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When does your right to roleplay on LOTC get permanently revoked? [TW]


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7 hours ago, tcs_tonsils_ said:

2. Restoration is a 3-part plan. Firstly, understanding that you did something wrong.

Secondly, actually wanting to change from that path. Thirdly seeking forgiveness and move forward. (Sometimes people don’t wanna forgive you, and that is on them.)


3 hours ago, ydegirl said:

joel is in no way obligated to forgive charlemagne or those group of people making 'jokes' towards them.




It would not matter if Joel and Toni forgave them regardless. Forgiveness is not deserved in any situation. If you fu.ck up, you apologise to the best of your ability, acknowledge both how you fucked up, and why what you did was so terrible.


We are women, we are men, we are qu.eer, we are lgbtq. We are human.


Do you really think this is the first time any of us, including Joel and Toni, have heard these sorts of insults and threats and horrible comments? Absolutely not. As I stated previously, this is a minecraft roleplay server. We come here to relax after a hard day of work, hours of studying, or to escape perhaps some difficult IRL situations. We come here to enter the mind of a character separate than ourselves and engage in a fantasy world we will otherwise never know. We come here to feel safe, and protected, and engage in fun interactions and stories and narratives that we have a hand in creating ourselves.


To bring that sort of extreme hate and violence that should not exist on this platform is disgusting. I don't know to what extent the offenders have attempted to make amends, and if they are genuinely apologetic and trying their best to show change and to apologise, then good. But please also remember that in order to apologise thoroughly, you must first understand why and how what was said was so horrific. You can apologise endlessly, but without taking the time to fully understand the impact of your actions, it will only ever feel hollow to the victims.


All of these comments saying this is just some propaganda post about some human war going on, seriously? That is hardly relevant. These are real people. You are problematic, and unempathetic.

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To be honest, I think most apologies are generally pretty similar. We've seen a lot of youtube drama over the past few years, and it's all pretty much copy and paste. While it may not have been AI Generated, it certainly reads like most other apologies - relatively vague, dancing around the specifics, and confirming an attempt to be better. I'm not trying to defend Charlemagne, but I'm a little hesitant to accuse them of using an AI Generator.


Again, I don't know what has been done to prove change, as I was not aware of this situation until now. An apology is just an apology unless there are actions behind it.

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Player Conduct Rules

2. Do not troll, cyberbully, harass, slander, or threaten players in any way on any medium, including Discord, Skype, Teamspeak, etc. If you feel unsafe or unwelcome due to the actions of another player, please email [email protected]


5. Do not use alternate accounts to avoid punishments such as bans and blacklists. This leads to ban length extensions.


crazy that this is even a discussion some of y'all are really admitting to being transphobes and rape apologists with ur whole chests

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Seeing such a divide in this thread is crazy. Anyone trying to remotely defend the statements or person by saying, "Well yes what he said is terrible, but ..." There's no need for a but. The comments were horrible and sickening, point blank period. 

I think the admins need to take care of this asap, with the victim's input in mind. Honestly this shouldn't even be a discussion post for opinions when there's a clear right and wrong. Have most of you forgotten basic empathy for mineman brownie points? Lol grow the hell up.

Edited by Valkirey
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Don't think he should've been unbanned, people are deluded if they actually think he spent 4 years away from the server and didn't alt. 

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I'm not here to defend anyone. Just going to comment on the absurdness of this whole thread. A player was banned 4 years ago for a distasteful comment they made toward another. 4 years is not a short period of time. 4 years is so long of a time for a server than a lot of players who played back then likely don't play now. The idea that a player was banned, spent that 4 years banned and has not at least matured to understand why they were banned is simply idiotic. On the point of "well he could have just alted" well now you are calling the people who reviewed the ban and made the unanimous decision to offer a second chance incompetent. That may be so, but nonetheless a second chance was offered and accepted. Can anyone in this thread prove without a reasonable doubt that the player HASNT changed? If so, post your screen shots (actual screen shots and not photoshopped slander). If not, then this thread is borderline harassment against the player and should be locked. This is a decision that came from staff. LOTC is a huge and vast server. It is not impossible to avoid the player if you cannot forgive and forget after 4 YEARS.

