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[✗] [CA Race Lore] The Shikari


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-The Shikari-

Hunters, Bastions Against The Wilds


 ((This lore is meant to scarcely be known and has to be learned only through roleplay))


[!] It was a cold night when the young boy was taken to the deepest chamber of the keep. “Sir, is it truly my turn?” the boy asked, worry in his voice. The man simply turned and grimaced down at the child. It was at that moment the young one knew his fate was sealed. Entering the darkroom at the end of the corridor, the boy's nose began to burn upon witnessing the smell of strong chemicals. Sitting in the center of the room was a large table, surrounded by the child's future peers. The boy took one look to his mentor standing nearby, before accepting his fate and laying himself down on the table.”



What is a Shikari


The Shikari are mutants, undergoing a violent transformation to become one of the most effective hunters on the continent, increasing their base senses such as sight, hearing, and taste. While sacrificing their humanity and the chance of creating offspring.






 A young boy sat on the bench in the city of Sutica, a leather-bound journal was tightly clutched in his arms. The woman sitting nearby saw him shuddering subtly, and in a soft voice, she spoke to him. “Are you alright?” The boy looked at the woman. She wore dark robes, with a white mask strapped to her face that of a plague doctor. 

“I uh well, I’m not sure” he admitted in a melancholy tone. He shifted in place, his holding the journal more tightly to his chest. “You um” he paused as he thought over his words. “You remind me of my father.” 

“What do you mean by that?” The doctor inquired as she looked at the boy, her expression hidden behind the mask. The boy reached into the bag resting at his side, he withdrew a white mask, looking vaguely like an owl’s gaze in shape. 

“He used to wear this, also wore dark clothing kinda like yours.” He explained in a quiet voice as he showed the woman the mask. “I have not seen him in eight years since he disappeared. All I-i found was this and his journal” he began to stutter, as he spoke. 

The doctor took a mental note of the boy’s state but refrained from commenting on it.“Do you like to read by chance?” The boy would give her a nod of confirmation, she would then continue. “Then would you like to see the library?” The boy gave another nod, The woman gesture for him to follow. The two journeyed through the streets of Sutica before reaching the library. The woman led the boy inside, showing him the different sections of the literature of the shelves. 

The young boy paused as he looked at the shelves full of medical studies. “Reminds me of my father when he-” He stopped himself. The woman furrowed her brows under the mask, she softly rested her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort the boy. “I-is there somewhere more private we can speak?” 

The woman paused and nodded softly, fishing a pair of keys from within her robes. “Yeah..follow me” She would unlock a door on the lower floor of the library and led The boy to another room behind the door. There she gestures him to sit with her on a couch before a fireplace. The boy sat down next to the woman, taking in a deep breath before he spoke.

“My father was not a typical man, he did things many would find...unnatural.” He shuddered before going on. “I-i found his journal and mask I saw him wear in a hidden compartment in our home. I-i found his..lair of sorts and-” he trailed off as he was at the point of shaking. 

“You don’t need to go on.” The woman said in a soft tone, she hesitated before leaning over and softly embracing the boy in her arms. The boy looked to the masked woman, giving a small nod over time he calmed himself. The woman would have taken the time to lead him out of the library giving him a space to live in Sutica. Over the course of time, the two would develop a bond with each other, as one would see with a mother and her son. 

Days would pass before one day The woman would hear a knock emit from her door. “Miss, it’s me can I talk to you?” the boy’s voice would come from behind the door. The doctor would open the door, allowing him to come into her room. 

“What can I do for you?” She smiled under the expressionless mask, her beak pointed to him. 

“Well, I wanted to talk to you about uh this.” The boy patted to a leather-bound journal under his arm. The woman took a moment’s pause as she understood what he meant. The masked woman gestured for him to follow as she led him to a seat in her room. Once the two were seated, The boy would open the journal and begin to speak.

“I-i was reading through this and learned more about what my father d-did” He spoke, his tone of voice clearly showing he was shaken. “He wrote in this h-how he made people into things, not human” The woman took note of his state and softly placed a hand on his shoulder.

“May I see it?” She held out a hand, gesturing to the journal. The boy slowly nodded, closing it before he handed it over to her. She carefully took hold of the book and opened it, taking care not to damage it in any way. Her eyes scanned across the page looking over notes of experiments, various formulas, and calculations. 

Her gaze returned to the boy, he was looking at the ground and shaking. Seeing how he was being affected by this she would close the journal and passed it back to him. “I want you to put this where no one will find it, I don’t want to see you looking at it anymore alright?” The boy took the journal and slowly nodded. 

