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  1. The aged elfess felt no genuine loss for that beloved Queen, brows knit with pity and remorse for the agony around her, however. "Khivi, you shall search out that newfound Queen and befriend her. She is your age." Lhoris clarified, glancing to a portrait of Saint James II nearby with pursing lips. She swore a promise decades ago and would ensure to maintain it through her daughter if not herself directly. "She has lost her mother. She shall need a friend, Khivi. A true one-- you've nothing to gain from her, only friendship."
  2. It had been a long time since the imperial elfess was invited to a Ladies night. Nervously Lhoris began to brush through one of her ancient white wigs, assuming that was all the trend still. But her hands sweat nervously with anxiety.
  3. u were the strongest Paladin student. I’ll still continue to talk to you on social media per usual ofc. thank u for complimenting my pierogi btw. summer cooking szn approaches
  4. 𝕿𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓, It has been made apparent that life bestows me much fortune in the fact that I have the privilege of reading your publication in regard to Imperial histories. However, I have found it quite devastating that your writings lack both a historiography and series of citations so I might further understand who you contribute the foundation of your own personal studies to. I should greatly admire that you send me a personal list over as to fulfill my own curiosity. Furthermore, once life settles for me in the following year I should like to invite said prestigious authors over for tea. 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖞, Miss Izalith
  5. A familiar ex-Orenian Imperial elf by the once name of Mariana Dubious smiles with content. Whether she supported or disagreed with the formation of said organization was irrelevant. The reactionary fury would be much more meaningful and amusing.
  6. A ginger haired elf named Lhoris reads the missive with a few nods. “Respect. Maria isn’t a gold digger.” They said aloud, pondering for a moment or two. “They are a GOAL digger!!” Lhoris respects a good hustle.
  7. this is just a thought idk if anyone else agrees... but my fav type of woman archetype is the woman is strong through her femineity, rather than being strong due to being more masculine. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      my favorite one is the one who's name doesnt start with h.

    3. Netphreak


      I like turtles.

    4. DahStalker


      @Charles The Bald they call me Andretta Tate

  8. I always found chickens funny as a kid specifically because my Ukrainian grandmother had them all over her house as decor. But when I started to learn Spanish I found it was a very funny word, and my grandfather/grandmother in Puerto Rico has chickens. I also like how people pronounce it "Polo" or "poyo" with a lot of 'y' emphasis. Namely @HogoBojo
  9. 9 years ago in 2015... on this very day... a very.. one would say 'InfamousGerman' accepted lil ole papi_pollo better known as LPStalker to LOTC. So, why not ask me something about my time here on lotc or just general things. ty for the experience these last few yrs
  10. "My heart shall always belong to Haense." The late Baroness clarified; lips pivoted upright in a warm smile as she glanced to her right as to gaze upon the warm features of her beloved husband. A nimble hand reaching outward for his own as she sought to stare down from the clouds above, watching her kin below warmly - specifically her beloved granddaughter Katrin. "But their hearts shall belong to Petra. I shall not feel frustration nor fury from their relocation - they follow their hearts, Arthur. Just as we had with ours. Let us hope they ensure they make House Stafyr proud through their merits." The woman concluded, being both of the name Colborn and Stafyr. She tilted her head to the shoulder of her husband, eight goats sworming around their ankles with rowdy bleats.
  11. Somewhere far into the Haense countryside idled a young girl with dark hair akin to the bark of pines, tainted with the abnormality of greying seen only in elders. She gawked at her storybook of Knights, listed from the time of King Georg I and beyond, and there she read of Ser Audo Weiss. One of her many inspirations. The girl was hardly intelligent, hardly old enough, and yet cunning enough to know one thing - she would be like him, and many of the Knights before him. Sweat dripped from her temple as that young girl practiced, repeatedly swiping a sword at the straw-filled dummy before her. She was strong for her age, an emptied husk of profound might, and yet no purpose. That would come later. For now, she would train, train to be like other Knights of the Haense Realm - such as Ser Audio "The Raven."
  12. Somewhere far during her travels... Lhoris removed her tricorne, paying respects to Otto once hearing about his passing. "Should the universe be kind, may we meet once more in what comes after our morality." Otherwise, she ensured to cherish the time they spent, and remember his memory fondly.
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