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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. It's interesting that we're not even allowed to defend ourselves anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Blundermore


      It's the first thing they learn pess. Things have changed quite a bit since you were in the order. 

    3. Nolan_


      Honestly, this didn't need to be brought to the forums. Blundermore you knew a status like this would only bring strife. It's absolutely unnecessary and should just be removed. If you've problems then bring it up with the staff team in question. Don't make comments on the statuses, nobody wants to get involved in this god awful drama. - Tsu

      I'll be locking this now.

    4. James


      If you have an issue with me, or something involving me you can pm me Pess. You don't need to argue on status's for 50 comments. What I did wasn't lorebreaking the Ascended, it was a miscommunication between Tsuyose and I. If you have any problems in the future, you can private message myself instead of blowing up on the forums. Have a wonderful day. 

  2. you know, I know I've said this before but i'll say it again. it is weird how nearly every female character on server is about 20 years in look and usually age as well. it kinda eggs me to see this as it seems the oldest "female" technically was dawn. and she still looked about 20 even though she was 200 and human.

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Without sufficient control none of the curses is effective. "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

    3. Recklez


      Well blundermore you have never seen Luarna then, she is a female, old and ugly, and an orc. Toobad she is dead ><

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Meh, I don't see why it matters so much. There are far bigger issued to be concerned with. I've been here a year and even I am not entirely sure how aging works with the time setups, and I've always just gone with half elves having a slightly longer life than humans and so forth.

  3. I have left. Please stop sending me messages. The server will do better without me. Farewell.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Aww.. Well this server just died a little. I will miss you and hope you return /salute

      God speed

    3. Mingpow321


      I'll miss yuh my Blundering friend. May you find happiness wherever you go! I know we didn't talk much but It'd be nice if yuh shot me your Skype.

    4. MrSyth


      Even though we only met a few times IC, I'm still gonna miss you. You seemed like an interesting player.

  4. Le sigh... there are no old women characters in game... everyone is a yougin anime queen which is a little off putting seeing how I'm over 1000 now... I don't think it would be right for me to date a 23 year old elf... What to do... what to do...

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Blundermore


      Im just commenting on the lack of females over the age of 90 in both elven and human and Orc races. I can't really go for one of my ascended kin because we are all related and it would be weird and I can't really go for a young teenish elf because old men and young teens are never a good thing... We need to see an age range come back to are female populace instead of making them barely out of their teens...

    3. Kote (luigimario77)

      Kote (luigimario77)

      There a quite a lot of females over 90 that are Elves actually.

    4. Blundermore


      Most elves are very young still in terms of their age range, if we had it all to lore there would be loads of elves in their mid 600's with a few dotting either end of the age spectrum

  5. Hmm... trying to think of things I could sell to make a little bit of coin in RP. I was thinking Herbal Remidies and the such... although I do not know if people would bother to by those in RP. Perhaps doctors might buy them? Apart from that... I dunno how I would feel about wh*ring out my magic to others like that. Doesn't seem quite right.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Salamandra
    3. Baconthief


      Make poisons for assasins ^_* Then you can sell the names of your customers to Oren

    4. Salamandra


      Blundermore could become a famous artist!

  6. I might be wrong, but I think whilst sitting in the stand for the irish game to start, I saw three people that look remarkably like Simon hannah and lewis from the yogscast. then again, it is west London and everyone looks the same. be funny if it was though, although they're quinns fans, bah!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Blundermore


      Complete crap ref! Double movement, twice! That wasn't a tri you bias piece of ****. Its bad enough the stadium is biased and the commentators but the ref? Good thing we got a penalty, 16 12 to quinns. Come on you irish.

    4. Blundermore


      Stop kicking it and play for tries you numpty irish centre.

  7. I will push for a Magic plugin Damnit, this is the second chance to get it done right, I just hope that once it is coded it is actually distributed to the players as a whole THIS TIME. Rather not have a repeat of Vaq's coding of spells that never allowed to be used by players bar a few.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Blundermore


      Mogroka was testing spells out yesterday from the plugin on server, we have someone coding it for us and balancing it for play, taking out the more OP single player spells entirely.