This will be all I will say on the topic of this thread. If staff are present then they would be wise to lock this thread to avoid further harassment.

Edited by Creator_Alan
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8 minutes ago, Creator_Alan said:

I'm not here to defend anyone. Just going to comment on the absurdness of this whole thread. A player was banned 4 years ago for a distasteful comment they made toward another. 4 years is not a short period of time. 4 years is so long of a time for a server than a lot of players who played back then likely don't play now. The idea that a player was banned, spent that 4 years banned and has not at least matured to understand why they were banned is simply idiotic. On the point of "well he could have just alted" well now you are calling the people who reviewed the ban and made the unanimous decision to offer a second chance incompetent. That may be so, but nonetheless a second chance was offered and accepted. Can anyone in this thread prove without a reasonable doubt that the player HASNT changed? If so, post your screen shots (actual screen shots and not photoshopped slander). If not, then this thread is borderline harassment against the player and should be locked. This is a decision that came from staff. LOTC is a huge and vast server. It is not impossible to avoid the player if you cannot forgive and forget after 4 YEARS.

This will all I will say on the topic of this thread. If staff are present then they would be wise to lock this thread to avoid further harassment.


I might have to remind you that forgiving the person in question who got banned for 4 years, is fully up to the two offended and targetted by him. The people who decide in forgiving him ought to be only Muna and Toni their business, not anyone else's.


I also think that posts such as these are useful in respectful dialogue to come to a conclusion all together that if players are uncomfortable with the return of the said banned person and to bring this matter up to staff properly. This is no harrassment, this is just what is quite literally going on at this moment.


That is enough from me on this thread. o7.

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I don't think this should even be a discussion.


No-one owes anyone forgiveness, and the victims have all the right to be uncomfortable around someone that not only insulted and disreguarded their identity but also threatened to rape them. I am not of any side in the war, I don't give a shit about the minecraft power dynamic nor will I ever start giving a shit.


Mona and Toni were victims of horrid harassment and you guys are worried that this was posted because of a minecraft war?

What the **** is wrong with you? 

As for the admins, moderators and general staff team that allowed such a player back into the server, shame on you, you didn't just fail to do your job, you failed the community as a whole by letting this excuse of a person back inside.

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18 hours ago, Beamon4 said:

that wasn't even serious but out of anger.

Saying them out of anger does not make them any less vial or any more acceptable.  What was said in those screenshots should never be said.

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10 hours ago, sami03 said:

If it was just a quick f** slur he should be forgiven with a proper apology.

Imagine telling minorities who slurs apply to that they should forgive ppl who say them simply because you don't think it's a big deal.

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Y’all are fūcked up. My heart goes to the victim (for lack of a better word) and anyone else involved, don’t listen to these imbeciles. 

I will be removing anyone who decides to try to defend their past actions. I get it though - you so desperately wish to believe in a friend because you believe they've changed and wouldn't say anything like that again - trust me, I do. Sometimes however, things you say cannot simply be forgotten. I do believe people can change and that they probably have but, changing sometimes just isn’t enough and we need to understand that as a community.

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I think something that people aren’t entirely grasping is that muna or toni are not here asking for an apology from this person. Nor do they have to accept or hear an apology from them. This situation  has crossed a line where a simple apology just does not cut it. Muna and Toni are sharing this information in order to bring awareness so that an open conversation can be held and people can speak their truth. For those who believe this is a targeted post due to some silly minecraft war, please grow up and stop invalidating victims. Using shit excuses for someone who has threatened to sexually assault more than one person on this server, along with a whole other slew of wrongdoings such as using racial slurs, alting to avoid their ban, rping as a nazi, etc, really does say a lot about yourself and what you stand for. We may not like it but those who you interact with and are friends with do tend to represent who you are as a person. I hope people can take this into account as they read through this thread. 

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