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Status Updates posted by Danny

  1. If there was ONE thing you would change about LOTC to make it better, what would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      More realistic characters.

    3. Fireitup2k


      one of either a. make people leave cloud temple instead of hanging around all day or b. Force people to use uniques char names, fed up of coming across people with LotR or Game of thrones names

    4. Drelik


      GMs talked to you before banning you

  2. People are celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death by throwing parties - what has this world come to, absolutely disgusting.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Volutional


      I'd party for Hitler's death any day.

      But I don't really have many other more examples.

      OH, I'd part for Joffrey Baratheon's death, too.

    3. Danny


      Take GoT elsewhere.

    4. Phibbup


      Dangit, I didn't get to do Inb4 Politics

  3. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. gingernut97


      People are only saying Aegis for its nostalgia value. Pick a new system that the staff think best.

    3. Pinsir99


      If we are talking about the map itself, I think we need one that is bigger like Asulon...

    4. Pinsir99


      This one is too crowded...

  4. So, what would you like to see added to LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Areon


      Making Hoes do damage as a Stave skill.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Make it so axes always hit that way they are useful and not complete and utter garbage. 60% hit rate with no defensive ability? Seems legit.

    4. MrSyth


      A proper working and balanced magic plugin.

  5. So, what do you feel LOTC is missing?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Merkaken


      Main antagonist... I'd be willing to do that actually :D... But I wouldn't know how... Or if i'd be allowed to start something along those lines, or... What have you. Maybe a guild that causes trouble other than annoying banditry and thievery... Getting rather droll, if you ask me.

    3. Goliath


      Sage like roleplay. Aeriel is here, why can't we have sage-type roleplayers?

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      A new type of terror ( Ibless escaping the nether? maybe? :3 )

  6. What do /you/ think is the best location in LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Geo


      Lucky's Ladder

    3. Auvreaeath


      The Fishing Event I had begun planing yesterday before this entire **** storm swooped in.

    4. Kickstarted and Running
  7. Who would you say is the most notorious villain on LotC?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. yekim8
    3. Twiddlepop


      I would say The Faceless Man or The Perfectionist... Both are well crafted villains.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      PRINCE THE ******* BANDIT

  8. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Aislin


      Rittsy is racist and cyberbullying I demand a permanent ban.

    3. Danny


      there aint no hundreds of scots on lotc my alan

    4. Aislin


      Not anymore

  9. So, 3.0 - what is the most important thing you want to see included?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Skippy


      I want to see the world developed by players and no regions everywhere like Asulon.

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      I want my Druid tree! Don't worry, I have a plan for the Mother tree.

    4. Merkaken


      I want a main evil and main good big time. Similar to the Ascended and Undead. And have it be as it was, strictly for the elite roleplayers. Also, less towns, and a as Skippy said, a world developed by the players. I feel that with Asulon having kingdoms already built, it kind of struck a blow to the creativity of the playerbase. And also smaller maps...

  10. So, what would you like to see in the LOTC client if/when we get it?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. lemontide331
    3. Heero


      100% More Repiteo. But in all seriousness; custom mobs, a large array of items to encourage trade, and possibly the return of the Undead and Ascended conflict! ^^

    4. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      Weapons like Short Swords for halflings, something more practical for a halfling to use.

  11. Time to begin writing the newsletter - 5 days before release. Gotta try and decide on a Most Noted Player. Hrm.

  12. Can the new map trailer please be as sick as this was.. but better?



    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ford


      ^ yup


      voices are """"okay"""" but no voice is better

    3. Hobbs_Burrows


      How not to do a trailer:



    4. Ford


      jesus that was ******* awful

  13. Who do you think the most well known LOTC character is?

  14. I guess eating a full box of After Eight's in a few hours isn't too good for you.

  15. How some people stereotype Scottish people is unreal... I can promise you;- I do not run around a field in a kilt, playing bagpipes and chasing a haggis.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Soran


      Let's be honest, everyone has worn a kilt and ran around an open field at least once.

    3. Ursolon


      ^I know I have.

    4. Kickstarted and Running
  16. There's nothing worse than sitting in a room alone with someone who isn't speaking at all... How to make conversation, how to make conversation?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Tigergamer


      Move towards them in a snail like fashion, then whisper in they're ear "Can I help you?"

    3. yekim8


      If it's a girl then take Areon's advice. She'll think you're funny.

  17. What kind of events do you personally prefer? Battles, or peaceful events such as the GM Tavern opening?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. IrishPerson


      I agree with Matt.

    3. Ford


      Battles. RP battles that involve cooperation within the community to fight one huge beast or many smaller ones.

    4. doom6153


      Mixtures really, as long as I walk, or die, away saying well that was fun, then it's good with me

  18. Okay guys - it's time to make it official. I've struggled with this for a long time, but I think it's best you all knew. I don't like bacon - it's rancid. (y)

  19. Hey ladies. Freya's now a Developer. Yay.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Thatpyrodude


      I'm confused, wasn't she a GM?

    3. The Media Wizard
    4. Danny


      She left GM due to other commitments that meant she didn't have the time.

  20. So, what would you like to see removed from LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. lemontide331


      Chuckaboo's TS Ban :(

    3. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      Annihilate all non-sloth organic material.

  21. So, what would you like to see added to our website?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      sloth p**n (lolno, please don't ban me)

    3. steelersfan1221



    4. MrSyth


      Update the wiki please.

  22. If you were to replace Reputation on the forums with something else that you can grant to good posts, what would it be? Cookies, apples, diamonds?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Crayfishchris


      'Likes', similar to facebook, if anything at all.

    3. Aislin


      Either remove reputation or include a -1 function. Cyberbullying is just an excuse that dumb people hide behind for getting -1'd

    4. Slic3man


      "Nothing. Get rid of rep. It does nothing for anyone." - Anonymous

  23. In one sentence or less, describe your thoughts of LotC,

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Maxxorlord


      The greatest thing since

      sliced halfling.

    3. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      A most enjoyable

      experience ^_^

    4. Ursolon
  24. So, what do you think of the upcoming patch 2.8?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      New skills will mess me up a bit, but not too bad.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Most of the changes seem good. The only doubt I have is regarding the food bar. Since it will no longer regenerate health, does that mean food will work the same way it did?: eating will regenerate health?

    4. Thrym


      I like it a lot. The new bandage thing is going to take some getting used to but I think that I'll eventually get the hang of it and go hunting safely again :D

  25. What's your favorite aspect of LotC ?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. lordchaos13


      I love rping with people but at

      times it get annoyingwaiting for people to log on.

    3. lordchaos13


      I love rping with people but at

      times it get annoyingwaiting for people to log on.

    4. Aislin



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