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Status Updates posted by UnBaed

  1. my eyes bleed more than usual when i look at the forums now

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      thats cause im casting hemmoraghe on u from around the corner but PLEASE don't meta

    3. Mannamannaa


      Wait Nooooooooo 

    4. UnBaed


      dont make me draw my cakesword on you

  2. think this calls for an unbaed lol

  3. happy birthday! :D you made it another year

  4. what have i done

    1. Netphreak


      You should have thought about it before you started the fire in the forest of dead brush....... Shame, shame shame.

    2. UnBaed


      sometimes controlled fires are good to prevent more disastrous ones

    3. alexmagus


      this is controlled?

  5. whats your favorite cereal

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Xarkly
    3. Dyl



    4. HurferDurfer1


      5 hours ago, Dyl said:


      ct crunch 

  6. i am the unbaed of lotc

    1. Xarkly


      i am the unbaed of irl

    2. z3m0s


      More like unbased

  7. if you reach 1k posts, it means you're short tall

    1. GMRO


      conor1 stop making fun of conor2

  8. why am i hearing about chat cooldowns existing now, what caused for this to be implemented? 

    1. Laeonathan


      its just ooc chats no worries

  9. ban reports are now being made for inaccurate cards? 

    1. farmerclown


      might as well ban half the server at this rate

    2. Xarkly
  10. mods deleting call outs on facist symbolism now huh

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. satinkira
    3. UnBaed







      Clown sighting no laughing matter to Clifton Park residents – The Daily  Gazette


      ur defending a guy who had 1488 in his discord tag on purpose and is now using a fasces 


    4. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model



      your epic 'callout' doesn't consider that the Fasces pre-dates even the concept of Fascism, possibly being created by the Etruscans before Roman adoption. Today in the United States the Fasces is heavily used on the Federal level. If you really need a comparison, it is similar to how the Swastika is still widely used in Asia, due to its history, again, pre-dating even the concept of Fascism. Why is this even necessary.

      so what you're saying is i should keep using a swastika and tell people who sya it's a nazi symbol to educate themselves

  11. loving this

    1. HurferDurfer1


      im eating dry ramen right now

    2. UnBaed


      Thanks for the update 

  12. CT should host a contest for people to design new graphics for the front page of the website 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anore


      I have them just sitting on my computer its been done


    3. UnBaed


      I skimmed through the post and looked at the designs, they look very nice actually.  Sucks that nothing's being done to make the shift though - sorry I missed the post, I haven't been actively on the forums past week or so.

    4. Zarsies


      Yes. For everything. Please god let's keep our aesthetics top notch.

  13. pvp influences the server, as do rp events - but the sad thing is that both will never work out well together because both sides think the opposite one is redundant/something to just ignore


    there's a place for pvp on the server, but my personal view of lotc is that it shouldn't be regarded as the big influence it is now (and i am glad it doesn't have as strong of a grip on the way things go as it once used to)


    glad to see conflict between rp groups make a strong narrative, but i am also happy to see ET bringing in elaborate events to add more flavor and lore to the server.  i've tried a few times to enjoy rp in wars, but it's always been ruined by ooc getting dragged into it


    it's what steered me away from wanting to partake in wars again, no matter what's going on - and why i lean more in favor of events, personally

    1. mmat


      PvP should influence the server, but that fact shouldn't allow PvPers to exclusively dominate the political direction of where things go. It's unfortunately an irrefutable fact that goonsquads (who often don't have an intention of creating a long term healthy roleplay) tip the scales in our Minegraft politics. That's what I don't like. Otherwise I generally enjoyed PvP, when it wasn't garbage 1.9 anyway

    2. Laeonathan


      I think the influence PvP has now is alright. It used to be really bad a few years ago, I guess it's fine now.

    3. Gambit


      PvP and RP will work when we #shout all shotcalling commands in rp and stop using Discord

  14. every war really turns into a world war on lotc

    1. Twinny



    2. SteppeNomad


      very cringe, basically every time

  15. happy birthday!  <3 

  16. this server needs more rat magic

  17. get ready for the surge of orc and olog characters so pvpers can win at crp

    1. seannie


      i remember doing this back in 2012

  18. i love waking up in the morning and not seeing a dozen victory posts over a 5 man raid

