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Status Updates posted by squakhawk

  1. Can you tell me where Armand Christophe is hiding?

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Don't worry, we'll get him.

  2. can’t believe king aleksandr being cancelled rn…

  3. casual recruitment, LT is looking for applicants. Toss up an application if you're interested. 

  4. Conquest has new weapon/armor/shield textures on their site, update coming soon to it i think! they look really good.

  5. disappointing :-1:

  6. do not type HAGS into my yearbook

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio
    3. squakhawk


      Just now, rukio said:


      you think youre funny

    4. rukio


      I know I'm funny

  7. dont drink the tapwater today something is going around

    1. Gnomeh


      I accidentally drunk some O.o

  8. everything wrong with the server one way or another relates to @Heero





    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Morigung-oog


      RP is hella splintered. Imagine spending an hour walking between settlements to search for RP. Massive cull of inactive settlements is needed as well as taking a closer look at the vouching system for realms/lairs.


      Unify the high elves, unify the humans more, merge the druid settlements because apparently everyone wants to be a special snowflake with their own inactive mineman pretend block city.

    3. monkeypoacher


      It wouldn't matter how many realms existed if they were geographically concentrated. Let's say there's a hypothetical rule that all realms* must be placed within 2-3 tiles of two existing nations.

      *(or all nations of a certain descendant race, or "theme" of rp like low/high fantasy or whatever - you could create arbitrary "hubs" as long as you minimize sprawl) 


      You no longer need to make the choice of "what nation do I go to?" The map has made it impossible for you to choose wrong. You go towards one nation at random, and you end up in render distance of all of them. Maybe you pass a roadside tavern or an outpost of one nation. You see players travelling on the roads between towns, for trade or warfare. More nations (settlements) in a smaller area would actually make the map feel less splintered.


      It absolutely boggles my mind the way human nations are split up at least 3 ways between different soul pillar hubs. The problem isn't that there are too many of them per se, but that they are literally decentralized. The trip from Balian to Haense to Aaun takes you halfway across a continent. 

    4. monkeypoacher


      why did it double post


  10. gonna pay minecraft plugin devs on fiverr to make lotc plugins (real) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Polysemic


      you can just pay me :)

    3. Vangroth


      If my dumb ass wasn't broke i'd support ya on this one.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Finally we have figured out how to outsource dev labor.




    1. rukio


      Hey bro leave 60th out of this....okay bro?!

    2. Nug


      another display of violence from the mod hegemony......... im calling my lawyers 

    3. Sarven


      Its joever...

  12. halfway done with vaults
    neat useless stats:

    -people with a username starting with C are most likely to have something taken from their vaults

    -people with a

    username starting with a number are the least likely to have something taken from their vaults

    -there were 1225 vaults submitted (which are being reviewed in completely random nonparticular order)

    -the most ubiquitous ST material being taken through is Lightstones, which are 30 units ahead of any other individual material

    -the least ubiquitous ST material being taken through is Argentum, with only 1 unit so far (even fewer than carb!)

    -The most commonly confiscated items are (in no particular order)
    -Alchemy Shears
    -Quietus Crystals
    -Pre-nerf Tanglefoot potions

     -The most common potion being brought over is Arctic Mists which make up 2/3rds of brought-over potions, with close seconds being Fortitude Oil, Blasting Potions, and Hound's Howl

    -The most common magic items being brought over are voidal enchantments (Most specifically, a close tie of Air/Water evocation). Mysticism, Bloodmagic, and Paladinism are the leading three behind these two.


    -The most common prosthetic is Animii prosthetics by a large margin

    -Only 4 errors have been made (and corrected) of 615 vaults reviewed with an error percent of .65


    -There has only been 2 illegal nexus/athera items discovered, compared to last map's ~30/40


    -An estimated ~2-5% of people who have vaulted items have still not logged in to the new map


    -The race with the most cultural/national artefacts stored is Humanity, which scores for more than any other race combined


    -Only two RemeronPrime(tm) ST-IOU have been found, only one of which is being redeemed

    -A shocking amount of people stored just monk bread and potatoes


    -I have seen only 3 or 4 Conjuration Jing in vaults

    -I have seen only 2 or 3 items with the Notable Relic tag on them


    -Of the 143 accepted MArts, excluding MArt characters or MArt non-items, only 20 MArts have shown up so far. Of these, The Onyx Oculi (133) is the most present with only 6 of 13 Oculi present. 


