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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. l o r e m a g ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_


      @Archipelego this is a bruh ([brə]) moment

    3. Archipelego


      ill probably die of old age before we see another piece of lore accepted

    4. _Jandy_


      I’m placing bets that my piece hits 12 months

  2. @Heff you gonna retire that pfp?

  3. @GodEmperorFlam you’re running out of vacation days.

  4. What’s the over-under for this loremag ending on time?

    1. E__V__O


      Lore games are "officially" over since the 28th of December for accepting lore submissions on rewrites.


      So a bunch of magicis now shelved... Or is it? The team hasn't posted anything about it.


      Though now we wait 2-3 months for the current rewrite lore up to be reviewed to RP it.

  5. Can we use “ape” or “monkey” as an insult about intelligence?

  6. @VonAulus open up the ama, I need to ask @Narthok about his thoughts on Hexflash.

    1. VonAulus


      that thread got caught going 30 over in a work zone had to lock em up

    2. ferdaboy


      wheres the actual explanation 

  7. Give the playerbase access to view the documented ban history of all players and continuously update it with the new bans. 

    The privacy of those who decided to break the rules should come as a secondary priority to the community being able to accurately assess the other members of the server. It would also serve to help the mod teams actions be more transparent to the community as a whole.

    1. 1_Language_1


      I wouldn’t mind that, as long as evidence that is supposed to remain anonymous, remains anonymous.

    2. AlphaMoist


      inb4 “bUt YoU dId ThIs 4 yEaRs AgO sO uR sTiLl A bAd PeRsOn”

  8. Krugmar SMP > LotC

    1. Myleres


      ⚠️⚠️⚠️You have received a warning point for advertising! 

  9. I hope nobody utilizes the current Crowns sale until the staff can get their **** together.

  10. @Telanir I will ping you over every medium until you respond.


    1. Telanir


      Responded! sometimes I gotta cook & eat food too like most human beings! ?

    2. Myleres


      Please email [email protected] and expect a response within 3-61 business days.

    3. JokerLow


      Reasonable amount of time to wait!

  11. If you trust a 27 year old who still plays minecraft to be a member of staff then you’re retarded.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      yeah, you can’t admin as a hobby and expect to adult properly as well.


      Staff on LoTC is stressful. It takes energy and when you use that energy on LoTC some other area in your life gets a little less. 


      LoTC can be a fun game to play and a unique social outlet. It shouldn’t be your career. 

    3. Harold


      My hearing aids broken speak louder on discord

    4. BrandNewKitten





  12. somebody just call up mojang at this point, these issues are clearly beyond the capabilities of the admins to deal with

    1. Temp


      Doubly so if it comes from them!

    2. rukio


      Some people already have, Mojang didn’t do antyhgin

  13. I have adblock, check mate

  14. gf, loss = learn

  15. Apparently the mods just don’t bother resolving player reports now that they are private. They should probably be made public again so that the server can hold the staff accountable because it’s evident that they just don’t give a **** currently. 

    I’ve had a report up for a month and a half and it took the report a month to be “Claimed” but still nothing is being done. 

    It’s gotten to the point where if the player in question does get punished in any way it would probably blind side them because they’ve likely forgotten about the incident. 

    The staff can’t make things private and expect us to trust them behind closed doors if they consistently fail to do their job in the absence of community pressure.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      1 hour ago, ReveredOwl said:

      i don’t get why they were made private to begin with

      Probably to prevent "targeting"

    3. Sky


      Yo man, stop trying to stop a great feature – I’m trying to get some people shadow banned here

    4. rukio


      Make reports public again, this team is incompetent. 

  16. @501warhead what donation rank am I gonna need so that I can ride a piglin beast?

    1. E__V__O


      Wait two years and Aether VIP until you'll see the update ?

  17. LotC needs a nuzlocke challenge for characters.

    1. ScreamingDingo


      its called pk’ing on every Rp death

    2. _Jandy_


      I’m thinking even more strict than that.

      Maybe like you can only eat food if you’ve RP’d acquiring it, you PK to pvp deaths also, you have to actively roleplay your racial curse or a side affect of it each week, etc...

  18. @FlamboyantTyrant bro, stop ignoring my PMs. I’m gonna keep harassing you over every medium until you actually respond. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_


      @Ford what kind of formatting he’s looking for on a lore piece. For this piece-

      I waited 4 months to be told that it’d be subject to lore games, then it was only a week ago I was informed about needing to find the right format to put this all into, though there isn’t an appropriate lore games format for it. There are formats for new open races and formats to explain aging and immortality but nothing in regards to a way in which I could clarify many issues about Orcs as they currently exist. Well now that the piece has been denied I assume I’ll have to wait until all of the lore games are done to be able to submit this again, that is if there is going to be an appropriate submission format available, which is honestly cancer. It was entirely ready for review before Delmodan left the team and that took 4 months to get to. Now that Flambo wants to revamp the review process to meet his linear submission standards, which alienate a document like my own, I imagine that I’ll be waiting another 4-5 months to be able to have it reviewed again.

    3. Ford


      That is pretty shitty all things considered. Flam is either busy with IRL or just likes taking his sweet time

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      that looks inconvenient to reply to, longer than 3 lines of text...

  19. If you’re planning to nuke banditry then you’ll also have to nuke slaving or else people will just take travelers to their city, remove all their belongings and then dispose of the slave at the earliest behavior. 

    1. Fireheart


      why stop there?! let’s just nuke rp!!! ?

    2. Crovidae


      or.. you know.. instead of nuking it we could just disable mechanical fighting when it comes to banditry so it’s less about killing them and running away with their stuff, and more about the roleplay you get out of it.

      Edited by Crovidae
  20. You shouldn’t discourage raids with ooc cooldowns, just fix your imprisonment rules like I suggested in 2017-


  21. In regards to Jabbernak just rule out use for combat. Orcs have had an intimate relationship with them for almost as long as the server has existed, it seems like a mistake to cut that off now over an issue that is yet to happen and can easily be prevented as I previously said, just axe the combat use.

    1. Mavromino


      B-But my balance. Seriously though if LoTC's combat is to be more authentic it should be unbalanced.

    2. argonian


      never trust an orc 

  22. hot take: bring back nexus without changes. 

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