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Technical Administrator
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Everything posted by Llir

  1. This fix should be up sometime this week: http://i.imgur.com/4C9avYJ.jpg

  2. hail friends of malinor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Back from the dead or simply a visit my friend? :)

    3. aron.
    4. Bravo Mustang

      Bravo Mustang

      please get back to attorney margeret haas as soon as you can

  3. **** Kalenz is actually dead...

  4. I gave far too many fucks today. Well, back to coding.

  5. ARE YOU PLEASED?! http://prntscr.com/7li1i3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kalehart
    3. Space


      Remove food decay

    4. Mosue


      Finally, new members won't be starving, especially on the new map.

  6. i live breath and eat dank memes

  7. I have some more in depth questions about the curse itself and how it functions and would behave under some very particular circumstances related to something I am planning to do in character. Who may I consult as to this?
  8. Coming up next: Protection 4 Unbreaking 4 diamond armour packs for only $25.

    1. Fireheart


      Sounds about right, then we can add an extra 75$ on that to just have god mode turned on. Server would make a lot of money through that!

    2. Llir


      Oh, good point

    3. Mj.


      dont try to banter with uz pleez you did this 2 urself!!!!

  9. Sorry about that, a connection to one of our important databases dropped for a few minutes and was causing a critical timout error with a major plugin. Server is back online.

  10. Enchanting no longer gives XP for failed runes or before crafting is complete, but XP gain has been buffed by a large factor for the profession. Depth strider added.

    1. Zarsies


      B-but my underwater dungeons... q_q

  11. -Removed persona name change cooldown.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LatzMomo



    3. WuHanXianShi14
    4. Raptorious


      I have only loved one coder, only one my entire life.


  12. Mining XP gain has been buffed.

  13. lol ap clac what even...

    1. Ford


      you take the test too? werent some of those questions absolute BS

  14. I give all my blessings to those writing AP Calc tomorrow. We'll need it. May the integrals be with you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ski_king3


      AP Calc is easy ****, I believe in you.

    3. Ark


      disk method ......................................................................................................

    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      lmao american schools

  15. Well, now that it's confirmed:

  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  17. Just finalizing one plugin, then we should be up

  18. *A missive is spread throughout the land. To all cities, states, corners and edges of the civilized world. Pinned on boards and taped to walls, it is visible to all.* The Dragons' Guard The House of Horen seeks the strongest, brightest, and most dedicated men and women to serve under its banner. To brave the harsh cold of the north and defend the hardy people therein. To safeguard the city of Ayr, and the grand keep of Edmund’s Watch. Why Join? -To serve under one of the oldest and most noble families known to the realm. -To find fulfillment in protecting the innocent, and in turn serving humanity. -To gain the admiration of all your peers. -To call the soon-to-be keep of Edmund’s Watch your home, if you so desire. -To hone your skills as a soldier and kickstart your career as a man-at-arms. -To be free of prejudice under the watchful eyes of Peter and Robert Horen. How to Join: If you wish to reap the benefits listed above, and prove your worth, you need only send a letter to Robert Horen ((Kowaman/Namawok)) including the following ((Reply to the thread or PM)): - Your Name: Your Experience: What you can Contribute / Your Skills: - *At the bottom of each missive is a stamp of green wax, emblazened with the Horenian insignia. Beside it, are the signatures of Robert and Peter Horen.* Regards, Peter Horen & Robert Horen
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