“If that’s you want, I will” He placed the journal into his bag and stood up. “Thank you, for everything.” The woman reached out and ruffled his hair, smiling under the mask.

“I’m glad I could help.” The boy would make his way to the door, sending her a smile as departed. After he left the woman grabbed her own journal and began to write down formulas she had made mental notes from what she had seen in the boy’s journal. Over the course of the next few weeks, the woman would begin to calculate and experiment with the formulas and equations she had seen. Over time she would even create her own formulas using the ones from before as a base. 

In this time The boy would meet a high elf wearing armor. The two would begin to have a mentor relationship, the high elf took the boy under his wing. The High Elf began to train the boy to defend himself and to someday hunt down monsters alongside him. The elf and the woman’s meetings would converse over the formula she has been working on. Her testing with animals was completed.

“Use me for your tests” The elf spoke when the three were in her home. “I trust you not to kill me.” The doctor hesitated before speaking, wringing her hands. 

“I don’t know how it will react to your body.” Her brows were furrowed under the mask. The monster hunter would send a confident smile her way. 

“I’m not worried about that, you’re the smartest for the job, I’ll be in good hands right?” He patted the boy’s head who stood next to him. the boy nodded, smiling up to the woman.

“No one better than you could do it!” He affirmed, being just confident as the elf in her abilities. The woman looked at the two and made a soft sigh, nodded slowly.

“There’s no one else willing as you for me test the potion with, I suppose this will show how far I have actually progressed.” The woman would lead the elf to her labs, pausing as she saw the boy following. “Can you wait in the study room?” the child nodded as she sent him off with a ruffle of his hair. 

In the lab, as the elf was strapped to a table, the woman began the process, giving him the potion. Using the process of turning the high elf into what would be known as the Prime Shikari. His eyes changed to be white in color as his body was mutated, the perfect hunter. 




A boy and a woman meet each other and become friends. The boy would begin to show the woman the Journal of his father. After looking and learning from the journal the woman would begin to make potions from it. The boy then would meet a high elf that would take him in as a brother, then the high elf offers himself to be used for the potions first becoming the Prime Shikari. 






Process & Transformation 

(The process and recipe can only be discovered IRP)




Creation of the mutagens:

Mutagens are complicated alchemical concoctions, which take several days to be brewed and that require constant attention from the alchemist, the mutagen is not drunk, but instead directly injected into the bloodstream of the person as to directly affect the Anima and Soul, multiple injections are needed as each mutagen can only enhance one ability. These substances are pseudo-magical and directly affect the soul of the being which they are injected in, should they take a greater transformation potion. The effects of these mutagens, unlike the common ones, used the moderate potion of transformation are permanent and will not fade over time as they are directly chiseled in the core of the being’s soul, modifying and changing the framework to adapt to the new abilities.  


Basic formula:


1 Organ/Body part/Tissue of a beast or Descendant

1 Jar of Blood of a beast or descendant

1 Jar of Blood from the person undergoing the transformation

1 Vial of liquid mana


Additional ingredients


-Aqua Vitae


Specific organic matter used, infused with specific Symbols

-Vision Enhancement: 

Eyes of a large feline + 2 Strong air symbol of Perception

-Muscle and bone Enhancement: 

Jar of crushed ants, half a jar of powdered bone marrow from a femur of a medium/large beast or creature + 1 Strong earth symbol of Strength, 1 Strong earth symbol of Structure, 1 Strong fire symbol of Power

-Metabolic Increase: 

3 Hummingbird livers + 1 Strong fire symbol of consumption, 3 Strong water symbols of Rejuvenation

-Reflex Enhancement:

3 Giant house spiders (At least the size of a palm) + 2 Strong air symbol of Perception, 2 Strong air symbol of Communication 

-Sense Enhancement: 

2 Strong air symbol of quickness, 3 Strong air symbol of perception, 1 Strong fire symbol of Vigor (Plus whatever scent is being modified)

Smell: A polar bear’s snout

Hearing: A bats inner ear

Taste: 2 catfish’s head

-Heart Rate:

Heart of a crocodile + 3 Strong air symbol of Control + 1 Strong heart symbol of Resilience

-Minor Regeneration:

3 Large female salamander’s livers + 1 Strong water symbol of Vigor, 1 Strong water symbol of Rebirth, 2 Strong water symbol of Life


