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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. A conflict blacklist seems like an rp blacklist. Maybe I’m understanding it wrong but holy ****.

    1. Mavromino


      Blacklisted for irp **** talking.

  2. What’s going on with the loremag, homie? Does 2 weeks mean a month now?

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Delmo’s on hiatus, that’s why.

  3. We’ve been sitting here for months! Finish the damn loremag before I piss mehself.

  4. @Delmodan your time is up.


  5. Nobody:..

    Devs: /sit IS RUINING THE GAME!

    1. Textarea


      it is. my goblin can’t rest his legs without it working ?

    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      doesnt that plugin make like a dozen invisible entities

  6. ban the devs

    1. drfate786


      Ban the players.

  7. Restore the Buddylist. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _Jandy_


      It was also likewise used to monitor old friends who barely ever log in, for example I’ve got CosmicWhaleShark on mine and he logs on maybe once or twice a year. If he has to accept it then... I’m simply not gonna be alerted to when he logs on if he ever were to do so. @Wrynn @Viltaren

    3. Viltaren


      @KiausT@_Jandy_ yeah both of those are reasons why the new one isn't as good. but it isn't truly gone was my point. If you are simply tracking friends, I feel like the new system is better. 

    4. AlphaMoist


      I mean I was just listing reasons as to why people would have a problem with it. I think it’s silly to act like there aren’t any differences between buddylist and friendlist. I personally like the fact that I get notified when people friend me, just cuz it makes me feel nice, but I get why others don’t want that. 

  8. Instead of complaining about the WC situation let’s realize that it apparently takes 3-4 months for the ST to review a small lore piece.


    1. NotEvilAtAll


      This whole war has been a complete joke tbh. A major blemish on both the playerbase and staff that will take a long time to heal. It’ll probably be a few years before the OOC hate dries up, as was the case with previous massive wars on LoTC.

  9. legendary defense.  

  10. I guess server entry priority for VIPs got EULA’d? Lame.....


  12. Tailor’s Guild wya?


  13. smoke dragons, railroads, train cars, stoplights, caution barriers, statues taller than buildings, random ancient lightning blasting half elves and it’s all half built? yikes

  14. half the players can’t log on for the event because of the time of it, the other half can’t log on because 50 npcs were dropped at once in CT which crashed them... It feels like the ET shouldn’t even bother doing an event to close out maps if they are going to be massive failures every single time.

  15. @FlamboyantNewEra yo, my items have not been returned to my E-chest so that I can put them in my Vault. I assume that they will be ready for me in the new map regardless though since this is of no fault of my own. Not sure how many other people are in the same situation or have the same concerns but some confirmation about the status of my items would be nice.

    1. ElevenJellyBeans


      Pretty sure Flam will keep hold of them until after map change!

    2. Ankan


      I would recommend you to read the announcement that Mister Flamb posted first.


  16. Kron Gracie is a killer, watch your neck. ?

  17. We get the same trailer every year and the names get progressively worse.

  18. Orc community hasn’t been better than it currently is in the last 3 years and we don’t even have nation status.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Its_Just_Leap


      Just because you’re a descendant race does not mean you should have a nation tile. Sucks.

    3. MangoArt


      We’re a hell of a lot more active than some of the nations that are getting a tile.

    4. Pond
  19. how many hours have you guys racked up on your main persona this map?

    I’m sitting at 591

    1. Auriel_


      nearly 900, maybe more

    2. FloralHedgehog


      950 I have problems

  20. *clap* *clap* MArt Review!

    1. E__V__O


      Zarsies is the only one who reviews MArts, if you want to notify him of the pileup you can. I believe he is aware of it however.

    2. _Jandy_
    3. Zarsies


      @_Jandy_ one is up right now and it'll be finished once enough people vote. Your mart is good so I foresee it being passed

  21. Fix the imprisonment system, feedback and polls were given 3 months ago and we’ve yet to the change that the server desperately wants and needs.

    Feedback Thread

    Poll Thread

  22. How many crowns does it cost to get my MArt instantly reviewed? @FlamboyantNewEra

    1. gandalfo


      $1,000 directly to his paypal i’m afraid

  23. fb2220842d38a0aef3aad9c80831276c.png
    Hang a Christmas WrEath and have yourself a happy holiday.

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