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Your View: On Course—Off Course?


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2 minutes ago, Telanir said:


How do we balance this with red-tape? Giving notice…is that RP-friendly, or dynamic…or even interesting? And, suppose we do remove ladders, then the problem of perma-locked settlements returns—gates down, 24/7. (my problem here is not that players behind gates are safe, it is that it's that community interaction is (literally) gated, and new players be sad for sure).


I liked the beginning of this map a lot, gates were wide open come-on-in—but flat turning off conflict would be worse. What else can we try?

I think a larger scale battle is far more interesting than a slaughter where pvpers hop into a city, kill a few random roleplayers, and leave. As I said, I think the fairest compromise is having two types of raids: a raid with a one hour notice and siege equipment permitted, and a short-notice raid without siege equipment. 

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Please bring back villainy blacklists. Tired of dealing with bad actors that run up to interrupt an event to initiate combat, and then promptly emote "runs away screaming" once CRP is called.

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I personally am upset with the fact that y'all removed rp swords. It was a bad idea to remove them since now you have to pay out the nose for a weapon you'll use for CRP.  Also calling PVP "MRP" isn't smart. MRP has multiple meanings and people may end up misunderstanding. Other than that, things are mostly okay. Just please bring back the ability to make training swords

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For an addendum, this 'State of the Game' that pops up twice every year (unless a big controversy happens), reminds me of actual vidya-game state of the games.  Destiny 2 for instance.

They happen rarely, everything comes to a boil, and a tidal wave ensues before radio-silence resumes from the blip

They aren't good

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I've spoken a lot on things recently, so I'll summarize them here.


Moderation Conduct: There has been a string of incidents which has soured the opinion of moderation. Reqs have become tainted with snide comments and overt bias. Victims of bigotry have to debate with the community why they feel offended while the perpetrators of said abuse are slapped on the wrist and softly endorsed to perform similar actions in the future. Essential services are unavailable for weeks for some and swiftly granted for others. Feedback is dismissed using information initially promised to be anonymous. It has been shown there is little interest in what the community beyond a select few think on this server, and many I know no longer trust that sensitive issues can be handled at all by moderation at this time.


Player Conduct: There is a persistent element of server culture which encourages malicious and toxic behavior towards other players. Clip montages of pvp victories thrown in people's faces to embarrass them, extended low quality villainy that keeps people wrapped up for hours of time they don't have, constant use of bigoted terminology in both open and closed environment. I have friends in real life that I wish I could bring on to the server but I know I can't due to the horrid underbelly of the community, and I know plenty of friends including myself who would leave in a heartbeat if not for the connections we've already made. Something needs to be done to curtail this behavior, not weaponize those who spread it to go after people who have done everything in their power to avoid it.


LOTC has grown a lot from the earlier parts of its history, the issues we have today are in no part worse nor different than those of the path. I can only hope we remember how the community was dragged from that state before it gets pulled back in.


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so much of what made lotc fun feels like it's vanishing from underneath. where are the eventlines? where are the warclaims? where's the dynamic rp? why are the gates closed? why are staff creating mechanics plugins on the server when the mission statement says 'rp, not clicks'? what the **** happened to pasting builds? it was genuinely fantastic having all of the worldlore published, so - with that transparency in mind - why does it feel like nothing's happened with it?


maybe there is a legitimate reason for some of these, but idk man. the server just feels so slow and tired nowdays. we gotta pump the steroids back in somehow

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People are complaining about stuff that has been around forever and for some reason had only now gotten to be an issue. 

“gates are always closed” 


yeah, because raiders can come in and slaughter your population if you keep them open, this has been a thing since before I began playing


”Raid weapons give raiders too much an advantage”


eh maybe, iirc you can only bring 3 and even then a ladder can only go up so far, though I agree defenders need ways to fight against it without straight up deleting them.


“Everyones in their own little circles” 


again, a thing that has been around since before I began playing, when I was a new player I’d reach out and RP with everyone I could but quickly realized whose in what cliche, it’s why I personally don’t like Haense. 

And others. Personally i’m fine however, if I never checked the forums i’d have no way of knowing the blights of Lotc because to me, Aevos has so far treated me best out of Arcas or Almaris, so far Aevos has been nothing but fun and positivity for me and I feel as if there has not been a culture shift that so many people claim and I’ve put too much time into lotc in the last week (1 day, 22 hours as I type this) 


edit; I’ve done some thinking, and honestly some nations have gates open 24/7, I’ve never seen Krugmar close their gate except for during a pvp raid, I’ve never seen Lurin or Aaun close their gates, and the onlytime Urguan has closed its gates is when they captured the Norlandic King and wanted to ensure people couldn’t get in (they still did, Sneaky got killed by a Norlander so the Urguanites couldn’t get it lmao) 


to nations that I’ve encountered only closed gates, such as Norland or Balian, they usually (not always) have someone close by who can let you in, and when it comes to where I currently RP the most (hnor) if there isn’t someone around to open gates, there’s almost always someone on discord your can ping and get the attention of

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1 hour ago, Unwillingly said:

part of me is disappointed we don't have impromptu ET events anymore.

I would like to add to this point. When I first joined this server, one of my first ever experiences within Almaris was an impromptu event that had occurred while me and my friends were exploring this grand world that was built for the sake of roleplay. I believe that spontaneous interactions could be good for not only the over arching story that staff have planed for Aevos, but for the sole player to actually progress in unique ways outside of cultural roleplay or roleplay within closed off city walls. I believe it was either almightysaucer who actually lead an impromptu event in the ruins of Lucinsberg back in my earlier days. This event was something my character talked about extensively for decades to come.

I will not speak much on the topic of raids or pvp, because im not anywhere close to that scene. However, I do believe Alexa brings up some valid points. I feel like giving an hour heads up for raids with raid tools would benefit both parties. 

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