The work surface, tools, and instruments need to be cleaned extremely well as to avoid the slightest of contamination, thoroughly scrubbed with a strong spirit of Aqua Vitae or the like. Get a distillation chamber and pour in the beast’s blood, start a small fire in the lower chamber, regulate the heat to keep it constant, and purify the blood from any impurities that might be present. Then, discard the excess and transfer the purified blood inside a jar. Clean the alembic (or take another if you have the luxury of having a second one) then continue the process by taking the reagents with the specific symbols needed to infuse the organic material. Through the process of Fission and Distillation, extract the required symbols from the strong reagents and infuse the organic material inside a small pot with the required symbols. Once done, get a large basin or cauldron, insert the infused organic material inside it, pour in 3 vials of liquid essence and cover the concoction up with a lid. Then, brace yourself and prepare your mind for what is to come, the slow brewing and infusion require 1 elven week to fully complete, 1 elven week of constant attention over the concoction. During this time the organic matter will slowly release its essence into the liquid mana which will start binding and sinking to the bottom, the previously purified blood has to be dosed during this time, roughly one large spoon each eleven days. Once the elven week has passed and your mind has recovered, open the lid. The organic material should be floating at the top, creating a dark red colored layer, carefully remove it from the concoction to get a clear view. At the bottom- past the remains of the essence (which should have lost its gleam by now) there should be a viscous bright crimson serum. Carefully tilt your container to drain away from the excess, then collect the serum inside of a jar for later. The final process requires a jar of blood from the patient which will be taking the mutagen. Once collected, purify it through distillation just like for the beast blood at the start, discard the excess, and mix the serum with the purified blood. This whole process will create a total of 3 vials, each vial counts as 1 injection.




OOC mechanics for brewing


Each step takes 1-2 emotes, if during the brewing a day is skipped the serum will be ruined and the process has to be repeated, throwing away what’s left.

The mutagens are stored in crimson red-colored bottles, it can only be injected and if drank the body will simply reject it out. The bottle gives off a light gleam in roleplay.



The Ritual


The chosen patient is firmly bound to a table or stone counter with leather straps, their head secured firmly with a piece of leather between their teeth, the process is very painful to the body and stressful for one’s mind. The various mutagens are loaded in different jars fixed high up to let the serum flow down, each jar has a tube extending from it which will be connected to a needle. The mutagens are heated up slowly to reach the temperature of one’s body. Keep in mind that each serum has to be released slowly into the body to avoid greater pain and side effects. The person then drinks the Greater Transformation Elixir, after it takes effect and the pain kicks one must act quick, inserting the needles into the flesh, though it must be done with care, first start by releasing the bone and muscle serum, the needle has to be inserted into the person’s leg, feeling with your fingers to find the large artery that passes near the femur, it must be hit and the serum released directly into the bloodstream if the initial pain wasn’t enough this will surely add more to the burden the person undergoing transformation will have to carry, hold your nerves and keep going, once the first serum is released the process cannot be reversed, it is suggested to mark down the spots where the needles will be inserted before going through with the process. The next step of the process will be releasing the reflexes serum into the body, look at the head of the person, count 4 fingers from the eye, slide down the face until the flesh becomes softer, angle the needle upwards and point it at the eyeball, it must be inserted all the way and the serum released. The next process might require more than 1 pair of hands, 3 needles containing the various senses serums will have to be inserted and the serum released from all of the 3 jars at the same time, insert the needles in these specific places: the first must be pointed below the eye and pushed through below the eyelid, the second must be pointed behind and under the ear at the soft tissue and pushed it in, the third and final needs to be inserted under the tongue, though this might prove the hardest as the person might try to bite off your finger. The heart regulating and metabolic changing serums have also to be applied simultaneously, the heart serum must be inserted through the 3rd and 4th rib, count them and place the needle at the edge of the sternum, push through, angling the needle as to not pierce the heart, the second needle which contains the metabolic serum will be inserted inside the liver, once both are in place release the serum. The 5th and final serum is the regeneration one, this must be injected in one of the insides of the arm, opposite to the elbow and directly into the vein. The process might take a while and it must be completed before the 2 hours tick away, the person won’t be able to undergo a second series of injections, they will most likely die if the process was not finished. Once the process is over the pain will fade, the recovery will take a while, it varies from person to person, though it has been noted that it usually goes from 1 up to 4 months, during this time the newly transformed Shikari will rest as their body accustoms to the new changes.


