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Status Updates posted by VL

  1. Remember when we thought Vailor was a temporary map?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jamesb


      Everyone's whining, but I don't mind Vailor. Or the server.

    3. Nug


      i like vailor and i think the server's kinda okay but people who say that the server is going down hill are generally people who think the staff is an evil cult out to ban all their friends ://

    4. VL


      Never said Vailor wasn't to be liked. Simply a lot of us were under the impression that it was a temporary map. It's been so long. 

  2. Political Borders map, somebody? Of Vailor?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Publius


      excuse me matt but I take credit for it now and since you're gone you can't argue sorry :///

    3. Publius


      btw this map is outdated, many more lands have broken from Vandoria/Urguan, and doesn't account of them

    4. mmat


      publius.. i will sue you..

  3. Thank you to everyone who is attending the ongoing trial. I hope everyone is having fun! Special thanks to our plaintiffs Hunwald and Publius and our defendants Leric and Art. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      Preventing meta gaming, I bet you plus one your own posts on your secondary forum account

    3. Jonificus


      Nope, that's VL. Turns out I'm just funny enough that my posts get upvoted.

    4. VL


      I can confirm it's me.

  4. When humans are taller than High Elves...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Catostrophy


      To be fair, that's kind of titchy for a high elf, VL. And there can always be genetic outliers in different races. I don't think I ever minded when wood elves or dark elves were taller than my character. Just inform them IC of their increased likelihood of arthritis. 

    3. Samler


      Tho Ikur is 5'8


    4. VL


      That's minimum height for High Elves, Samler. And I'm pretty sure maximum for humans is 6 foot.

  5. Set a world limit to gold and use it as currency. Problem solved.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      The issue with this is that gold is, in itself, almost useless on minecraft. Sure you'd have a fixed amount but there'd be no way to actually give it value, because it has very little on its own.

    3. Stevie


      dude genius ur the next ben bernanke i swear

    4. Salvo


      D O R F   V I S I O N

  6. I do not understand why we constantly mention the magic plugin. It's been widely discussed since my arrival in Thales (and I assume before that), but it just seems like it won't happen! No point in false hope, friend-o.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ragadorus


      Because it's a meme.

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Going on four years since promise of magic plugin

    4. Space


      it's probably gonna be lame af if it is ever implemented

  7. Democracy 3 is wonderful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. craotor


      It doesnt know how capitalism works so not really.

    3. VL


      Well I like the game so I don't care?

    4. IrishPerson
  8. Who are you IC, friendo? I appreciate your philosophies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samler


      This is simply an account made to stay anonym. *shrugs*

    3. Catostrophy


      Space, you aren't, and never have been, in any capacity, funny.

      I'm nobody, VL. Don't worry about it.

    4. Space
  9. I hate the Spongebob

    profile gif. So overused!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H
    3. VL


      The joke doesn't matter. The repetition is annoying even though I love Mr. Squarepants.

    4. Cave_Creature


      I think the default should just be a blank face like the facebook 'pictureless' profile pic

  10. Is it bad that I prefer Vanilla MC mechanics? I feel that this is an RP server and economy does not need to be stimulated. It will occur as RP.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moochael


      Grinding is one of the worst things that happened to LOTC. 

    3. Space


      lore is good gtfo

    4. Birdnerdy


      I agree completely. 

  11. Extremely disappointed with this battle. There is insane lag, and those who were late because of connectivity and slot problems are not allowed to participate. Are all wars like this? (This is my first.) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ford


      No, this is absolutely terrible in comparison. After having attended many warclaims, this one is atrocious in terms of lag and connectivity issues. It's slightly better than the Zionists war though. Actually, the worst warclaims have been the Zionist battle and the Conquest of Malinor (which was utter bullshite) 

    3. Space


      no it isn't even that bad stop

    4. Crowbill


      We had laggier battles in this war...

  12. So many people asked my why I named my treaty after Istria, a place in Vailor... You guys do realize that treaties are named after the places they are signed in, yes?

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Should have been treaty of Iat.

    3. MysticalStranger


      But Iat is too much of a pleb.

  13. Why is everyone a Sith on the forums? Do I need to start a Jedi Order up in here?

    1. ShameJax


      Meso mad if you doooooo!

    2. Mizu/Uzim
    3. Endovelicus


      No join the dark side!

  14. What version of Minecraft is the Server on?

    1. Overland


      1.7.2, but 1.7.5 can be used.

    2. VL


      Thank you.

    1. Space


      wat. acid isn't something you discover. acid is in the natural world, wtf.

    2. Endovelicus


      You can fabricate more potent acids tho.

  15. Bye to my first character... PK in the name of supposed conspiracy!

    1. Jonificus


      Respect for PKing, dude. Was fun RP, hope you had fun as well!

    2. VL


      Yes I did. Actually, all of this was an accident. So weird that it turned into a whole conspiracy.

    1. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      "I'm gon' melt an impure one, but first, lemme take a selfportrait."

    2. VL


      I am going to melt the selfie taker.

    1. MetaSolaray


      I don't see anywhere for catering :( What's an event without good food!

    2. VL


      We will have shops that sell snowballs as throwing tomatoes

  16. Can an FM pin this thread to the Silver State of Haelun'or subforum and unpin this one

  17. I need to stop spelling Pontiff as Pointiff, I just add the 'I' for no real reason. I know how Pontiff is spelled q.q 

    1. LPT


      *Points to the congregation*

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