    -The oldest MArt present is MArt 4, which has been around since early Atlas!


    -The strangest item I have seen is "Fox testicles". Please don't make these items.


    -I have seen only one player-signed item which has broken lore (Stating the item is made of Carbarum).


    -The average review time for a vault is ~50 seconds. Voidal enchants or errors in items (alch shears, thieves items, etc.) extend this timer to about 90 seconds.


    -Only 1 Admin has had their vault reviewed, and less than 10 of any given Staff Team's members.


    -The most commonly brought over items are;


    -Mass-market shop items (mostly swords, crossbows, and jewelry)

    -Sentimental items such as notes, wedding rings, pictures, etc.

    -Messages/items signed by friends of other players (friend cookies, friend potatoes, nicely written OOC notes/letters, etc.)


    -I have seen no Sorvian/Anthroparion signed-items at all during Vaults


    -I have only found one item that mentions the vault is under vault review (it was very nice thank you :) )


    -Of all vault messages sent, 99.6% of them are "Happy Roleplaying!". The notable exceptions are when I fuck up the copy paste and send someone a meme I meant to send to someone else. This is a meme I sent to someone by accident. sorry...



    I'll post these stats and more once I'm done with vaults. have a great day!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gamma



    3. megavoltar


      Oh, hey, I remember my exception to the vault messages, it was a comment about the several decapitated heads of Leowarrior I had

    4. subatomic


      @IslamadonDidnt u dump ur life savings into aidencoin 

  13. here it comes..

  14. HERE WE GO 

    1. Pompilidae


      nice going, stealing my lady 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Borin


      literally me

    3. TreeSmoothie


      by god he's taking damage from the sun

    4. RaiderBlue


      They don't know this is just a side effect of witnessing Fin Dam Fooms powers.

  16. I am Azdrazi woman

    1. Benleft




    2. _Sug



      WORLD IS A ****

      神様 Kill ‘em all 1989

      I am Azdrazi woman

      410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

  17. i apologize in advance to the magic community and anyone wanting to look at interesting threads on the forums

  18. i love logging onto the forums at 11am and seeing “is anyone gonna fix this mess”
    ”ive had five small anxiety attacks”

    its gonna be a good day

  19. i miss the “Thanks!” vote

  20. i thought it was some mandela effect berenstein/berenstain bear **** but no the name was legitimately renalia they just forgot n changed it..


    1. squakhawk


      shits nuts bro im shaking rn

    2. Statherian
    3. Sefardi


      I blade Edel

  21. i'm really glad i got to watch the majority of snowpiercer with the boys while the warleads screamed in the background

    1. ScreamingDingo


      make lore not war

    2. Lord Knox

      Lord Knox

      Fantastic movie

  22. I’ve been going up and cleaning the messes left by previous managers and administrators regarding story.

    This includes pieces placed in the wrong subsections, “Forgotten” pieces, pieces without feedback but denied or the like, and so on.

    I can only do so much as much of the vote documents or channels are deleted due to angy people who got fired.

    If you believe you have an issue, send me a pm on discord or a forum pm regarding your lore.

    As note, for the pieces in the “Loremag” section (Shuul, Selkie, Silvered Steel, Steam Power, Yeu) they have been accordingly moved or updated on the Accepted Stuff 2 Document available in the story discord.

    All the pieces in the “Loremag” section were already voted on and I am searching for voting documents to retrieve them and give them proper verdict, if not, I will send it through manager-speed-re-review.

    Aswell, pending pieces left by Sykogenic (Frostwitches, Voidal Circling, Treelords, Runesmithing) are all being resolved, aswell as Fi in the pending section.

    I will be pming loreholders regarding this soon enough.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      when do you become admin?

    3. ScreamingDingo


      sorry squak flam shot my helmet and decomissioned me for months

    4. squakhawk


      yet here you are, like the doomslayer but instead of killing demons its sexpests and bad lore 

  23. if u missed the notification Story Disc, taking feedback on Story Minerals here.

    As a note, mineral nodes are being automated, so don't worry about ticket-times anymore. 

  24. if you do not see your lore on this post, let me know asap.
    Most of the messes are cleaned up and sorted, still looking for archived stuff.

  25. If you lost anything in the dobrov nuking, and haven't /areq'd, please pm me ASAP! @squak#8441

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