    3. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      oh sweet so some of these are already on

    4. Blundermore


      I assume so from what I've heard, people talking about Mog wiping like 6 guys around him in one go with some sort of fire spell, sounded like Bukket fire nova. I dunno if it is on the main world or if it is on a multiverse world though.

  8. I wonder if I should RP'ly change Blundermore's name to something a bit more RPish... Something that rolls off the tongue... At the moment Blundermore's Name is Blundermore Patrick WindRaker. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Αμφίονας


      Rhunnivar sounds very good.

      And original. Few names start with R.

    3. Lykos


      Ruuuudy, Ruuuudy, Ruuuudy.

    4. Shoi


      But. . . but. . . but! you're Blundermore! Blundermore Delahand Windseeker!

  9. Could I remind people that I do not teach those who simply beg or come with hardly any reason IC please? I'm tried of being constantly washed in PMs asking for magic training. As well, I am not taking on any self taughts myself in highlight that I am very busy as well doing other things than magic on this server, like being a lore master. I swear, I hardly get any time anymore on server without someone bothering me every five minutes anymore. I think I might just need to make an RP post e...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Blundermore


      Cyndikate, I'm not made of money, and it is extremely wasteful to just buy another account...

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I'll buy you another account Blundy. :3<3

    4. Drazker


      I really hope you get things together and feel better soon.

  10. It's easy to make describe magic in a cold and clinical way when RPing it. It takes a true magic user to actually make magic sound like magic. Otherwise it's just science. Which completely misses the point.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ford


      I'm with Zae on this.

    3. zaezae


      I really wish I could edit! Anyway, remember that we have no obligation to explain everything about a plot.

    4. Cyndikate


      I like the system where you can just conjure fireball and throw it. Not this boring scientific nonsense. This overcomplicated mess is why Magic has so many problems right now, and why it's boring to roleplay.

  11. happy birthday to... me

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aislin


      Happy birthday to you too, Mog.

    3. Blundermore


      really mogs? Lol. We also share it with justin beiber... D=

    4. Eledyr


      :O happy birthday Blunder and mog but euhm justin beiber eh?...

  12. I'm starting to put my foot down on these meta gamers that treat me like I'm some sort of NPC that dispenses magic apon their request. Enough is enough.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Austin


      yo blundermore can u teach rex magic?? ill com find u in game. whatz ur coordz?

    3. Amorphbutt


      You should kill every one of your apprentices.

    4. Blundermore


      I am just more annoyed at the fact that these people in lotc were treating me like I was simply there for their amusement alone and that I was just an NPC or some machine that was obligated to do as they said the moment they asked. Luckily my plan to make a massive deal out of it all has mostly worked like a charm to get the monkeys off my back when I'm trying to roleplay with others.

  13. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Blundermore


      I remember the days when people would ask me "Who the hell is this Radagast you speak of? The only wizards were Saruman and Gandalf...", Rhunnivar seems to be getting a lot of support where ever I suggest it... hmm...

    3. tomahawk90


      That changed because of the hobbit then I presume? Is he in there? I have yet to see it.

    4. Telanir


      Rhunnivar sounds quite good.

  14. Doesn't anyone have any quests to go on anymore? Just kinda sitting here atm doing nothing really...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TeaLulu


      -._.- maybe if I could find where you live we'd be having a dramatic fight to the near-death.

    3. lemontide331


      my quest is to parkour around Salvus

    4. youdude


      Quest log updated: Return Ol'Bluntbeak before he shits all over your wizarding desk

  15. Bored and slightly depressed today... most of my ingame chat today has just been "Teach me magic" and "I have another lore question for you", just gets me down a bit sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bethykinss


      Go around hooded and start rp mysteriously!

    3. Tethras


      Blundi it's fine, let's just get twelve Dwarves. And go to the haflings...

    4. yekim8


      It might be worth giving Blundermore a little break and becoming a Halfling farmer for a little while. Halflings are the best.

  16. Can't believe we won that fight against the undead, I thought they'd have us after the 20 histghulls and 1000+ morghuls all being spawned at once.


    Those 30 odd liches and the 200 odd witherskelletons on poisoned spiders as well, that was a scare...


