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Status Updates posted by Laeonathan

  1. How come people who always hate on staff are often the same people who never contribute to the server themselves?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Telanir


      Lol, feedback noted is from before my time. I think we kept that in just because of how iconic it has become. I think we could have a good banter honestly, I've always found the satirical part of you pretty funny, anyway cheers—and @monkeypoacherhope my reply to you doesn't get lost

    3. Salvo


      @Guzryou forgot the hashtag

    4. Salvo


      @Telaniralso I don't have anything against you personally and think you're a good coder but you've also outgrown the chairman seat take care brother

  2. How come we as a community / large portions of it want to remove content of the server, instead of adding it?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Unwillingly


      tech team has already established that they plan on adding easier methods of resource gathering with the AH removal tho, if not an AH that's solely just building resources without the RP item spam

    3. Glade


      Bulk buying rping item is the problem. I think everyone can agree building materials should be easy to access.

    4. Laeonathan


      It's not about the tech team, nor individual small plugins.

      It's about the attitude of removing content. Literally half of the community wanted to basically kill off PvP Battles.


      Genuinly miss 40 vs 40 battles, I've had fun every time.

    1. Do not set your character name to anything that is offensive, or impersonates another member of the community (and other realms of fiction or non-fiction).

    Can we apply this for alliances too? USA and NATO? Can we delete both?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laeonathan


      Imma make the Axis and then the EU (Elven Union)

    3. Statherian


      EU was already a thing sorry better luck next time

    4. Laeonathan


      Oh man. Did we have East and West divides yet? West and East Haense?

  3. Can we appreciate the fact we finally have an EU nation that has activity at time we don't need to stay up? I'm going to host events at 10 am EST now. Watch me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DahStalker


      10 am EST??? thats my nini time

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Tbh I could plan 10 pm est events myself as an EST person but that’s because I’m a night owl  lol

    4. Laeonathan


      10 pm est is literally the earliest time events realistically happen for europeans, usually 11 pm or midnight

  4. Waldenians are a hate crime against Germans, change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. argonian


      your FACE is a crime against my eyes



      (Also people who say "du" IRP need to be shot)

    3. ydegirl


      one of my friends is german and she always complains about how whenever she sees waldenians she hates them bc they rp the german accent horribly or something idk

    4. Laeonathan


      @argonianThe main issue with "Du" is that you can't use it the same way as "you". Because the german language has 'cases' and 'genders', something english doesn't have to the same extend... grrrr


  5. I love how both sides always claim victory.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laeonathan


      It doesn't, what on LOTC makes sense?

    3. Tulan


      You raise a good point, not much does.

    4. monkeypoacher


      i actually prefer when battles are more ambiguous & narratively interesting than "the slaughter of bloody bridge" where one side takes a decisive victory by murdering 4 enemy civilians


      the dwarven ego must triumph even while killing 1 roleplayer even when running away from the enemy

  6. why are there no war raids going on? War kinda boring rn :O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laeonathan


      me neither... 

    3. UnbanCharlesTheBald2022


      What kind of attitude is this ? You're in the inner staff circle and have the chance to participate in decisions already. You're in. It's time for you to start your own inner revolution and try to change the war rules through a world addition.

    4. Laeonathan


      Didn't know I'm in inner staff circle lol.

  7. does any other magic but void let you create crazy custom spells?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unwillingly


      blood magic does have this yes, as well as certain areas of boons&banes in naz lore


      n I don't wanna hear "but that's a MArt" bc a MArt doesn't need to even be an item. it can be an ability, a character, an area of land, a building, etc 

    3. alexmagus
    4. TeawithFrisket


      Free form magic is hard to track from what I heard, but as others have said up top 


      I also am a firm believer that your can use Magic in combination with other things

  8. Best Prince of Ves was?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan
    3. 1_Language_1


      AW LOL I only got to be prince for two weeks because I had to step down for calculus.. I would have stayed longer if I knew the class was going to be that easy.

    4. Laeonathan


      Too bad, was really fun. I just came back to LOTC and Ves is kinda my favourite memory ngl... probably noob time nostalgia

  9. Ew Germans

    1. D4NNA


      *germanic accent* Stahb hadin me jou imbezile! Arr hät id wit jou!

    2. Laeonathan
    3. D4NNA
  10. imagine being a new player rn seeing all the drama

    1. tasty_cheesecake


      id leave, and save myself from minecraft hell. this is good. we save more souls from this giant soultrap.

    2. sami03


      Remember when you googled Lotc and the first thing that came up was "Lotc has a Pedoproblem" or something similar. These were great times

  11. Heyho, if anyone is interested in playing a Sorvian / Astronach member of a high elven noble family... feel free to shoot me a DM! Laeonathan#3614

    1. exanimated


      No! Elf bad! Return to human Laeo. . Remember the DOGS

    2. Laeonathan


      Ok but humans are boring as **** idk what to do on them

  12. why is the server so dead in EU time on tuesdays? Like? Why is it always tuesdays? Are like all people busy on tuesdays? Not wednesdays?

    1. alexmagus


      Not Wednesdays. Never Wednesdays. But Tuesdays? Always. Aren't you?

    2. HogoBojo


      Taco Tuesdays. Enough said. 

  13. Anyone else missing Arcas fishing.

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I'm missing you in the dwarves.

    2. Laeonathan


      So do I... one day I shall return.

  14. It looks like Evonpire took over Celia'nor...

    1. ClassyDryad
    2. Evonpire




  15. mods are going crazy with removing long paragraphs of roleplay for "low effort rp" because the character name was only implied, its getting silly...

    1. Tabby64
    2. alexmagus


      blaming the60th for this

  16. didnt expect the return of Oren today

    1. Ramon


      you're welcome

    2. alexmagus


      why not.

  17. dynmap update when

    1. Benleft



    2. ReveredOwl


      idk, if you zoom in on certain places, it updates, it seems broken

  18. How does it feel, to wield such power?



    1. argonian


      im ashamed i didnt fill all 3

  19. @Adelemphiiis the best for waking my new player memories of fishing in Ves

  20. I'm really optimistic for the WC seeing techs do these crazy tests at christmas O.O

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Yeah kudos to them right now for puttin the work in, and Merry Christmas!

  21. wait do we know each other? O.O

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