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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. Looking for some builders to help with a town idea. Will Pay. Send a message if you think you're up for it.

    1. mateolog


      what type of town?

    2. Bvie


      It's a redesign of Sutica, town on the water. If you've seen The Hobbit, think Laketown.

    3. mateolog


      I see 

      yea sure I can help!


  2. Ding....Godsent.....@950k til Super...save me plx

    1. Crowbill


      Soo...was it rewarding?

    2. Bvie


      I plan on writing up a post about my feelings on Mining now having finished it.


      I am more upset that after all of this, I still have yet to find a Crude Aengul Eye, although I've been told 'theyre in there'. I shouldn't have to go 4 Million xp more past the 'final' level and still not find it. =\

    3. InfamousGerman
  3. 300k Achieved. Now for a new goal!

    1. Bvie


      One stack of dark prismarine and it'd done!

    2. Taketheshot


      How much minas you can give to Dwarves living in Sutica. Thats a good goal.

    3. Bvie
  4. Over 3,000 Minas of Junk bought so far!

    1. Bvie
    2. Mj.


      You want some signs? They are top quality. :^)

    3. Bvie


      Perhaps tomorrow! Who knows what the errand boy will need!

    1. Bvie


      Two pieces to go!

    2. SeventhCircle
    3. Bvie


      Being unable to smelt boots back to iron forced me to go mining -_-

  5. Buying Diamonds hmu

    1. Jonificus


      how much per?

    2. Bvie


      How much u got

    3. Jonificus


      msged you the amount IG!

  6. Why was my status saying to act with integrity, be respectful, etc. Removed?

    1. Shalashask


      GMs and FMs clearly thought it was aimed at them

    2. Bvie


      Don't know how a statement saying to act nice and work hard can be seen as a negative thing.

    3. OpaqueGlass


      He is making a joke i think, saying all the gms and fms are not respectful and are unkind.

  7. d731516a18d5444cb0f771f3a692e973.png

    1. Bvie


      This isn't a pat myself on the back post.


      But a reminder to people, that your words can be used for kindness, not just hate.


      This person had no idea how shitty of a day I was having. But something this simple, made me smile.


      Thanks Mystery Person, you know who you are.

    2. Equinox
    3. Jonificus


      Yeah, doesn't hurt to be nice is what I always say! Don't let my excessive swearing fool you, friendos! I'm a nice guy

  8. I heard a Druid(s) wanted to speak to me about something? I'm dealing with irl things, but message me if it happens to be true and we can set up a time.

    1. Space


      dealing with brithright roleplay server?!?!?!?

    2. Bvie
    3. Space


      i love you.

  9. Sigh, modreq waits never change.

    1. 501warhead


      Many moderators are dealing with Christmas and Exams - apologies for the wait times but activity is always on the decline around this time

    2. Bvie


      Plenty of them online, just the whole 'I dont know how to make a region' thing.

    3. Leric


      It's not that they don't know how to make a region. It's that only GM managers + are allowed to make them unless express permission is given by Thomas. 

  10. 59 Days left


    And I didn't forget @SuperDuckyGamer, I was on the phone with him all day!

    1. Ducklingator


      you forgot shh

    2. Bvie


      My phone bill will never forget ._.

    3. Ducklingator


      i bet your name isn't even bill, liar

  11. 4 Days left


    It's surprisingly cold here. Will be a good winter for you to see snow.



  12. Goodbye my little man, my little prince.



    1. Space


      awww looks happy though

    2. Dromui


      That's always a really rough time. I hope you're already and you look back on all your memories shared with him fondly :)

    3. monkeypoacher




      hope you're doing okay man

  13. Why do ETs post a status asking people to message them to help set up events and such, only to ignore your message from days ago?

    1. Nekkore


      tfw when senpai doesn't notice you...

    2. Billy5691


      And why was that comment needed Grimreaper?

  14. TMW You realize you only have 1 Vacant house for sale left! (T_T)

    1. Angmarzku


      And no activity kek

    2. Bvie


      Sorry you must be thinking of some other city, silly.


  15. Errand Boy Shop Emptied! Go GMT Players Go!

    1. Jistuma


      I made 957 minas on you today...

    2. Bvie


      Good! That's the point!

  16. Errand Boy Needs Your Help! The Order Was Doubled!

    1. Bvie
    2. Drunken Mutt

      Drunken Mutt

      Oh No Not The Errand Boy?! Doubled? What Ever Shall He Do?

      (In all seriousness why are you typing like Jaden Smith?)

  17. What in the world just happened...

    1. MikhaiI


      your mom took a step

    2. Bvie


      No silly! I got Platinum 1 In LoL! Onto Diamond!

  18. TMW Ask

    1. Bvie


      TMW Ask tech in advance if things crafting would be lost, told no. Only for them to be lost.

    2. Kaelan


      Of course

  19. Wish you luck Toby. Stay Safe, Have Fun, and Hurry Back - you owe me some Overwatch games.

    1. nordicg_d


      get in there toby my son

    2. ScreamingDingo
  20. Can we get the old mine system back? Tired of finding empty caverns all the time and getting 1 Stack of Iron per Diamond Pick

    1. Mrlollytime


      I'm averaging 2 stacks of iron for every 10 iron picks :/

    2. Archbishop


      Iron isn't an unlimited resource in rp so I guess you should be rp'ing iron shortages. Iron doesn't regenerate in the stone so once its mined its gone.

  21. 4 Hours 12 Mins on Final Cleric Task from Last Night



    Still going...

    1. TinyBiceps


      i bid them good luck !

    2. Farryn


      Good luck to whoever is doing it!

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