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ask me which destiny gun you are!


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what destiny gun are you?


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Who needs guns when you've got THESE

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@FakeNotic you are Enigma's Draw! While you may be tiny, you still pack a considerable punch, and are nice to have in a pinch.


@TameFX you are The Recluse! No, really, where's Theo...I miss him a little ngl.


@Hearth you are Warden's Law! You're seen as odd by others, but at the end of the day, you're still able to shoot just fine.


@Clockyyyyyyyyy you are Just In Case! I know if I ever need to know anything about the current happenings of Bramblebury, I can ask you. 'Cause you're always online when I check tab. No, really, when do you sleep???


@CalZium you are Worldline Zero! You pride yourself on how fast you can move in Warframe, and seem to like completely unrealistic but flashy stuff, judging by all your forum avatars (and that's OK).


@Witchlore you are Older Sister III, because you carry me through dungeons and the like, and keep me from dying, even when I blow myself up with a fireball.


@Epistile you are Felwinter's Lie! You no-life this game so much that you've ascended to ultimate PvP tryhardhood. I'm scared, @Witchlore please come pick me up.


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I am telesto with long live the queen ornament (with catalyst)

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This is KINDA toxic (Destiny guns are KINDA toxic)












[If you got all of these good job! Also I kinda suck at Destiny and have not a lot of the guns so big F]


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12 hours ago, SunnyBee said:

@CalZium you are Worldline Zero! You pride yourself on how fast you can move in Warframe, and seem to like completely unrealistic but flashy stuff, judging by all your forum avatars (and that's OK).


i should make an "ask me what warframe you are" thread to spite you 

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