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  1. Past hour
  2. "Sounds like someone who suffers from a lack of maidens." Cerrick looked upon the missive with disgust. "I thought they focused on actual issues."
  3. [This message is written in Caecic. Only Slotted Seers may read it.] Four Hundred Mina to who ever gets me the information on how the Azdrazi summon Azdromoth and what offers he likes, first.
  4. Today
  5. Aiyeis would visit their grave as she had once done for their sister, Meredith. A bundle of lavender bound by loose lace in hand. For some time, she would stand there, listless. She had known that one day this day would come to pass but she did not think it so soon. Crouching, she would place the bundle atop the burial. "You will be missed, Basha Horisp." And with that, she'd shift her grip upon the dragon head of her cane, using it to steady herself as she stood, some pain flickering across her sullen features. Brushing briefly at her dress, the mali'thill would move to mount her yisar that meandered nearby. A final look was given to the area before she rode off. The old woman, once a girl, was now just a distant memory.
  6. Mikhail Colborn's eyes widen as he sees how much does Henrik Amador like to swear. He proceeds to pray for Godan so the Amador man will cease with this foul language
  8. Marlene of Merryweather, knowing much about lost daughters, sent flowers to her cousin. “Ich hope she finds comfort eventually…”
  9. Welcome! If you ever have questions, feel free to reach out to me in game, or via discord!
  10. A beast marks note of this. Craning its head to the east. "We shall see."
  11. "Hm, I have yet to study a Wonk. Maybe I can get a corpse of one somehow for my studies?" An albino ker said as she read it and thought for a bit as she tried to focus on the flower she had made before her that sat in an pot with soil.
  12. FINALLY Also, I think a line should be added here to specify if this requires ST or not (also vertical is spelt wrong)
  13. A sleepless night was endured by one Rezalisa Kovachev, who took to prayer upon hearing of the condition of one of her dear friends. Once she heard of Milena's stirring and waking, Reza hastened herself to provide her company and care. Elsewhere. . . An elf of lavender contemplated the sea foam that washed up upon the beach of her home, her expression was a dour one under the waning light of the Eclipse. She could not help but linger on that of the long past, more beyond the echoes of her daily life. Uttered words of a forsaken prophecy of crowns, keys, and eclipses. . . To find others who shared her sight was no coincidence, she realized. They needed to be guided, to be ready for what was to come.
  14. A certain rugged blonde leans forwards on his crutches to stare at the missive presented to him. Squinting as he traced the words, conjuring something... familiar. Lesley gasps and teeters back on the crutches to declare: "They made me look OLD!" No actual comment on his experience was made. But he did wonder, who would take the time to write about someone like him.
  15. Ill send you a message!
  16. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  17. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  18. Those darkened skies overhead might once have felt an ill omen. Though, the bastard found in them now some vague peaceful freedom. The Marshal’s trial felt as much an escape for him now, after that eve about the Aulic chamber. He had blunted his blade against the wood again, a gift from the good prince Stefan. It ought have been his sister’s, in truth. He had long promised it to her; in a time of brief fair health, before. . A sharp exhale sent the thing spinning into the snowdrift. She had been so plainly replaced, by one not even of the King’s own line, yet the elder son was left to traipse alone about the peaks and shake snow from his boots, tattered as they were. He had been leal, valiant and would have offered so much more - yet perhaps his mother had the right of it all along. There was no place for a bastard in Valdev that he did not carve himself. Hang the lot of them, then; he would do so. Dour and darkening, Andrey pulled the sword from the bank and pressed it back to his scabbard. He would have more than the Rothswood, now, whether by his father's will or otherwise. A dim, golden glow enveloped him - and the youth set off back for home.