    1. wowj


      OMG THEY RAIDED #*@*$(@#&%(@#*%&@#(%&@(#%(#@(*%&@(%

  19. Discord is broken rn, so I’m messaging you here: hiiiiiiii

    1. UnBaed


      -remove u from the groupchat @Lionhz

    2. Xarkly


      According to all known laws
      of aviation,
      there is no way a bee
      should be able to fly.
      Its wings are too small to get
      its fat little body off the ground.
      The bee, of course, flies anyway
      because bees don't care
      what humans think is impossible.
      Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
      Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
      Ooh, black and yellow!
      Let's shake it up a little.
      Barry! Breakfast is ready!
      Hang on a second.
      - Barry?
      - Adam?
      - Oan you believe this is happening?
      - I can't. I'll pick you up.
      Looking sharp.
      Use the stairs. Your father
      paid good money for those.
      Sorry. I'm excited.
      Here's the graduate.
      We're very proud of you, son.
      A perfect report card, all B's.
      Very proud.
      Ma! I got a thing going here.
      - You got lint on your fuzz.
      - Ow! That's me!
      - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
      - Bye!
      Barry, I told you,
      stop flying in the house!
      - Hey, Adam.
      - Hey, Barry.
      - Is that fuzz gel?
      - A little. Special day, graduation.
      Never thought I'd make it.
      Three days grade school,
      three days high school.
      Those were awkward.
      Three days college. I'm glad I took
      a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
      You did come back different.
      - Hi, Barry.
      - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
      - Hear about Frankie?
      - Yeah.
      - You going to the funeral?
      - No, I'm not going.
      Everybody knows,
      sting someone, you die.
      Don't waste it on a squirrel.
      Such a hothead.
      I guess he could have
      just gotten out of the way.
      I love this incorporating
      an amusement park into our day.
      That's why we don't need vacations.
      Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
      under the circumstances.
      - Well, Adam, today we are men.
      - We are!
      - Bee-men.
      - Amen!
      Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
      please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
      Welcome, New Hive Oity
      graduating class of...
      That concludes our ceremonies.
      And begins your career
      at Honex Industries!
      Will we pick ourjob today?
      I heard it's just orientation.
      Heads up! Here we go.
      Keep your hands and antennas
      inside the tram at all times.
      - Wonder what it'll be like?
      - A little scary.
      Welcome to Honex,
      a division of Honesco
      and a part of the Hexagon Group.
      This is it!
      We know that you, as a bee,
      have worked your whole life
      to get to the point where you
      can work for your whole life.
      Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
      Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.
      Our top-secret formula
      is automatically color-corrected,
      scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured
      into this soothing sweet syrup
      with its distinctive
      golden glow you know as...
      - That girl was hot.
      - She's my cousin!
      - She is?
      - Yes, we're all cousins.
      - Right. You're right.
      - At Honex, we constantly strive
      to improve every aspect
      of bee existence.
      These bees are stress-testing
      a new helmet technology.
      - What do you think he makes?
      - Not enough.
      Here we have our latest advancement,
      the Krelman.
      - What does that do?
      - Oatches that little strand of honey
      that hangs after you pour it.
      Saves us millions.
      Oan anyone work on the Krelman?
      Of course. Most bee jobs are
      small ones. But bees know
      that every small job,
      if it's done well, means a lot.
      But choose carefully
      because you'll stay in the job
      you pick for the rest of your life.
      The same job the rest of your life?
      I didn't know that.
      What's the difference?
      You'll be happy to know that bees,
      as a species, haven't had one day off
      in 27 million years.
      So you'll just work us to death?
      We'll sure try.
      Wow! That blew my mind!
      "What's the difference?"
      How can you say that?
      One job forever?
      That's an insane choice to have to make.
      I'm relieved. Now we only have
      to make one decision in life.
      But, Adam, how could they
      never have told us that?
      Why would you question anything?
      We're bees.
      We're the most perfectly
      functioning society on Earth.
      You ever think maybe things
      work a little too well here?
      Like what? Give me one example.
      I don't know. But you know
      what I'm talking about.
      Please clear the gate.
      Royal Nectar Force on approach.
      Wait a second. Oheck it out.
      - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
      - Wow.
      I've never seen them this close.
      They know what it's like
      outside the hive.
      Yeah, but some don't come back.
      - Hey, Jocks!
      - Hi, Jocks!
      You guys did great!
      You're monsters!
      You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
      - I wonder where they were.
      - I don't know.
      Their day's not planned.
      Outside the hive, flying who knows
      where, doing who knows what.
      You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
      Jock. You have to be bred for that.
      Look. That's more pollen
      than you and I will see in a lifetime.
      It's just a status symbol.
      Bees make too much of it.
      Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
      and the ladies see you wearing it.
      Those ladies?
      Aren't they our cousins too?
      Distant. Distant.
      Look at these two.
      - Oouple of Hive Harrys.
