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Wronging the Rights of the Past [Snow Elven Removal]


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What would have happened to the kha if it wasn't leaked, removed without ever being contacted.

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Why not just remove all subraces while you’re at it … it’s pretty much all the same from the original race they’re sub from anyways

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I am fairly certain that Snow Elves weren’t even supposed to be a thing in the first place. They came into existence on Anthos through some rulebreaking machinations by players who were dissatisfied with Oren.


I personally think it is a viable course of action to remove them and make them High Elves again. What distinction was there even, aside from an affinity for ice and cold. Perhaps less arrogance, but that’s it.


What I am surprised about is that it took so many years to fix this. As a pointer to the Snow Elven playerbase, you can always have your own place, of course, but given that you there are on average less people playing Elves than Men, you’d rather stick with others. Perhaps consider filling the ranks of the Dark Elves? They are shattered and completely underplayed.

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1 hour ago, Qizu said:

Dark elves can’t even get a nation.

Except lore wise the Dark Elves have been their own proper subrace and not just “insane High Elves”. That’s like saying the Halflings can’t get a nation, there’s a lot of reasons for that of which you are fully aware. Dark Elves have also been played far more consistently throughout various nations, often not as a part of a specific group.


You can not compare these two as the Snelves are an extremely specific case, with their own problems unique to their race and lore.



don’t drag my delves into this thank you

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11 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:




Today I’m announcing a very interesting change that we have discussed among the ST and the Administration about the position of Snow Elves within the community. With their downfall of a nation, their hamfisted origins that never went through the LT vote and the lack of distinct culture or value as a subrace, we have decided to remove the sub-race of snow elves and revert them to High Elves.


The Mali’fenn culture still exists, though its origins will not be properly canonised and now will be a ‘legend’ that those within the race believe, yet it will not have any OOC bearing on this. The Mali’fenn themselves have always had a very strange role within the server, where their existence as a subrace has had little to no impact or uniqueness apart from being the generic ‘strong’ elf that people have used to bastardise its culture. Especially with the complete collapse of its nation status during the duration of this map, it felt appropriate to finally revert the decision that was made without the Lore Team’s approval in the first place. 


So ALL current Snow Elven characters can keep their culture, but they must adhere to the standards of High Elven builds, heights and weights. There is no distinction between Snow Elf or High Elf blood, any Snow Elf mix breed characters will now just be High Elven hybrids. 


tl;dr/changelog -

- Snow Elves are not a distinct subrace anymore, they are a culture of High Elves

- Their origins are ‘de-canonised’ and their racial lore is now a legend within the server, a story that can be told and understood but never legitimised OOC’ly.

- All current Snow Elves will be classified as High Elves, no real distinction or change is forced except following the height standards of this race.





What the flip is the point of outright removing a whole sub-race? Can’t you just let them do their own thing? Like, ffs, retconning lore is just downright retarded. It adds NOTHING to the server. In fact, it just fiddles with the lore, like “ThEy NeVeR eXiStEd lOl”. There should at least be a proper RP reason as to why their race was just completely transformed.
On top of that, snelves have been trying to rebuild their player base in Sirinor, or whatever it’s called. It just seems unfair to those players that do play snelves.

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Overall (I do plan to follow in dms as encouraged prior) the big issue isn’t our removal as a subrace. The issue is the utter lack of communication while the presence of our group was known. We are gathering screenshots however we had tried to reach out on multiple occasions to no response on any of it or what responses there were, nothing serious hinting at a listening ear. Our community, culture, etc. will go on. The big issue here is the outright lack of communication, even if all it was is someone dming a snelf player on the server and being like “Hey, who’s leadership right now” and most snelves or even Norland especially could’ve pointed staff in the right direction. Not just sending it to yeet ‘Fenn as a subrace out of existence.

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This has to be the single worst way possible to get rid of snelves. Just write up something saying any children that are born after today from snow elves are just high elves and disallow the creation of new snow elves. This gets rid of them just aswell without forcing existing charachters to change, which I can imagine only causes frustration amongst those that have snow elf charachters.

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You’re next, snow dwarves.

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  • u can still play ur snow elf chars
  • u still have legit the same char with minimum if not, no change
  • u can still rp your culture

”sO wHy u reMoVe sNow eLvEs” cus having ‘snow elf’ on ur persona card is going to save ur already dead nation n race 

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No more memes please and thank you! They were hidden at first but anymore will now receive points. This is an announcement post, do better! 😄 

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I swear this is a repeat of a few weeks ago.


Yes, you can still play your snow elves as you did before, there just isn’t a specific subrace. From what I remember, the subrace was hamfisted in its implementation back in the day anyways.

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