    If I had anything to add as a review for the undead mobs it's that spawning too many of them in and causing a fight to last for 1 hour and 40 minutes at least was maybe a little too much.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. HurferDurfer1


      WOLF, our dead didnt get tped back, we stayed dead, where people with the orcs would die, and then run back

    3. L0rdLawyer


      Hurfer, we killed hotbossmonk and popped him three times, smaw got him twice. We killed another player twice. Yea, no. But thank God for the scaddernack right? Good thing we got 13 more.

    4. HurferDurfer1


      fake news wolf

  17. Well, it's settled, some Oren lot yesterday attacked Blundermore once too many times. Time to write a VA... >=D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      oh crap blunder is going evil wizard O:

    3. Blundermore


      Not evil, more... Open minded.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Blundermore makes a bit of blunders but that doesn't mean we can't all sit back and have a good time with what little magic left in our hearts.

  18. Damn it all, people who call me a mage really grind my Gears ICly. Simply because technically a "Mage" Would mean I was apart of an institution like the Mages Guild when I am not, which makes it awkward when people make that connection and ask me about joining the mages guild.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Yer a wizard Blundy

    3. Dizzy771


      totally didnt see benbo's picture before I said that ^ XP

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      To me, if you have white hair and a beard you're a wizard. Else you're whatever.

  19. ok seriously? you lot are doing the whole bible and god thing over pvp? you do realise how disrespectful that is and how much that could upset someone. I'm all for pvp but this whole douchy attitude going around the pro pvp players is really not helping nor is it helping to disprove the stereotype that pvpers are jerks... knock it off guys.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    3. tnoy23


      @Bagel Yea, actually, it kinda is. Its editing his word, a BIG no no.

    4. Blundermore


      Nope, this ain't happening. Not today. Knock it off.


  20. In the north and south korean de-militarized zone they're gonna be installing autonomous "robotic" gun turrets capable of locking onto moving Human targets from 1.5 miles away and killing them, no matter who they might be and what "side" they might be on. This includes children. What is science doing...?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      Just so you know Blundy, people in SK are incredibly afraid of some sort of missile attack from NK.Wouldn't you be scared if you're greatest enemy's /short range/ rockets could hit you're capitol?

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)
    4. oblivionsbane
  21. I would like to be on AIC but It is a populatrity contest as usual... *sighs* -.-

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      So far my assumptions for the accepted will be Syrio. Susitsu. Dawn. and Enor. But thats my guess.

    3. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      Everyone don't fret over who is picked for the commitee. I believe all of you can improve the rp experience on this server regardless of your title. To those who arent picked, just keep on on your path to a better tomorrow for rp. Every last one of you has a major impact on the server whether you know it or not. Blundermoere, you are(and have always been) a major factor in the rp that surrounds the player base. As your last status said,"Achievement get! Make a mark in history of l...

    4. Respiren


      You have my vote that's all you need :troll: or?

  22. It's funny how everyone is claiming right to the toilet when they forget that I was the one who owned the only two toilets in the time this server has been going... lol.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      Lillith created a toilet at her inn. Well, an outhouse, but yeah. Your patent is meaningless~~~~ :P

    3. Telanir


      Blundermore, what is this madness you call a toilet? Everyone knows that in LotC you never dispose of your waste. (it just builds on, and on, and on, everyone is fat. :o)

    4. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      When exactly turned Blundermore into Grandpa Simpson ... rambling about random stuff he invented before the war?

  23. *Logs in... attracts 21 year old street ***** instantly. FML. http://imgur.com/a/YtonE

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      It's the beard. Always the beard.

    3. Kaiser


      does Blundermore even have the energy?

    4. ConnorMagill


      So this happened some how.

  24. Yeah, I did just finish enchanting a teddy bear. What of it?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Enchant a block of pure emerald with life and shape it in the form of a Stag. Do. It.

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Should enchant sleeper teddies then gift them to the royal family so that on a command word they will come to life and murder everyone

    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Put that French knife down teddy... that's a good teddy. No.. Teddy no. TEDDY NOAUGHHHH!!! *blood is found splattered all over. The victim was clutching her teddy bear at the time of death*

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