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Everything posted by osumanduas

  1. IGName: STEFAN MOROVIC User: YES_MAN_ Refrences: What you want: That ^^ Special notes: WHERE IS MY SON? HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?
  2. I give my body, heart and soul, to the Lady whom I seek. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle will stand before me. No evil will taint the lands bequeathed unto me. When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of Liege and Lady. That which is sacrament, I shall preserve. That which is sublime, I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy wrath will know no bounds. Honour is all. Chivalry is all. Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Bretonnia... will be your shield.

    1. Heero


      Warhammer is gay



      Knights of Bretonnia aka Slaves of Nurgle

  3. I get that being able to contact Druid ghosts seems appealing, but being able to permanently play one with a CA is stupid.
  4. Remember when we had a lance plugin? I'd give a lot just to have fun tourneys again.

  5. @Heero London bridge is down.

    1. Heero


      >Sorry I "stumbled on your blacklist"
      >I'll level with you, I have a sensitive investigation in the works.
      >To FM Director: Sorry I overstepped my boundaries. This was a preventative measure. Trust me, I know best
      >sunday fun day monster truck madness - 'updating' three year old blacklist cuz **** HEEROQUEERO carry on carrion whoo!1!


  6. My Empire for a bloody horse. qq 




    R.I.P The Sixth Empire, never forget.

  7. Can I just say. I made this post in June and still haven't heard any from the LT. I get that the rewrites takes a lot of time, but idk it seems a little ridiculous. It's been three months. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dtrik


      M8 I did not get a response to my ban appeal by five admins for over a year. Have fun with your lore.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      This hasn't lifted yet and is likely going to be extended a bit. I'll put details about it in the next update when we talk about and Kha CAs/Necromancy/a few other things.

    4. osumanduas


      Cheers, I suppose I figured that since it was a lore addition that it fit into the category of exceptions.

  8. It's critical that you all stay hydrated. You can be anything you want in life if you just stay hydrated.

  9. I too enjoy annoying recruitment statuses. Join the FM team, or not, your time is valuable citizen.

    1. Dreek


      jOiN tHe gM tEaM



    2. sophiaa


      get a director first 

  10. Hit up the Adrian discord sometime, Azog crew miss u bu.

  11. To answer your question: As for the addition of more, I would say that keeping four copies in circulation seems more than generous given the general size of the Strigoy community.
  12. The Black Books “The deepest secrets of the sorcerer were replicated by others who were cursed by the horrors he created. Whatever crude writings that lie within those pages, it is not for mortal eyes. They are despicable and all traces of such writings should be destroyed” - Randolf Elgan, Aeldinic Archivist c. 1421 The Black Books are a collection of manuscripts copied from the original grimoire of Gedym aep Helgraen, the primogeniture of all Vampire-kind. Each book contains the same set of runes and inscriptions that allow for the successful creation of Greater Strigae. Upon the disappearance of the first, his servants began the tradition of transcribing his discoveries. The rituals by which Helgraen created his ilk, passed down through an unbroken chain of successive Striga Elders and their respective Covens. C. 1530, Dreylan and Emrick aep Anerhyd are spat from the open sea to settle among the descendants of Vailor. It is said that the pair emerged from Felsen port having docked their flimsy dingy to take shelter from a storm brewing out across the Dogger Bay. Both entrepreneurial men, they carried four copies of Helgraen’s grimoire between them. Each was successful for a brief time, they carved a coven from the domain of the descendants. This was brought to a halt with the Felsen fires which ravaged the city and flamed the market district which included aep Anerhyd’s own Busty Bruxa. His share of the manuscript lost in the then smouldering flame, his counterpart dissipating in its destruction with his half. C. 1635, The Elder Dreylan reappeared in colonized Axios as Herald, entrusting the remaining manuscripts to Sascha van der Linden and Ser Thomas Wettlock. The two hoarded and hid the knowledge from Iestyn Wold whom reigned over the Coven as Elder. A resurgence of vampiric activity is recorded within the city of Metz in Lotharingia. Dreylan's progeny Ser Henry Horen, known as ‘the Lancer,’ detached himself from the authority of the Coven. C. 1632, fledgling Friedrich Augustus proclaimed himself to be Lord over vampire-kind. The Lancer’s progeny, both greater and lesser, began an epidemic from the safety of Xionist Devirad. due to lack of learned knowledge, many monstrosities roamed the countryside without heed to the Unseen Code. Those few were declared anathema, once again, the progeny of aep Anerhyd were left to put down the upstart blood and reassert the tenants of the Unseen over the New World Coven. The Black Books have been in the hands of the old world coven for centuries now, permitting the eldest of brood unfettered transfusion. Transfusion of the blood without proper knowledge is considered a crude or desperate by those of the Blood as few, if any, survive the process. The meat that rejects the vampiric curse degenerates into madness, becoming a monstrosity. Thus, only an Elder with proper preparation stands to turn their candidates with some assured success. The amendment proposed is that the creation of Striga relic on a simple roll system out of twenty. When one is in possession of one of the four Black Books the result must be 10+. If there is no book present one must obtain a roll of 17+. The role in question must then be posted as evidence within the creature application. If the roll is failed the result is that the character in question dies outright, or degenerates into an Upir.
  13.  ey dad I made the front page! Hopefully, after this, we'll actually have some proper RP in our Cathedral.

  14. Weird how the forums are so silent 

  15. I need a hero to save me from this double post.

    1. rukio


      just report it and a FM can fix it ez

  16. The fact that you can remove it seems a bit redundant. There isn't a real point to it besides maybe keeping some sort of OOC vetting system, which doesn't make sense for the group. Even the Paladins, who have the option of disconnection, have to PK their characters afterwards. More fitting would be to simply execute the Ferals that are disliked or problematic. It also gives off the impression that being a Feral is a privilege of a sort, and it certainly is from an OOC perspective but. In character, turning into a beast with all the animalistic urges that come with that, it doesn't seem like a privilege, it should be roleplayed similar to a curse, and you have to live with a curse.
  17. The most lackluster GM response I've ever read immediately following one of the best pieces of player dialogue I've ever read on this server lol

  18. Introducing magic to Striga would be counterintuitive to their existence. Striga as they are currently aren't supposed to be your average evil spook. Honestly I leave the server for like a month and already I see vultures flying around the things I stayed on this server to protect. Striga aren't supposed to be your average high fantasy magic casters, and are supposed to be much more suited to battle or espionage. They were designed with the intent that they would be entirely barred from the medium. Changing well established and well written lore just so you can use magic is frankly stupid and short sighted.
    1. Narthok


      I ******* love the liberal party of Canada

    2. seannie


      tfw the people your ancestors conquered complain about **** centuries later

    3. Narthok
  19. Free Leland22 he's a fantastic fellow

  20. This ban on Eddy is bull 

    1. argonian


      what's he banned for

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