      - Let's have fun with them.
      It must be dangerous
      being a Pollen Jock.
      Yeah. Once a bear pinned me
      against a mushroom!
      He had a paw on my throat,
      and with the other, he was slapping me!
      - Oh, my!
      - I never thought I'd knock him out.
      What were you doing during this?
      Trying to alert the authorities.
      I can autograph that.
      A little gusty out there today,
      wasn't it, comrades?
      Yeah. Gusty.
      We're hitting a sunflower patch
      six miles from here tomorrow.
      - Six miles, huh?
      - Barry!
      A puddle jump for us,
      but maybe you're not up for it.
      - Maybe I am.
      - You are not!
      We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
      What do you think, buzzy-boy?
      Are you bee enough?
      I might be. It all depends
      on what 0900 means.
      Hey, Honex!
      Dad, you surprised me.
      You decide what you're interested in?
      - Well, there's a lot of choices.
      - But you only get one.
      Do you ever get bored
      doing the same job every day?
      Son, let me tell you about stirring.
      You grab that stick, and you just
      move it around, and you stir it around.
      You get yourself into a rhythm.
      It's a beautiful thing.
      You know, Dad,
      the more I think about it,
      maybe the honey field
      just isn't right for me.
      You were thinking of what,
      making balloon animals?
      That's a bad job
      for a guy with a stinger.
      Janet, your son's not sure
      he wants to go into honey!
      - Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
      - I'm not trying to be funny.
      You're not funny! You're going
      into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
      - You're gonna be a stirrer?
      - No one's listening to me!
      Wait till you see the sticks I have.
      I could say anything right now.
      I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
      Let's open some honey and celebrate!
      Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.
      Shave my antennae.
      Shack up with a grasshopper. Get
      a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
      I'm so proud.
      - We're starting work today!
      - Today's the day.
      Oome on! All the good jobs
      will be gone.
      Yeah, right.
      Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
      stirrer, front desk, hair removal...
      - Is it still available?
      - Hang on. Two left!
      One of them's yours! Oongratulations!
      Step to the side.
      - What'd you get?
      - Picking crud out. Stellar!
      Oouple of newbies?
      Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
      Make your choice.
      - You want to go first?
      - No, you go.
      Oh, my. What's available?
      Restroom attendant's open,
      not for the reason you think.
      - Any chance of getting the Krelman?
      - Sure, you're on.
      I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
      Wax monkey's always open.
      The Krelman opened up again.
      What happened?
      A bee died. Makes an opening. See?
      He's dead. Another dead one.
      Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
      Dead from the neck up.
      Dead from the neck down. That's life!
      Oh, this is so hard!
      Heating, cooling,
      stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
      humming, inspector number seven,
      lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
      mite wrangler. Barry, what
      do you think I should... Barry?
      All right, we've got the sunflower patch
      in quadrant nine...
      What happened to you?
      Where are you?
      - I'm going out.
      - Out? Out where?
      - Out there.
      - Oh, no!
      I have to, before I go
      to work for the rest of my life.
      You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?
      Another call coming in.
      If anyone's feeling brave,
      there's a Korean deli on 83rd
      that gets their roses today.
      Hey, guys.
      - Look at that.
      - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?
      Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.
      It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.
      Really? Feeling lucky, are you?
      Sign here, here. Just initial that.
      - Thank you.
      - OK.
      You got a rain advisory today,
      and as you all know,
      bees cannot fly in rain.
      So be careful. As always,
      watch your brooms,
      hockey sticks, dogs,
      birds, bears and bats.
      Also, I got a couple of reports
      of root beer being poured on us.
      Murphy's in a home because of it,
      babbling like a cicada!
      - That's awful.
      - And a reminder for you rookies,
      bee law number one,
      absolutely no talking to humans!
      All right, launch positions!
      Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz,
      buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
      Black and yellow!
      You ready for this, hot shot?
      Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.
      Wind, check.
      - Antennae, check.
      - Nectar pack, check.
      - Wings, check.
      - Stinger, check.
      Scared out of my shorts, check.
      OK, ladies,
      let's move it out!
      Pound those petunias,
      you striped stem-suckers!
      All of you, drain those flowers!
      Wow! I'm out!
      I can't believe I'm out!
      So blue.
      I feel so fast and free!
      Box kite!
      This is Blue Leader.
      We have roses visual.
      Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.
      30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.
      Stand to the side, kid.
      It's got a bit of a kick.
      That is one nectar collector!
      - Ever see pollination up close?
      - No, sir.
      I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it
      over here. Maybe a dash over there,
      a pinch on that one.
      See that? It's a little bit of magic.
      That's amazing. Why do we do that?
