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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. I looked at the forums to do something and now I forgot what it was

  2. I made a poll for new players - please show this to your new player friends across the server, and please avoid submitting a response if you aren't a new player :)

  3. i miss satyrs and cervitaurs :(

  4. I once again ask that we replace the waystone pillars at CT with warp signs


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Traveller



      CT enjoy seeing pink tags asking in #ws chat ask how they get out of spawn over and over

    3. hemomancy
    4. Nug


      they want to see us suffer.

  5. I remember one time in Atlas, I was randomly wandering around in the armpit of fkn nowhere. Maybe a 20 minute run from CT on foot, somewhere in a very forested snowy-taiga area, but there were no roads or settlements near by. Don't know why I was running, but probably out of boredom and hoping I'd find something cool. After a while of sprint-jumping in a random direction, I stumbled upon a very small campfire area with a tent or two, and saw a username.

    Didn't expect much or think on it, but to my surprise, they emoted at me. Or, I emoted at them, and they responded - either or. I don't remember much of the interaction, but I do specifically remember two things:

    1. They had 6 days (yes, days, not hours) of play time that week. No clue how on god's green earth that was possible, so maybe I'm misremembering and gaslighting myself, but I don't know why else something like that would stick out to me so much 4 years later. 

    2. My character, without introducing herself, asked for this stranger's name. He responded by implying she was rude for asking it without first stating her own.

    We roleplayed for, maybe, fifteen or so minutes, before I left and continued running. I don't know how long I had been running or how far I made it, but in the same run, I eventually turned around to check out the camp again. The player was gone, and that was that.

    Never spoke to that player again, RPly or OOCly, and to this day I cannot remember their username or RP name for the life of me. I think they were a human or adunian though. 

    anyways no idea why I shared this story but it's a distinct memory I have, and I also remember wondering if that player had been sitting there waiting for someone to randomly approach him in the middle of asscrack nowhere just like I did

    1. Gemini


      This is so cute haha— maybe you’ll find the person! Let’s hope they still play 

  6. i rly appreciate the in-game auctions being held. f the auction house all my homies hate the auction house!!

    1. Nug


      so true. remove ah 2021

  7. I shall now create a new character who is the child of my previously played (now PK'd) character and pretend they were always around despite having 0 RP or OOC mention of them once ever :3 (this is legit RP please do not ruin my RP I promise you this is legit and 100% fair) 

  8. I should honestly stop getting surprised when I see LOTCers on Hypixel
    this time it was in the pit

    1. Pureimp10
    2. KeatonUnbeaten



    3. argonian


      i never see @Pureimp10 on the pit because he always logs off as soon as i log on





      also im banned from it but that’s beside the point

  9. I started doing a singleplayer minecraft world and I forgot how fun it is
    here’s my house ? Found a really nice area in a birch forest biome

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Callum


      Bad house. Go back to bedwars

    3. Unwillingly


      @Callumwho said I stopped doing bedwars

    4. AlphaMoist


      bro... birch wood is the worst wood....

  10. i stayed up until 2am talking about old barbie movies with someone and now im super tired

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      The winter one was the best

    2. Nectorist


      written in your heart was an absolute banger

  11. I still remember when I got you banned in 2018 for egregrious metagaming and OOC toxicity. I've seen how you treat people even today. You're as sour and horrible as you were back then. You have not changed or grown as a person, and I doubt that you ever will.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for you

    1. monkeypoacher


      it sounds like there were worse things they were doing over that time that they should have been banned for 

    2. Unwillingly
    3. monkeypoacher


      idk the egregious metagaming bit is kinda like saying adolf hitler jaywalked on top of the 6 million yknow

  12. i stopped reading when I saw “attention gamers #1”

    1. Ducklingator


      it is RELATEABLE and HIP with the TEENS

    2. AlphaMoist


      It’s called being ironic

    3. Pogmeister


      Haha fortnite! *knee slap*

  13. i think its really neat how you can see the differentiation in clothing styles when u go to places like oren vs haense. from what i've seen, orenian characters wear more tailcoats or vests, while haenseti characters wear heavier clothing and armor and i think it's a really interesting thing. thank u for reading

    1. NomadGaia


      I agree, I think the skinners across the whole community do a fantastic job making these characters come to life. You can really see the culture/traditions of specific cultures in how different communities look serverwide. It's awesome to me

    2. KaiserJacobII


      It's pretty cool that climate is taken into account with fashion from nation to nation. In Haense where it's colder, they have warmer clothing. In more temperate Oren they were lighter coats. 

    3. ydegirl


      I think it's really interesting how in places like Norland, Haense & Savoy, it wouldn't make sense to wear wigs and extravagant dresses and suits, as the culture is more warrior/fighting-esque, whereas in Oren it wouldn't make sense to wear heavy furs and armor 24/7, since the culture there is more focused on extravagance and high fashion. Additionally, in all three of these human nations you likely wouldn't wear something with legs revealing, whereas in Elvenesse or the druid circles you def could. Also the mingling of fashion within different countries is something I find interesting. Often times its usually the women setting these trends, with the three Sisters d'Amaury and Maria of Krajia being prime (human examples).

  14. I think we should take all villain application supporters and put them in a mortar and pestle and grind them up until nothing but a fine powder is left

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MeteorDragon


      What're their signs and symbols?

    3. ClassyDryad


      Fire & Earth Poison 3
      Fire & Earth Impediment 2

      Fire & Earth Reduction 1

      Fire & Earth Order 1

    4. christman


      what if i put you in a mortar and pestle. how would that make you feel. think before you speak #bebetter.

  15. I thought this would be fitting to make abt haelun’or 
    no harsh feelings tis just a meme

    Edited by w_ill
  16. I uninstalled getting over it with bennett foddey

  17. I was born on a Reza street where the imperial drums did beat

  18. I wish ppl didn't meme rp plagues :^( 

  19. I would like to thank my friends, family, the academy, and @Wyrvunfor getting me to 5,000 rep. It has been a wonderful journey. Here's to 6,000!

  20. I'd like to remind everyone that elf ears don't "perk" nor "droop" based on their emotions 


    No I am not saying it's not possible for one to flex their ears on demand, just that elves dont have furry ears

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      *'s ears droop pleadingly "please give it to me dad"

    3. Lhindir_


      I think ur just powergaming. 

    4. Qctho


      studies show that elf ears can be manually "floop-ed."

  21. I'm 4 rep away from 60 on my imp elf post I have never wanted anything more

    1. Minuvas


      *Looks sweatily at the upvote button*

  22. I'm looking for people well-versed in druidism who are interested in helping me continue writing my satyr lore ;) I especially need assistance with the creation process. un-w#7537

    1. MCVDK


      O new satyr lore, that sounds like fun.

    2. Traveller
    3. Unwillingly
  23. I've become so much like Avaeramos it's scary. I wear black armor, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in common.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut **** up Spoon! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see kha being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Rhella or Naeri , both of whom remind me of Dael. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them azdrazi fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.(edited)

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