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Everything posted by Zarsies

  1. Do I make an orc or dwarf for my next main? REALLY STRUGGLING HERE

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. __Zuko
    3. Drak3




    4. NotEvilAtAll


      You should make a 6 foot tall human knight from the barony of Irrelventia, kingdom of splinter.

  2. This is a prophetic vision accessible to seers, naztherak, farseer shamans, vivification clairvoyants, and mystics with hexing per Prophecy lore. In a feverish flurry comes warped sights to the third eye and a chant of shrill and thin voices which squeal in a hellish tongue, wracking the mind. Cutting through is the receiver’s own voice uttering an ill portent. Red licking up and weeping down. Howls. Dok unmatar-vuht huk ruth viizr. Khaenor. Rhanor. “What won’t bleed will burn. Wallow. Writhe.” A basalt altar, a pit of blood, a shrieking swarm. Zkrut aka zatar za’Draz-Kulzettar kittaz‘zak “Drink or submit to the Biting Bat’s tithe.” Hills and jungle canopies drenched in gore. Ra’Iiztri daz’thanzar, hanuvna tidak rokka. “The West wilts, awash with flames.” The daunting shape of a horned and eyeless evil. Hrar ukarka dondir. Huk kuul ikzlat daz’duhr. “Four wings wide. Blood and shadow reigns.” A grand black brazier lit with teal fire. Ra’Zevir Thoruuz, ketz kuul narthuz. “The Demon Chalice, boon and bane.” Elves, orcs, and men fall upon one another, many corrupted with fangs and feral while others sling red hellfire flanking demonic warriors. Daldel donothka aka kurav ta’nak tazug. “Marshal men or join his domain.” Scarlet consumes all sight. Screams rattle and fade. The blood of battle drowns you. You jolt back to lucidity briefly choking.
  3. What (sub)race have you never played and want to play someday?
  4. Once I run the gamut with my current main I'm debating between a goblin or dwarf character. Suggestions? Nifty ideas? Family tie recommendations? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Carson


      DM me if u are interested in a forest dwarf character! Kalehart is super involved with us too and i know you and him are pals

    3. Sorcerio


      Maybe my next character would be a dwarf... @Nooblius

    4. Tentoa


      Play a dwarf with me

  5. Simple but critical. Thank you for putting it to words, I've always felt and understood this but have never seen it written.
  6. I misclicked and voted for the wrong one Q_Q If possible, full removal please. If compromise is required, no signed items please.
  7. I am trying to transition from a morning coffee ritual to tea. Please recommend me flavors, brands, etc. as I am a filthy uncultured American will little familiarity.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. riorr


      rooibos :)

    3. deleted111


      A light and luxurious hand-rolled green tea scented with serene jasmine petals.

      warm, rounded, soft, subtle, aromatic, relaxing


    4. Jentos


      I do like some good black tea, with or without milk


      i don't know where you live but I'd heavily suggest going out to a tea-shop if there are any nearby, you might be able to choose a few blends and discuss your tastes to make a more enlightened decision. some tea shops also offer a range of kettles and accessories which really promote a sort of "ritual" behind tea and its consumption. 


      also make the excuse that because its tea, it can be paired with tea-biscuits of some sort (always a tasty excuse for myself to choose tea over coffee sometimes) 

  8. where is my money, boy...

    1. Heero


      wiring you dogecoin as we speak 😅

  9. Please submit your LotC Deep State shadow government applications before midnight. Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gemini


      Thank you so much for you interest! I would be more than happy to continue to recruitment process with your company.


      Kind regards, 

      Gemini, MBA, PhD


    3. _Sug


      What kinda security clearance and benefits are offered with the package?

    4. Zarsies


      @_SugAdminCP, server box access, full calendar view, dental and vision (no health, no life, no disability), and you get to come to the annual picnic. This year it will be in Ohio. 💀

  10. Who built Acre? That place is ADORABLE, very inspiring.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      acre is a state in brazil

    3. Jentos


      acre proof of the qualities of good, small-scale builds and the removal of most OOC interactions 

    4. tilly


      Acre is directly out the back gate of Vienne, just go straight passed the tourney grounds and you'll find it!!!!

