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what do you think of the current Cloud Temple soulstone system?


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I cannot fathom any way in which this isn't worse than just having warp signs, and have seen several new players get confused.


Also I occasionally warp to the wrong place after using them which is annoying. 

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It's cool, but just having warps would be easier.

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the fact you have to waste a soulstone slot to use it makes the the whole system totally useless for most people, tbh just add back the teleport ordeal and make it one way

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Far easier on Almaris.. The new system is a lot of back and forth between swapping my ss slots between different pillars. 

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I think maybe either an ss to ct and the almaris way of the hubs or an additional ss slot to change locations from the ss pillars meanwhile keeping our other guarenteed ss slots whether it be 2 or 3 

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i liked the little carts last map ! if we are using a 'hub' system, i think that is overwhelmingly better and more efficient - a cooler roleplay intro to new players of 'getting a horse and cart' to somewhere (rather than feeling like a minigames server hub), and just overall much easier to use. 


since it's in the air, maybe work something with that? little magitech blimps idk, but some mode of travel to fit in with the roleplay universe, acting mechanically in the same way the horse and carts did last map! :]


in general i'm not a huge fan of soulstone mechanics but i can understand the quicktravel need; i think in the case of ct hubs though it is just a bit convoluted and messy to use. 

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Honestly the timers when fasttravelling to warp pillars should be lowered. I've had several new players that I'm trying to teach to use them warp to the wrong one and then just be stuck for 10 minutes. Warping to towns I don't see an issue with longer times, but with warping to random points out in the wilderness I don't get the timer. Also while the older warps were easier to use, I think this one adds an extra layer to the map so I'd be fine with keeping them but maybe re-adding the carriages would fix a lot of the walking issues

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I'm personally fine with it, though I think the soulstone pillars should instead be converted to warp signs or something of the like so that it is easier for new players to use, while removing the insta-soulstone recharge when SSing to Cloud Temple as a means to balance it. Not sure if carriages were disabled or that every nation is just broke, but those should be brought back too.


All and all, its a good system and I like how they implemented soul-stoning as a mechanic into it- but it's a bit of an IQ test to those unfamiliar with it, and unfortunately people make mistakes and SS to the wrong place sometimes.

Edited by SlitheryC1
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Personally I would of rather the hub travel system with the CT CD. As well as the road to the Iron Horde is kinda poor and zig-zags alot (excluding the portion which i made, no offense to laeo, appreciate your help in setting up the map though). Not to mention that there appears to be an abandoned desert hub that someone planned but didnt implemented. As a well ways out from the Horde there's a random structure with no RG with a emerald ss pillar.

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Please bring back the previous system

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It's an ok system if you know how to use it, but a lot of people don't know how to use it. There ought to be a warp to the pillars on the mainland instead of having to rebind it every time you need to go somewhere.

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I'm not a fan of portals/warps at the Cloud Temple in any way. I prefer a Cloud Temple that is physically stationed in the world with roads leading out from it, like our earliest maps. This new warp / SS system is confusing

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