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In the Cause of Light


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"Verily, Veletz will burn, and with them, the evil that has corrupted their very souls." The High Keeper mused.

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"More sheep for the slaughter." a certain draconic colluder named Ahnakriel would murmur with a sunny, burning smile.

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The Duke of Adria was in his keep when he heard news of the new signatory. He froze, genuinely shocked at what had developed. "Must I bear arms against my every friend, tutor and ally? And not a letter of warning or inquiry from them. Shall anyone I love remain, when it is done?" he cried out, recalling his fond tutelage within Barrowton. Markus damned the war, and sung out a complaint to Godanistan that he must bear arms against those he loved.

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Alf Vuiller sat by a rather toasty fire, warming his toes "Down with the Dragons! Down with the heretics!" he cried out fervently before taking another sip of his whiskey, "Or something of the sort"

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"One more rallied to the cause!"  A young Freysson shouts in his room, probably waking up his sisters.

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The young princess, Eriantiel, clapped, proud of her mother and her nation.

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Antonius Cardinal Artorus traces the Lorraine on himself as he gazed into the great pyre inside of the Bastion Temple to San Caius, trying his best to catch any glimpse of divine message from the LORD GOD. The Archdiocese would burn bright as any other pyre no doubt but a great heart ache beset the old priest pushing over ninety years of life. GOD fearing men and women would die on both sides, those he knew personally on either side and taught them scripture, The word, Virtue and Spirit. 


"DIOs tests me in my twilight years..." The priest wept in his quarters after the court wishing he had lived in a better timeline. But he remained stalwart in his vows to GOD.



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Imrahil drew a lengthy breath, reaching for his sword as he knelt in prayer.

"GOD above, I ask only for the strength to defend my people!"

He was prepared to follow his sister and Queen to war.

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"It should not have been so." declared a most distraught, Holy Princess.

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"Perhaps this'll be my chance to prove myself to her," Leofric remarked as he rode through the Haenser snow. For a time, he had been distracted from his duties as both squire & student. "I am coming, Me'Lord." This would be a turning point for both him and the world as he knew it. It was this moment that would bring him back to Caladras.


After he left Valdev, a letter took his place to warn a special interest of his departure. @alien_mc

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Aerin Marsyr would make his way to the gatehouse, back from vacation, to hold the banner of EXALTED FARFOLK OWYN aloft from the battlements. He would curse under his breath as he would probably have to spill canonist blood, heretics and misguided middlemen though they may be.

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