  11. I'm on my ambitious divorcee arc.
  12. Empathy, maturity, independence, patience, humility, etc. Nothing special. CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and a moderate amount of psychedelics. It's too large a subject to succinctly broach here but TL;DR determine what you genuinely care about - usually people or internal values - and let the rest fall away. Not everything is serious; in fact very little is. Once you lose perpetual tension life is easier. Also helps to get evaluated for any neurodivergent qualities you might have and seek treatment if you haven't before. See above. I gutted all need for validation when I came to terms with nihilism; no one and nothing matters, enjoy yourself. Seek therapy if needed. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, 1922. It's so old it's in the public domain and you can find free narrations of it. Least played: dwarf and orc (2). Most played: human and elf (each 3). Longest played in terms of IRL time is probably elf, my first 2 main characters were dark elves. N/A. Culture is a joke on the races as a whole, it's only of any depth in specific pockets but even then I'm neutral on almost all. Best specific culture imo were the Velians. Implying I even like my own consistently Q_Q Probably simonbane but they haven't been around since ~2014 so... idk. I don't play any aesthetic because every character evolves from one to another until they die in one unless you consider mentally ill an aesthetic. But who isn't ill in some manner and what fun would a world of benign 'normal' people be? As for starting over it's hard to say, my path was foundational and taught me a lot via mistake and looking back on it all I want to shrivel up and die but it was necessary to become who I am today. I'd probably axe most of Sprat, redact Uldrivt's origin, kill off Carmanin instead of letting her fade, and spend less time at my computer in general. I used LotC as an escape and at times I should have challenged myself more instead of hiding from the world in fantasyland. I'd also play a halfling main but avoid the anal hugbox crowd. Just a hobby that I'm hot and cold on at times. Sometimes - more often than it should be - it's daunting and acutely stressful so I don't even attempt to engage. I've been more absent in-game 2018 to now compared to 2013 to 2017 accounting for school and unhealthy devotion. My dissatisfaction with my own roleplay, the roleplay of others, and other people's typing speed / inability to resolve interactions in a timely manner eats at me and makes me hesitant dive in. The best way I've learned to mitigate this stress and try to enjoy RP has been curating my company and spending less time in public areas which slowly became none. That led to feeling trapped in a sense that my characters have a very short list of immediate contacts and outside them they are isolated which translates to me not staying online. Not great, and I've learned there's a balance in curating who I interact with and spending time encountering strangers but since I've been away so much I've yet to start that initiative. Hopefully I will soon. My thoughts are shallow because our encounters have been fleeting but they amount to me thinking you're an excited, appropriately immature dude on a path to success. Terry Jones' Medieval Lives by Terry Jones, 2004. It's proven invaluable for establishing realism as a I prep for my next D&D campaign. You're a real one, my dude.
  13. My new house is giant and I have the master so the space is just unreasonably large, I need things to fill it with, but atm I have a 7ft couch against one wall centered under a window. It has a yellow and cream floral print with yellow grapes, oranges, and some kind of yellow-orange bird all over. It's from the early 70s and is in pristine condition, I got it from a friend's late grandmother who kept it in her living room for my friend's parent's entire life but no one was allowed to sit on it. It was the "nice" couch, the couch for guests only, so the family had to clean it but could never use it and due to their situation they had less and less people over until for ~25 years it was completely unused but still taken care of. I'm obsessed with this stupid couch and it's where I sit/lay with my laptop to chip away at projects. Lovely spot. I've always loved Afflicted, shame it's in limbo currently. I really enjoy the idea of skinwalkers / dopplegangers (one of my very few fears, movies that feature dopplegangers make me squirm) and playing one is a blast. If that doesn't count I'd say vivification, it's what you make of it. Least liked are anthroparions and shamanism. Decent enough. Over the years LotC has grown in ways it's hard to describe other than server culture and attitudes, in other ways it's always been the same and it's not a simple topic to lay out. It's always a problem getting people to 'buy-in' to the stories of others, be it consenting to death or just accepting a tone/mood/atmosphere. Plenty of players don't care about verisimilitude and another player infringing on their slim-thick-witty-handsome-knights-watch-detective RP triggers bad sportsmanship and that's a bummer. Or when violence isn't treated as terrifying, life threatening, and a last resort like we're in an anime and people lay down their lives for little to no reason just because. Those issues are never fixed, it's a matter of player