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The Schemes Of A Dove: Truth Revealed


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"Mary Casimira! Never heard of her! My new best friend is now Ayliana Valwynn"


Says the Editor-In-Chief for the Providence post.


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Ihievhii'thilln Maeyr'onn sorrowed night and day, watching his Elibar'acal compatriot sealed and wound tight behind brass bars of sky prison; then, his friend Veluthri Elibar'acal. Low amber eyes boiled with regret. "It's... over!"




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14 minutes ago, Lionhz said:


Prince Frederick would be seen playing a game of Chess with Ivarielle, although it seemed to be a waste for the young boys knowledge was dwarfed in comparison to hers, one by one pawns flew off the board. When the Young Prince attempted to move the king forward, the high elven leader simply said “Check Mate.” Then at that very moment, it was all over.


Ivan var Ruthern watched from a distance as his nephew was trounced in a game of chess. "Vy have some learning to do." The Duke mumbled to himself as he had witnessed the pathetic display of intellect- or lack thereof.

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17 minutes ago, Lionhz said:

Prince Frederick would be seen playing a game of Chess with Ivarielle, although it seemed to be a waste for the young boys knowledge was dwarfed in comparison to hers, one by one pawns flew off the board. When the Young Prince attempted to move the king forward, the high elven leader simply said “Check Mate.” Then at that very moment, it was all over.

Elathion pondered; "One cannot be checkmated by their own move, unless it is an illegal move... These two do not know how to play chess!" He concluded!

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Good job and best of luck going forward queen. +1


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A red headed elf reads the missive. "Took longer then I expected." he said as he bundled the paper up to store in a box.

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A bearded mali'ame scans over the contents of the missive, lifting his head to stare into the eyes of onlookers with a vaguely confused expression.

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Amaesil takes up the latest draft from the desk and reads it through. Wandering the halls of the Ebonwood home, a smile forms on his lips. He looks out toward the northern hills. "A new dawn for the mali'aheral. Let us pray that this one is given the chance to rise.




Good stuff.


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44 minutes ago, SquakHawk said:

A lone Uradir watched from afar, head in hands, wondering how everything had gone so wrong. "Every day is another trial reading this soap opera plot. How disappointing, my kin. You need me so and I am yet reluctant to heed your call."




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you laugh but you don’t understand the plotting that went into this and the ties to us…

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Cailin Valywnn glanced up at the notice board in the Silver State. Holding onto her headband so it could not fall off, she would read the missive posted. "Oh!" She gasped, "That's my haelun! Seems like we were on the same page about this!" 

The young elfess, due to her excitement, starts to dance in the streets of Haelun'or. 





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Mavis reads over the missive, sipping on a cup of tea. A small smile comes over her face as she finishes it, “Ti, may they never underestimate you. I hope this fosters a new beginning,” she sighed, before folding the missive up neatly and placing it in her desk drawer

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The Okarir'nor reads the missive sent out. A lone gaze is sent out of her window. "and so, the cycle of Haelun'or continues"

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