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About BrandNewKitten

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    Creator of Arcanism
  • Birthday December 31

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  1. I always played my high elf as a short king of average (human) height. The dichotomy is amusing. Others should try it.
  2. I guess it is time to migrate my minecraft account… now where did I put my passwords O-O

    1. Gemini


      you missed the cape ;/

  3. The purify void & heal spells seem misplaced and take away from the thematic core of this magic.
  4. I just wanted to remind you that you're literally one of the greatest people to exist online <3

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Just saw this today! TYTY

  5. Current version is looking f r e s h +1 Aurora spell is a neat addition!
  6. I have read this piece a good dozen times trying to wrap up my thoughts. Here are some conclusions I have come to that aren’t focused on the balancing of abilities. I originally created Celestialism to be an empathetic option to voidal magic and offer deeply emotional story moments for characters that weren’t necessarily tied to ST driving an event. Your piece does a really great job of capturing this idea within the myriad of spells and abilities. The nuance you are giving to being a Celestialist while still laying everything out in blatant terms is something I only ever hoped to achieve. It really inspires me! I am not 100% sure where the ST stand on the overall concept of Celestials but I would love to add my two cents. When I created them I did outline that they are Voidal Horrors but with a few alterations. Instead of a Heart of Horror as a core they have a Celestial Heart. The difference is that Horror Hearts feed off of knowledge & life (i.e. they also eat celestials in their metaphysical forms, driving their motivation to seek the help of Celestialists) whilst Celestial Hearts feed off of knowledge and with the help of Celestialists, fonts of mana (or some equivalent). The other difference I had was as you delve deeper and deeper into the Void they become less common and the closer to draw to the Veil, and the mortal realm, the more common they become. Because of this I tied them directly to the Veil… which leads me to my only actual idea for your lore; Celestial Gardens are antithetical to voidal tears, hearths, and hollows. Where those 3 thrive off of pure chaos a Garden has a purely symbiotic relationship with the mundane world. So upon reaching the upper tiers of Celestial Gardens they should act as countermeasures to Tears, hollows, etc… Making it harder to open them in the vicinity and also acting as a way to stabilize afflicted areas. Have a tear or even a hollow? A Celestialist may come to plant a cosmic seed allowing the area to stabilize and establishing order over a set period of time. Gardens bolster the Veil directly around them, becoming a hard spot in the thin crust that helps reduce/prevent voidal incursions. Besides that should this come to be accepted I would love to work with you on developing supporting lore around the magic. Where did it go, why is it back? What happened in the time it was gone? Etc…. I think a magic like this benefits from having other pieces to latch onto that aren’t just “cthulu void tentacles bad. Void mage bad.” Thoughts?
  7. Hey, OG creator of Celestialism/Arcanism lore here. Just wanted to say it is really nice to see another version finally pop up and this iteration is perhaps the most faithful to my original lore while modernizing the abilities. Glad to see words like celestial gardens, melding, etc… giving this piece a through-line that most reworks don’t get. Thank you for taking inspiration from my piece and keeping the heart of it intact. I will give another thorough reading as there was 1 or 2 ideas I had but I am mostly here to cheerlead. Any Celestialism lore is good lore! Voidal magic wasn’t always just tentacles and evil & I am glad others are pushing for a neutral option for Voidal magic. Again, thank you! Good Luck!
  8. I smelt Celestialism & it led me here. 

    Just wanted to say I am playing a Celestial Warlock in 5e. Anyone else playing DnD these days?

    1. Nug


      u a real one

    2. BrandNewKitten


      @Nug I’ve actually been an A.I. this entire time, muh dude. 

  9. I like it +1

    1. Werew0lf


      not my thing I’m just formatting

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Oh! May I know who is the writer? I am OG creator of the magic & wanted to tip my hat at them.

      your formatting is very nice though!

    3. Werew0lf


      ill let the writer decide if they want people to approach them about it beforehand or wait until its posted

  10. Eshtael has always been my favorite deity & I am very happy that so much thought was put into this.
  11. I see glimpses of Celestialism in this piece. No other feedback. Just here to poke.
  12. “The small dogs have already been fed. Woof woof. Woof woof.”  - me, in my sleep apparently.

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