  19. NOTICE OF EXPULSION OF THE DOMINION OF CAELIA As issued by the hand of the Sohaer in the year 184 S.A. @TheShinyHodzic To the Blessed Citizenry and all other Our subjects whatsoever to whom these Conveyances are directed; Ai. Know ye that We of Our distinctive benevolence, certain erudition and mere motion do by these Conveyances promulgate and institute through these proclamations the expulsion of the Dominion of Caelia and its jurisdiction. ARTICLE 1. The Dominion of Caelia shall be removed from the lands of Haelun’or. ARTICLE 2. The Silver-Caelian Accord shall be nullified. ARTICLE 3. Any citizen of Caelia shall lose their honorary citizenship to the Silver State. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  20. [Art By Topseoung (탑승)] [!] A missive of carefully lettered cursive was posted across all of Aevos. In the wake of an ever-burning eclipse of crimson. Do you feel it? Divinity made manifest from one created by the children of the Creator. Seraphic blood supped upon by one carved from stone. Not from God, but from one of His. Do you feel it? The winds that now change to our whims. Do the children of God feel the wind? Those perfidious servants, slaves of their machinations must hear the cockcrow of change. The evenfall of time, do they feel it? The chill left in the wake of the Sun’s demise. The cold, lifeless dawn that rises on us. Surely, when all was made by God, merciful and august He be. That He saw to imprint onto us the means of our own safeguarding and security. When He too feels the chill of the Sun. – The ache of cold on archaic bones. Does He fear his own creations? Or does He sit in the Skies, smile on his face as He knows? Saints and Martyrs died for this. Died for the vindication we have witnessed. The Saints and Martyrs must smile upon us as we realize what destiny is now. Let it be up to us now and His faithful to continue to make those that came before in His word proud. Exalted Horen and God's word lead us to divinity and paradise. To a Skies all too out of reach to all of God’s faithful. Let us lead the Crusade as God’s faithful to our own self reliance and to open the gates to the Skies for all.
  21. A wraith stood in the Abyss. The ephemeral gore and ectoplasm of the previous bout of fighting stained her form. If news would have reached her of Xan's demise; she'd sigh. A long, deep inhale, then exhale. What seemed like a lifetime ago snuffed out so easily. But, that was none of her business anymore. As her short respite was over, she'd grab her spear and charge forth. Back into the fray. A Nephilim stood in a temple. Whispers surrounded him, engraving in his brain as he reached a clawed talon to a banner ever-burning. A smile all too terrible and glorious plastered his face. "Divinity, in a moment. Vindication. Oh, he has proven himself." The creature of stygian scales spoke. The claw touched the sparking banner. Yells, Draconic and horrid filled the room as he felt a piece of himself, once again, consumed by the banner. "It is time for the flames to be cast. O'what a glorious flame it will be!"
  22. REXDOM-LURAK UPON THE OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT With this DECREE the REX Rue’Lur orders the assembly of a new government. ON THE KLAMOR The KLAMOR, or assembly of the CLANS is called to create a new and stronger bureaucracy from which the URUKS will govern REXDOM-LURAQ. The KLAMOR will exist as both advisors and minor administrators of the kingdom. AUTONOMY will be LIMITED by order of the AUTARCH Daahd’Lur. Each WARGOTH deemed fit to lead their clans will be granted land from which they will siphon income generated. Additionally, vassals not of any particular CLAN will be granted different rights and responsibilities. ALL URUKS are allowed to witness the KLAMOR unless an explicit call for a WARGOTH KLAMOR is made, which will be held privately; these are the exception NOT the rule. The KLAMOR may be called at any time but in times of peace usually only occurs once a year or so. ON THE WAHG IN GOVERNMENT A WAHG, or more simply, war, is a special season for the Uruk. During the time of WAHG all functions of government aside from KLAMOR called for by the REX or AUTARCH are put on hold. While the government will still operate in collecting tithe for payments of debts and treasury, the government will shift into something more akin to a DICTATORSHIP. The codes of KRUG will still be followed as normal but will be enforced more harshly. Descent is not tolerated during WAHG. Descent can be any of the following: Secrecy Disloyalty Disrespect of OFFICE Doomering Any action thats disrupts the WAHG in meaning to harm the Government. During the WAHG season, respect, trust, and faith is placed within the REX and AUTARCH. Whilst fraternization with the enemy is allowed and even encouraged so that combat may be carried out with HONOR betrayal of kin and country is an offense worthy of execution and OSTRACIZATION. ON THE RIGHTS OF WARGOTH The WARGOTH functions as a chief of their tribe and kin; they are expected to be able to raise levies, collect taxes, and participate in the structure of