temperament and server culture, but at times they get better or worse. I'm thankful RP default is back but it's just one step, the server at large is always in need of education and examples but those two things don't come easily from what I can tell. To answer, yes I do like it, but only because I curate my surroundings and hide from the general public lest I encounter the aforementioned types. But I'm going to try my best relatively soon to find new people, make new friends, and get out of my shell. Not often; I'm nostalgic for almost nothing. I remain because I can maintain a golden ratio of time invested to fun and pleasure received, what amounts to maybe 4 hours a week right now but I'd like to get more towards ~8 due to character aspirations. I doubt wraiths will ever be back for player use unless the writers overhaul their concept because of how LotC had changed (grown) and the old stuff wouldn't fly nowadays. Mordring is near. Just a silly thing for goofy gals.
  14. Practice and patience? Lots of reading. And it helps to feel some manner of camaraderie towards others as to make any player content friendly and good-spirited. I forgive you. :) Vagabonds, the downtrodden, etc. I enjoy portraying a wretched, rancid, reeking mess and having the wherewithal to approach any character in any setting with a reliable and understandable motive. There's nothing like the feeling of a dirty beggar shambling across the street looking at you with meth eyes and you instantly know he's coming to ask you for something. A man with nothing to lose is bold and dangerous. And sad as hell. Monster hunters, detectives, and court nobles. I like the idea of them but in my personal experience they are never played in good faith and those players are OOCly conniving. I absolutely hate when it feels like I'm not playing the game with people but against them. It ruins my mood and leads to disillusion. I also have a strong aversion to child RP. A fond memory that comes to mind is when TehLulu's librarian character (can't remember her name, might have been Lotheriel) unraveled / figured out my character Sprat's inner turmoil. I don't remember all the details but she was abducted by the Undead in Athera and was trapped within a magical cell in Drauchreim in the Nether. My Undead was familiar with her through proxies (spies) and she had a baseline understanding of him through a tangled past and insights through some sort of Iblees double agent librarian dude. They didn't talk much when he visited her in the prison but he transformed her cell to appear and feel more comfortable after having a breakdown and internal crisis seeing her there (even longer story and I don't remember it all). Just from his reaction and then alleviation of her torture she connected the dots on topics I never outright talked IC or OOC and solely through deduction and context clues she completely figured him out. I was seriously stunned and moved, never had I felt someone paid enough attention and had the intellect and empathy to unfold a character portrayed in front of them and when she did it felt like I had an epiphany: this is what roleplay can be. Deep, complex, heavy with subtext, and highly emotional. ALL COLORS ARE VALID... green, black, and indigo are pretty cool just not necessarily together. My least favorite is orange and red. She definitely would be since she was the only one. Jexdane, Ever, Watyll, Geoboy, MrIrishBoys, and plenty more I can't conjure at this moment. Probably Zarsies/Lolindar/Uldrivt/Kozilek but only at certain moments. I enjoy his story as a classically doomed character, his ultimate goal was impossible and he would always be a failure. And despite its hopelessness he was utterly devoted and committed abject evil in its name. That said I really dig my current main character but in a weird way I feel like she has yet to blossom because I never gave her the effort required to reach the dynamic I'm shooting for. Since I'm coming around more lately hopefully I can get that off the ground... Risotto! It's so easy, all it takes is time (the bulk of it is the arbio rice) and it yields the must delicious savoy and salty dinner. I **** with butternut squash heavy and it's my preferred main feature for risotto but there's lots of ways to make it. Depends on what the resume is going for, if it's appropriate and you feel bold then listing Al'tahrn-Durngo is viable (because it's fleshed out enough to almost be functional). You could put your LotC time in some light to cite some useful skills. Busy as **** bruh but it's all for the better. The latest chaos has been securing the house and getting everyone moved in, now that it's over it's smooth sailing. Legit! I cherish you. Aegis had lots of highlights. On the first day of release my brother, friend, and I bought a platform from ShiftNative and created a tavern which was utterly chaotic. Becoming Fawkes' (cannot remember his MC name for the life of me...) apprentice and joining simonbane's Black Hand was absolutely thrilling. I loved all the dramatic developments between the Undead and Ascended. I spent many nights raising hell along the roads where I become friends with pugsy. God I miss pugsy. But the memory that we shared that shines above the rest was when Rilath was being handed over (or something like that?) to Shoi and the Ascended to be purified of his corruption. Very dramatic, lots of lightning. I remember sprint jumping for my life across the ice to get away from Undead coming to crash the party. You are an icon. Toasted hard ciabatta bread smeared with garlic and rosemary aioli, sauted spinach, roasted mushrooms, artichoke hearts, pickled hot peppers, and a thin slab of fresh mozzarella. It's a stupid overpriced white Millennial sandwich at a place near me I'm utterly obsessed with. Artichoke hearts slap. Iykyk. You make it with bad decisions leading to crisis culminating in nearly-averted disaster. We're lucky all they decided to do was reset the calendar. I also find it amusing we could have been slapped with it in 2012 but it managed to sit and simmer until now. Low and slow... like goetta.
