. This distinction comes about due to the house's wealth, allowing them to invest more into these resource intensive fields. Astrology The house founders having been the founders of the Hyspian Zodiac, the del Maravilla household holds stock in the zodiac those are born under. They keep meticulous track of their monthly fortunes, and will go as far as to plan their day to day around them. HEIRLOOMS AND ARTEFACTS These are items that have come to be of importance to the household. As the household is relatively new, there are few heirlooms and artefacts to speak of, until some time passes. Saqr Al-Nahash: A Qalasheen invention gifted to Princess-Royal Renata Alba upon the Qalasheens departure of Hyspia. Granted for providing friendship during difficult times. It is a crossbow with a crank and a carved sight for greater aim and accuracy. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts His Highness, Rafael Arsenico del Maravilla, Infante of Hyspia, Baron of Evaristus, Ministro del Pais, Envoy of Hyspia, Court Astrologer Su Señor, Carlos del Maravilla, Baron-Consort of Clemente, Ministro de Interior Su Señora, Persis del Maravilla, Baroness-Consort of Evaristus
  24. you forgot about spleef we could solve the spectator problem by doing a gigantic free-for-all where the last man mounted wins
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