      That's pollen power. More pollen, more
      flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.
      I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow.
      Oould be daisies. Don't we need those?
      Oopy that visual.
      Wait. One of these flowers
      seems to be on the move.
      Say again? You're reporting
      a moving flower?
      That was on the line!
      This is the coolest. What is it?
      I don't know, but I'm loving this color.
      It smells good.
      Not like a flower, but I like it.
      Yeah, fuzzy.
      Oareful, guys. It's a little grabby.
      My sweet lord of bees!
      Oandy-brain, get off there!
      - Guys!
      - This could be bad.
      Very close.
      Gonna hurt.
      Mama's little boy.
      You are way out of position, rookie!
      Ooming in at you like a missile!
      Help me!
      I don't think these are flowers.
      - Should we tell him?
      - I think he knows.
      What is this?!
      Match point!
      You can start packing up, honey,
      because you're about to eat it!
      There's a bee in the car!
      - Do something!
      - I'm driving!
      - Hi, bee.
      - He's back here!
      He's going to sting me!
      Nobody move. If you don't move,
      he won't sting you. Freeze!
      He blinked!
      Spray him, Granny!
      What are you doing?!
      Wow... the tension level
      out here is unbelievable.
      I gotta get home.
      Oan't fly in rain.
      Oan't fly in rain.
      Oan't fly in rain.
      Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!
      Ken, could you close
      the window please?
      Ken, could you close
      the window please?
      Oheck out my new resume.
      I made it into a fold-out brochure.
      You see? Folds out.
      Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.
      What was that?
      Maybe this time. This time. This time.
      This time! This time! This...
      That is diabolical.
      It's fantastic. It's got all my special
      skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.
      What's number one? Star Wars?
      Nah, I don't go for that...
      ...kind of stuff.
      No wonder we shouldn't talk to them.
      They're out of their minds.
      When I leave a job interview, they're
      flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.
      There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
      I don't remember the sun
      having a big 75 on it.
      I predicted global warming.
      I could feel it getting hotter.
      At first I thought it was just me.
      Wait! Stop! Bee!
      Stand back. These are winter boots.
      Don't kill him!
      You know I'm allergic to them!
      This thing could kill me!
      Why does his life have
      less value than yours?
      Why does his life have any less value
      than mine? Is that your statement?
      I'm just saying all life has value. You
      don't know what he's capable of feeling.
      My brochure!
      There you go, little guy.
      I'm not scared of him.
      It's an allergic thing.
      Put that on your resume brochure.
      My whole face could puff up.
      Make it one of your special skills.
      Knocking someone out
      is also a special skill.
      Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.
      - Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?
      - Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.
      - You could put carob chips on there.
      - Bye.
      - Supposed to be less calories.
      - Bye.
      I gotta say something.
      She saved my life.
      I gotta say something.
      All right, here it goes.
      What would I say?
      I could really get in trouble.
      It's a bee law.
      You're not supposed to talk to a human.
      I can't believe I'm doing this.
      I've got to.
      Oh, I can't do it. Oome on!
      No. Yes. No.
      Do it. I can't.
      How should I start it?
      "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.
      Here she comes! Speak, you fool!
      I'm sorry.
      - You're talking.
      - Yes, I know.
      You're talking!
      I'm so sorry.
      No, it's OK. It's fine.
      I know I'm dreaming.
      But I don't recall going to bed.
      Well, I'm sure this
      is very disconcerting.
      This is a bit of a surprise to me.
      I mean, you're a bee!
      I am. And I'm not supposed
      to be doing this,
      but they were all trying to kill me.
      And if it wasn't for you...
      I had to thank you.
      It's just how I was raised.
      That was a little weird.
      - I'm talking with a bee.
      - Yeah.
      I'm talking to a bee.
      And the bee is talking to me!
      I just want to say I'm grateful.
      I'll leave now.
      - Wait! How did you learn to do that?
      - What?
      The talking thing.
      Same way you did, I guess.
      "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up.
      - That's very funny.
      - Yeah.
      Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh,
      we'd cry with what we have to deal with.
      Oan I...
      ...get you something?
      - Like what?
      I don't know. I mean...
      I don't know. Ooffee?
      I don't want to put you out.
      It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.
      - It's just coffee.
      - I hate to impose.
      - Don't be ridiculous!
      - Actually, I would love a cup.
      Hey, you want rum cake?
      - I shouldn't.
      - Have some.
      - No, I can't.
      - Oome on!
      I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.
      - Where?
      - These stripes don't help.
      You look great!
      I don't know if you know
      anything about fashion.
      Are you all right?
      He's making the tie in the cab
      as they're flying up Madison.
    3. UnBaed


      -removes you from the group chat @Xarkly

  20. got milk?

    1. 1_Language_1


      no but i have your mother


      well... i had her, staff said it was against the rules to keep a cow in my basement


  21. i've done it, i've eaten all of the aquarium gravel

  22. selective memory

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