  15. All over; movies, books, my environment, dreams, drugs, and general visual content and all those things mix together in a mess. I was an art hoe in school had a concentration on ink + watercolor and oil, I've always had visuals prominent in my world. I avoid popular media when I can help it, I acutely cringe when people lean on anything modern or popular like video games or TV shows but my sensitivity towards that being distasteful seems to be much more severe than the average Joe so I suffer needlessly. When I'm on the hunt for art I draw on hella obscure sources but generally speaking Pinterest drawing from ArtStation accounts are ripe for viable images. Oil is king. Seer is finally what I always wanted to be and I finally have the time to roleplay casually so I want to pursue that. My new house is way huge and has gardens on all sides + gardens along the tree line so I want to turn into a crazy plant mom. After ~3 years of hiatus my IRL friend groups are rekindling our D&D plans and I'm excited to get back to DMing but atm I'm battling with hashing out the actual group(s); we have 8 people interested in one campaign and 7 interested in another (total of 15, I am blessed with a wide circle of nerds) but I can only run 1 and my max comfortable table size is 6 players. Very eager but it will be hard to hash that out. READ. Writers get better by reading. Also I mention it because it seems so prevalent on LotC for some reason but it is crucial that writers in general understand that word count and use of a thesaurus are NOT things to maximize. Kids romanticize writing as unending sentences full of archaisms, semicolons, adjectives, and words they don't know but that makes for the most dense, obtuse prose that is overindulgent and wasteful. The art, skill, and craft (aren't I funny) of writing is taking the easy part, the spam, and boiling it down as much as possible into the richest, shortest sentences. Word choice is superior to word count. Lots of things can be solved with dialogue, your eye movements and shifting aren't often relevant and subjecting people to it needlessly tires out the reader, and long words =/= good words. The more you read the more you are exposed to the voices and perspectives of other writers and it will help you figure out what you don't like to then refine your own. Case in point I adore Lovecraft and Poe but what I take from them are very, very small nuggets here and there and they serve as lessons on how not to write. We develop taste much faster than we do skill. All that said, I'm no paragon and I object to being upheld as anyone or anything special. LotC is a small pond, I believe I've barely found my voice because most 'lore' on LotC is nothing like 'writing', there's rarely drama or dialogue and that's what makes writing, not encyclopedia entries on fantasyland. Favorite thing to cook is goetta (look it up). It's a poor man's food and I have a lot of good memories around it. Low and slow. The perfect Sunday breakfast staple. Definitely not my favorite thing to eat. Hard to say what is, I was anorexic for 7 years (good now) and spent ~4.5 years in food service so my food journey has been all over the place. Kinda impossible to nail a favorite but a contender that comes to mind is pickles. I love pickles. My favorite flavor is salty. It's so unhinged that during Christmas I bought 8 6-packs of a pickle beer from a local brewery. No music, idk what my 'tism or core neurotic issue is but I don't really like music. I didn't start listening to things of my own volition until ~16. My taste is highly eclectic but almost never do I listen to music by my own doing, only things with talking or just silence. That said when I do my most listened to shit on Spotify is trap leaning towards horrorcore ($uicideBoy$, Night Lovell, Shakewell, Fat Nick, Denzel Curry), R&B/soul/jazz (Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Etta James Erykah Badu, The Ink Spots, Duke Ellington, Chet Baker, Stan Getz, Frank Sinatra), and a slew of earworm songs. I have an addictive personality so sometimes when a song (fiendishly...) gets stuck in my head I have to play it to death. Music and I are only occasionally on friendly terms. One of my IRL friends was downloading the texture pack LB PhotoRealism and saw a list of servers who had it as their official texture pack and saw Lord of the Craft. We're all Lord of the Rings nuts so he mentioned it to me, we checked it out, the server was going to launch in ~2 months, so we applied on the Minecraft forums and waited for the server to launch. I played him and my brother for awhile, both have come and gone among other IRL friends (some who still poke around