government: The KLAMOR. While the KLAMOR is not a democratic institution the opinions of the KLAMOR are highly valued by the REX and taken into account. Voting may be held by the KLAMOR if given the option by the REX. Some reasons for this are as follows: Votes on War Votes on Ostracization Votes on new WARGOTHS Votes on removal of WARGOTHS Votes on establishing new infrastructure (keeps, prisons, wharves, etc.) WARGOTHS reserve the right to enforce KRUG’S LAW on their territories unless intervened upon by the REX or AUTARCH in matters of importance, but will be left to their own devices unless there is an explicit exception. WARGOTHS reserve the right to enlist soldiers into their LEVY at any time. WAR MATERIAL will only be provided however for training and during times of WAHG, unless petitioned for by the WARGOTH to the REX or AUTRARCH. WARGOTHS act as representatives of their CLAN at large. Actions taken by the WARGOTH are actions taken by the CLAN. This means that victories attributed to the WARGOTH are attributed to the CLAN, but blunders are attributed as well. WARGOTHS do NOT serve as representatives of the REXDOM LURAK. Any action taken by the WARGOTH which cause diplomatic incident will be punished unless those actions were ordered by the REX or AUTARCH. WARGOTHS who fail to meet expectations will be subsequently removed from their station. ON THE RIGHTS OF TARGOTH TARGOTH serves as a military commander of REXDOM-LURAK. While in the past only one TARGOTH served the REX, there is now a demand for greater leadership within the HOST. The TARGOTH is given command over CENTRAL URUK warriors at all times, and during times of WAHG command over ALL URUK warriors including the WARGOTH LEVY. A TARGOTH is granted a place in the KLAMOR regardless of whether they are WARGOTH, however, their opinion upon matters of state is regarded less and their opinions on matters of WAHG more. Additionally, it is possible to be WARGOTH and TARGOTH at once. A TARGOTH is the deliverer of justice. If KRUG’S LAW is broken by any within the REXDOM LURAK the TARGOTH is required to deliver swift justice to the one breaking the law. A TARGOTH however is overruled only when a WARGOTH whose land the law was broken upon intercedes as to deliver the punishment themselves; this may be however halted should the TARGOTH petition the REX or AUTARCH to allow them to deliver the punishment instead. A TARGOTH is granted the right to freely demote and promote soldiers of the CENTRAL URUK FORCE at any given time. To punish or reward as they deem fit. ALL OTHER FUNCTIONS AND RIGHTS OF THE TARGOTH ARE RELAYED VIA THE DECREE OF THE MILITARY. ON THE RIGHTS OF THE AUTARCH The AUTARCH is an office only granted to URUK with exceptional ability; usually a previous WARGOTH or TARGOTH who has resigned in favor of being the primary advisor to the REX. AUTARCH serves as minister for DIPLOMACY, WAR, and TREASURY when not overruled by the REX. The only force from which the AUTARCH is required to answer to is that of KRUG’S LAW and REX. The AUTARCH is granted ABSOLUTE POWER when the REX is not present to deliver their will. The AUTARCH is granted the right to approve of new infrastructure and the demolition of old. Along with this AUTARCH might evict citizens of the REXDOM-LURAK at will with the exception of WARGOTHS from which they must consult first the REX upon their removal. (This only applies for non-CLAN-owned properties, as CLAN-owned properties must follow prior DECREE or will be freely removed at will by the AUTARCH.) The AUTARCH reserves the right to freely enter into diplomacy with all nations. As head diplomat and advisor of the REX the AUTARCH is effectively given the function of the REX when they are not present during diplomatic meetings. The AUTARCH reserves the right to call and lead the KLAMOR should the REX not be available. The AUTARCH reserves the right to take control over the HOST and all LEVY during times of WAHG when not in the presence of the REX. ON THE RIGHTS OF REX The greatest title a Uruk can hold is REX, it is absolute. It is respected. When speaking with a REX absolute respect is required of citizens of LURAK. During KLAMOR disagreement with the REX is allowed but only if no insult is given. The REX is POWER, the REX is STATE, and the REX is LURAK. The REX holds absolute control, bowing only to KRUG’S LAW.
  24. Esfir, matchmaker supreme, grins at another successful (oocly coordinated) match, and begins preparations to attend.
  25. Daal the imp perched by the coffin cackling as in the crevices of his teeth were bits of roaches and a old shoelace from his very favorite meal. He cracked a joke as well “What did the muscle strong strong zombie crave want?” not a moment of silence was had as the imp burst out laughing, barley getting the answer out “GAAAIINNNNSSSSSS BAHAHAHAHA!” The imp rolled in the muddy courtyard of the Hexicanium laughing like a mad hyena
  26. Sigrun 'Undeadslayer' Stonehammer had prepared to venture to Khaz'A'Dentrumm at the final battle. Yet it seemed Kjellos and Dungrimm had purpose for him yet.
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