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The greatest wizard to ever live, Sarah Artenin, watched as a single extra word appeared on the paper... 'Allegedly'.

"Damn it." She sighed.


The paper shifts again. The allegedly has been removed!

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Iduna peerd over to what her new found uncle had written, she paused for a moment "dramatic but well written" she clearly didn't understand the context of the missive of this given moment.. 

later she found out what the missive was truly about
"oh... oh..." she finally understand with a blink ".. want a drink?" she asked her uncle from with in hohkmats tavern

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"Heard this John Augustus Galbraith fella is an undead spy that does necromancy," spoke Malik the Freak, spreading rumours in a busy tavern .

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"Look at that, they have just found us." 


The Gravelord sat upon the ledge of that cavernous ravine, his empty sockets, staring down at the rifts below. It had been far too long since fresh blood had graced his ivory digits. The sign of a commander, stuck within his castle for far to long. After a moment, his palm would loft upwards, gilded smog starting to trace around his digits. That maw, spewing with abyssal smog, as he spoke that command to his general


"Sted al'numenro. A'gulhj narn vorrul"

Ready the dead. We prepare for War




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William read the missive "Someone has to put things into motion" he murmured before continuing his painting of the undead knight that has been haunting his memories, a dark painting featuring a darker figure. A phantom pain lingering on his wrist stops him from finishing the painting. "One day..." he said as he stood up, looking at the figure in the painting.

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Gundanat slowly read through the missive himself, chuckling as he muttered to himself  "They never ask any other nations, always those involved. Saves us the issue of intervening now doesn't it?"

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“Indeed it does.. we still should worry over the red lich’s growing power though.” The Silver Lubba patted Gundanat before setting the missive aside and going on about her day. 

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Alyovich stares blankly at the missive, his natural brown eyes obscured by the darkness of his helm, as a blanket of soft purple fabric hid away his remaining features. No voice spoke out. No words were needed. It was a foolish hope - but even he had believed the mortals would recognise the true threat.


With a gentle roll of his shoulders, he passed the missive off to O'zen@Karina, and finally spoke his words,


"Write a poem about me in this, will vy?"

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Posted (edited)

In a darkened hall does the lone Tantalus sit, pouring over the missive with a drink in hand. Lifting his mask, he finishes it off as though his life depends on it. “Shit.” 

Edited by Anonymous_Rando
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Dear John Augustus of the tribe Galbraith,


Your tale of vengeance precedes you, carried on the back of your unbeaten determination and relentless pursuit of destruction against the unliving. My clan, too, seeks allies in this righteous endeavor, and I believe our goals align perfectly, like the desert and my people. I have heard whispers of your liking to bulls and cattle, and the iron atop your hip, which strikes with unrivaled speed.


I wish to meet you.




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A stench of undeath roils around Dakarian's gloved digits as he slowly reads over the notice. He supposes his mistress will need to be informed, and clambers off to her chambers. @stickyhon

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Rapunzel vibes 

3 hours ago, TreeSmoothie said:



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A fossil of a once young man sat within the blackened halls of the company, his hands clasped together tightly, and his arm bearing a snake that wrapped around it tightly, almost as if it was latching onto its soon-to-be prey.


he stated in his soft but potent, high imperial tone, one that bounced off the walls of his shadowed visage, well hidden behind a pale white veil.

       "They hold their ranks to such high regards. . a façade that hides their weakness."

        Taking time to slowly look up to the stone black ceiling, he hums in contemplation and whispers to himself.

    "I wonder if such confidence will be held once the smoke of war clears"

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On 5/19/2024 at 10:39 AM, Werew0lf said:

"Heard this John Augustus Galbraith fella is an undead spy that does necromancy," spoke Malik the Freak, spreading rumours in a busy tavern .

Father Nerium, reclining casually in the direct middle of a busy tavern, drank small sips from what looked like a vertebrae as his suspecting eyes passed over the banter. Upon hearing Malik the Trustworthy speak, he cunningly pulled a little pocketbook out of his sleeve and wrote down the rumor. "John Augustus Galbraith is a necromancer! The pontifex must know!" he thought, scowling and shaking his head. 

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