today... I will keep their secrets). Total fluke. We were caught solely by the name. My favorite part about the server itself are the builds. As aforementioned I'm visually inclined, back when I was an art hoe I was planning on going to college for architecture and using family nepotism to catapult into an architecture career, and Minecraft perfectly scratches that itch of 3D design for me (not to mention non-architectural environments). I ******* love Minecraft, it's a perfect medium (because of skins complementing it). I adore what people produce, every map is a feast for the eyes and I never get tired of innovations in build design. My favorite part about the community is growth. While there's always duds here and there, people evolve as individuals and refine as writers here and it's enriching to see that happen. Plus our community literally grows - expands - and while I'm a bundle of anxiety at times and struggle to reach out I really, really appreciate how at any moment I can make new friends. I've had so, so many friend groups come and go over the years and it's tough when I feel like I'm between them, like everyone has left again and in some way I'm alone, but I worm my way into new circles or work on building new ones and begin the cycle of developing friendships again. I love that. Sometimes it's a slog but it's always worth it, there's LOTS of lovely people here. I do, just been busy with work. If things pan out well I should get back to you tomorrow or later in the week, it'll be organized in my Discord. See above. Very hard to say because it all comes and goes and I'm already indifferent but sometimes the right song enchants me and I cannot escape. Right now that is Them Changes by Thundercat. Yog-Sothoth because my favorite piece of his is the Dunwich Horror. Unlikely, I've developed a bipolar hatred for teaching. As much as I feature in player content, I often don't want to lead anything or be relied on. I just want to vibe at my own speed. Hard to say, typically my latest stuff I like more because I lean towards feeling my current work is my best work. As soon as I do something new there's a pervasive shame around all the stuff before it but I try be grateful for my past self because it led me to the here and now. Case in point I'm middling on blood magic, Vaasek, seer, and so on. Older stuff I feel worse about and the ancient stuff I abhor. My favorite piece has yet to be revealed... such is life. By far my least favorite player content is third generation blood magic, it was so utterly trash in terms of mechanics and was abused to hell and back because it sucked. My least favorite work was 2 long form poems I entered into a poetry contest for school, I won for them but in retrospect they're utterly pathetic and so edgy and bleak they make my physically sick lmfao. Being a teenager sucks. You're a hoot and good company.
  16. Joined when I was 12yr old in 2011. LotC is and was a font of lessons and community sprinkled with trauma and close encounters. Definitely worth it overall, still vibing. It's unfortunate it wasn't until ~2018 that I got a real grip on life and began balancing my time and emotional investments, currently things are 10/10 and life is good. Despite my expectations I have a big boy job, a house, a nearly burdensome active social life, love, stonks, a pinch of gains, and buckets of friends. Things surprisingly panned out well. Between it all I make time to fart around on here with y'all because I'm in love with writing, our community, and the amorphous 'you'. AMA. Ask the right questions and I might even leak insider secrets (burger-king-doordash-7-layer-lasagna style).
  17. Would doing an AMA for my 11th year be tacky? Any alternative ideas?

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      yesssss, it would, but just do it! live, laugh, love a little!

    2. DrakeHaze.


      do the ama but you can only answer the question with a meme

  18. Please recommend to me a place to settle into on a human character. Looking for a conflict-welcoming community.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Unwillingly


      ive been gravitating towards oren less and less for [reasons] ngl 

      dms are open but aint gonna vent that on d forums

      sucks that there aren't more active human settlements tho

    3. DrakeHaze.


      try an elf town

    4. doreebear


      trick question, there isn't any 

  19. HELLO NERDS. The 4th installment of LOTC DAILY TRIVIA is on the horizon. Hit me up if you're interested in generating questions and checking answers. Doing so exempts you from participating (and therefore winning!!!) but the fun is well worth it. Also hmu with ideas for prizes... Commissions for character art? Skins? Maybe I can convince Kowa to add a unique forum role for Trivia Champ or something

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zacho


      i will gift a 20 dollar steam giftcard to the winner

    3. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model

      yeah i got a ******* question

      why do you think it's okay to show your ******* face around here?


    4. wowj


      Why you being mean noob

  20. I have a nuanced argument about this that I've retold twice this year for some reason but I'll just shut the hell up. I'm so tired.
  21. You evil frogge woman tempting me...
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