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The Arachnid's Death


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The windswept halls of the Citadel rang silent as the convocation of the Fennic Grand Council sat, awaiting the arrival of the Grand Prince. Snow flurried outside in a great torrent, one that made the warmth of the hall all the more welcoming to the Grand Councillors. They had been called in the middle of the night by their Prince for reasons they knew not, though the inviting, hospitable atmosphere inside of the Citadel soon turned the tired quietness into a lively chatter. A few good minutes later and the heavy footsteps of the Grand Prince could be heard just outside the door. With a heavy groan, the door guarding the hall from the blizzard outside opened to reveal His Majesty- Aelthos Tundrak III. Adorned in the finest of plate, with a thick yet soft woolen cloak to defend him from the frost, the imposing Tundrak entered the hall, a look of pure fury upon his features. 


The Grand Prince’s chilling gaze turned the veins of the Mali’fenn in the room to ice, a freeze far harsher than even the blizzard. As he sauntered to the edge of the table at the center of the room he stood before his councillors, clearing his throat as he prepared to speak.


“They’ve tested my patience for the last time,” the Grand Prince began, his clear, peremptory voice rising above the raging storm outside. “ These ‘spider cultists’ are malformations- deserving of naught but the death we are to bring to them. It is a mercy, all things considered, as such creatures do not deserve a quick demise” he spat, his gauntleted hands gripping the edge of the table.


The councillors said not a word, opting to simply nod in agreement. It was evident to them all that to test the Tundrak’s patience would be a folly. His temper was a beast to be feared more than any wyvern, twice so when the lives of his subjects were on the line.


“I will admit that it was my fault in not dealing with this scourge earlier. My inaction has led to the kidnapping and killing of my people. However, this ends now. These vermin will be exterminated by the hand of the Ivae’fenn, their blood will fill the vile pits which they call home.”


He then paused, biting the interior of his cheek as he studied the faces of each and every one of his councillors. Was he looking for weakness? Resolve? Hesitation? Whatever it may have been, he found it, for the Grand Prince smiled for the first time that night. However, his grin was not one of joy or warmth, rather it was of a cocksure determination. The vigor and boldness of youth had not yet left Aelthos, for within his heart was the passion, the desire to eradicate these foul murderers- to free his people from their worries when traveling about Arcas. 


“I inherited the most disciplined, experienced army in all of elvendom. It would be a shame if I were to die before utilizing their prowess at least once,” the youthful monarch mused, shooting a look to one his councillors, Aesilnoth Annungilben. “Grand Marshal, see to it that the Ivae’fenn is ready within the fortnite. These cultists may be diabolical, but I have full faith that they will break easily under our might.”


“It will be done,” the aged marshal responded, rising from his seat. “Am I get to it straight away, Your Majesty?”


“Indeed. I give you leave to begin preparations. I’ll not have a single soldier with a want for proper gear.”


As Grand Marshal Aesilnoth strode out of the Citadel, the Grand Prince turned to face his remaining councillors. His countenance, now graced by a grin of satisfaction, eased the tension of the others. His Majesty, though prone to outbursts, was by no means difficult to be around. Procuring a wine flask from his cloak, the Grand Prince took a hearty swig whilst looking to the windows that revealed the world outside- which was now far calmer than it had been before.


“The end of this blizzard has shown us a fine night indeed. I shall allow you to enjoy it in your homes and with your families. I will not bother you all with the details of this operation for now- just know that it will demand all of our efforts,” he concluded, giving a nod of goodbye as he turned to depart. As he reached the gates, the Grand Prince paused, allowing himself a final look back to his council. A towering Elf, shrouded in a blanket of shadows stood among the Mali’fenn councillors. The unknown Elf lifted his chin, to which a gem upon his crown winked in the light of a distant torch.


“The Princedom of Fenn is at war once again.”


When Wyrvun stirs, the little spiders will be trampled beneath his taloned feet.




Type of War & CBs (if applicable)

Multiplue Attack on Leadership, kidnapping and openly attacks against the Princedom of Fenn

Conquest War Goal


Princedom of Fenn & Allies


Spider Elves & Allies


The destruction of the Spider Elf Stronghold


Location & Proposed Time

Add me on Discord to discuss this further Ioannis#9788





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Chrom’ilvya stands over her balcony, letting out a long breath. “A pity. Those cultists became sloppy.” She says as she smiles faintly.

Edited by Europa
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“Death to the cultists and those who harbor them,” declares Vytrek Tundrak.

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“First time I’ve heard of spider elves in our place, where’d they come from?” a red man wonders.

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Cyrene has the following reaction
cyrus does smn embarrassing the first day and gets a nickname but its lowkey funny

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Hekkaes Goldhand coughs in the backgroundA’, aint t’ose da spider guys dat were ‘iden en Urguan?

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Upon seeing the notice, a elf snorts softly. He’s heard bits about these spider worshipers, and their attempts at claiming mori culture. He rolls his eyes, and smiles slightly to himself at the irony, uttering “A vaen, foluss zhah elggin nindolen myar'a b'lath” To himself before turning back to his work on a painting, his hands stained with white.

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Officer Grudgebeard constructs a special machine to train the Ivae’Fenn in fighting the menace.


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Nemir whacks a spider creeping across her desk with a rolled up piece of paper. “DIE, DIE, DIE!” she screeched.  The elven woman certainly did not like spiders.  The mere thought of arachnid folk living near her home caused her features to visibly blanch.

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"Spider folk so close to the den of demons and dark mages alike in Llyria, but surely it is only a coincidence......right....?" My character make word these

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18 minutes ago, JokerLow said:

Hekkaes Goldhand coughs in the backgroundA’, aint t’ose da spider guys dat were ‘iden en Urguan?


Horren ‘Rosebush’ Bogbelly hears Hekkaes mumbling to himself whilst stalking him ”Spider guys..?” He thinks to himself, his spine shivering

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Taal remembers all those he has met that have been taken by the cult. Their skin branded, held captive and tortured. He remembers storming their den in Urguan, rescuing the prisoners that had survived long enough to be freed, driving the cultists out with his Ivea’fenn brothers and sisters. He’d grin at the news. “Finally. Let’s end this before more loved ones are taken from their homes.” 

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Aroiia Drakon would think to herself

 “It looks like I have returned just in time for another war”

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