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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. u guys are actually despicable

  2. u should come RP in sedan

  3. unwillingly skin auction soon tm save up ur minas :) 

  4. Unwind is a really good book

    1. Punished_Pup


      You were supposed to read the Minecraft book.

    2. Unwillingly


      I will dont worry

    3. Duarchist


      this explains why you have so much trauma

  5. update: somebody killed all of the cats in llyria and now i plan on leading an investigation against this criminal 

    1. ABruhMoment
    2. Farryn


      AKA Unwillingly is going all John Wick.

    3. ToddTheArchitect


      thats not true am cat and am alive


  6. upvote if you think mod bad guys <3

    1. Zacho


      upvote me if you love me, the mods 

  7. ur doing great and I support u

  8. very nice +1 🙂

  9. voidal mage genocide

    1. Ducklingator


      burger king foot lettuce

  10. waterbottle check. ik u have at least ONE waterbottle / glass in ur room. take care of it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. latte


      it smells like pf changs

    3. rukio


      I just can't be assed to refill them you odnt gotta call me out for being dehydrated...

    4. gavyn


      i hate you

  11. we gonna rock down to

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      and then we take it higher

    2. Bhased


      Top ten terrible opening sentences to a thesis on the use of the electric chair


  13. We'll be known as the city who burns their enemies in lava :))

    1. ScreamingDingo
    2. Inferno_Ougi
    3. Slothtastic


      Don’t press X I have seen Sutica deploy lava traps. They have em. 

  14. we're currently experiencing the opposite of what happened when gizzygazza showcased our server

    1. Mannamannaa


      This is cursed history, but I agree with the sentiment.
      Youtubers on LotC: Never again.

  15. we've had the /realms activity command for less than a day and RP already feels infinitely more centralized and easier to find bc it's just so much easier for ppl to congregate

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      i like how the categories are much more intuitive than some random percentage

    3. annabanana1014
    4. Mio


      llir cooked w this one

  16. we've reached that point in the timeline where lotc has more daily average players than mineplex

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. argonian


      was mineplex like the og hypixel


      can't rly remember

    3. Borin


      yeah sorta james, it had more and/or rivaled it on popularity for a while ages back. It had some cool unique things then it kinda devolved into just copying whatever Hypixel did

    4. Greehn


      devolved into copying hypixel and just not fixing its underlying issues like the lag and just broken games

  17. what are some of the easiest or most efficient in-RP ways to earn mina?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      a hustler doesn't share their hustles for free, nice try fed

    3. Onnensr


      hunt darkspawn, get cool ((forbidden and sinful)) st signed items. trade them on the ((black)) market for rarer ((even more sinful)) items. continue this cycle until you attract wealth due to your sheer net worth in lucrative investments. establish a paper currency to destroy the mina. pay off large businesses to only accept unwillingly-bucks from now on. strongarm admins into giving you server ownership ((he who controls the unwillingly-bucks, controls the server))

    4. ThatFunkyBunch


      You have a Naz MA.

      You just make Anti aging cream for court roleplayers in human nations. I got like 300 per run


  18. what are some quirks, fun facts, or other things your character has/can do that you never get to share or emote in rp? 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Adelemphii


      For over 2 years I've roleplayed my Snow Elf as being an exceptional swimmer and fishing extraordinaire who is working on owning a fish and tackle shop, but I think I've only ever roleplayed anything related to that with someone else around twice this map.


      I just wanna own a fishing ship on a coast, then a location in a coastal city where I can rp loading the fish from the ship onto a barge, then barge barrels of fish up a river to my fish and tackle shop which is conveniently posted up on said river.

    3. RainbowRoad1234


      very rarely do i get to emote my snow elf's irrational fear of sneezing. not because of germs, but because they are just so jarring.

    4. Morigung-oog


      My character used to be able to digest just about anything. I used to have her eat coins. Tawkin amendment fucked it. Curse you, toxposters.

  19. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Damnit_Delmar


      Magic shouldn't mold the character - the character should mold the magic


      I believe a lot of the current mindset that you have to play a Dark or Divine Magic in a particular way is dumb, and instead of forcing it to one particular culture. It should instead allow anyone to expand and do something different. You should be able to see the Constantine type Warlock, just as you should be able to see the Evil Paladin(not saying they don't exist, but such routes seem to often be frowned upon)

    3. satinkira
    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      let me rejoin the team even tho I sold my PC for WWE Friday night smackdown! Tickets 

  20. what did elite do

  21. what do you mean I can’t be an azdrazi? 

  22. what happened

  23. what is this english rule im hearing about

    what happened this time

    1. saint swag

      saint swag



      Edited by _Hexe_
  24. what is this thread I missed
    what happened

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