OOC Mechanics:

The serums must be injected in this specific order: 1) muscle and bone 2) reflex 3) Sense and sight at the same time 4) metabolic and heart rate at the same time 5) regeneration

In these specific spots: 1) femoral artery 2) under the cheekbone 3) under the eyelid, under the ear, below the tongue 4) Between the 3rd and 4th left rib beside the heart, into the liver 5) The inside of the arm, opposite to the elbow


One must roll once the process is complete, the character will be unplayable for the following irl days since they will be recovering.

1-50: 4 days

51-80: 3 days

81-90:2 days

91-100:1 day


Applicable Races:
Kha, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Hou-Zi, Halfling, All half races (Half-elves, Adunians…)


Transformation redlines:


  • Must be an above-mentioned race

  • No magic can be used to ‘ease the process’

  • You can not ‘stack mutagens’ to get increased effects

  • If a character under the age of 13 tries to undergo the mutations it will be considered suicide and a PK








Shikari isn’t just humans or elves, but rather can be any mortal race that undergoes the transformation. Most regard this transformation into becoming a monster losing their humanity from the torture the toxins put them through, no better than the ones they hunt. The mutagens causing their eyes to become a glossy white, glazed over similar to that of a blind man. In low light or no light areas, if a light is shined upon a Shikaris eyes it will give off a glow similar to that of a dog or cat. Their skin tightens around them due to a rapid increase in bone and muscle density giving off a sickly aura. When looking over the body of one though they tend to be rather muscular and bulky, and their skin strangely tight. Other than the glossy eyes, and sickly appearance those who undergo the mutations are practically the same as they were before them, retaining their bulbous Dwed nose or long Mali ears. Shikari, if they are not killed in battle, can live up to 400


Eyeshine possible colors;

Male: Blue, Green, Teal, White, Violet

Female: Orange, Red, Gold, White, Yellow







Mindset: Most Shikari have a mindset of either “What will be the next thing that tries to kill me.” From their training and the mutations they have a very cautious but ready mentality, though this, of course, can vary, some more cautious some less.


Mental State: As each Shikari is their own person, not mindless drones, the mental state will be completely reliant on who they were before mutation and how well they do or don't do in training some may view their mutations as a gift, others as a curse pushed upon them. Though a common side effect of the mutations is PTSD.




Those who survive this transformation are granted some immense powers;


OOC consent must be given to turn someone into a Shikari


Vision Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics:

Shikari can notice the smallest of details at a distance as well as up close as well as have limited dark vision, being able to interpret light that normal mortals cannot see. 


OOC Mechanics:
The Shikari can see in the dark up to 20 blocks of distance, and they can see in low light areas much better than a normal mortal. This effect is always present.

The Shikari will be blinded for more if a direct flash of light beams in their vision.


  • Cannot see something from across the map

  • Can only see in black and white with their no light vision

  • Cannot see in areas completely devoid of all light





Muscle and bone Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics:

Shikari now possesses the peak strength of their body and harder to break bones, making it harder to break them. Shikari is able to withstand more hits before they take effect on their body.


OOC Mechanics: 

The muscles and bones grow denser, the muscles expanding and tightening the skin, common blunt hits will be more easily manageable, either from falling, rolling or being thrown around.



  • Bones will still break if hit by a mace or a strong enough blow from a trained descendant. This does not mean they are immune to the damage done to their bones.

  • Strong pushes or blows will still break bones, though they may have a slightly weaker effect. (Ex, if blown away by a wind evocation spell onto a wall instead of breaking 4 ribs they might only break 2)





Metabolic Increase (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics:

A Shikari’s metabolism surges to much higher levels than that of a normal mortal. They’re augmented with some resistance against minor poisons, venoms, and potions, though they must consume nearly twice the amount of nutrition as mundane members of their species to sate their hunger. Because of this, one is likely to see a Shikari downing numerous meals along with the strongest of ales within a single visit to a tavern.


OOC Mechanics:

The liver, digestive tract and the like of a Shikari are working much harder than it used to, this must be roleplayed when possible.


  • Cannot resist poisons such as cyanide and mercury

  • Can drink more alcohol without feeling the effects




Reflex Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics: 

Shikari is able to react much quicker to stimuli than a normal mortal, rivaling that of a young Kha. A Shikari is quick to ready themselves when taken off-guard, if ever they may be, and they can dodge most mundane projectiles with ease. After honing their newfound celerity, their strikes and movements in combat are violently brisk and candid.


OOC Mechanics: 

Their brain sends and receives messages to and from muscles much quicker and easier.


  • Cannot catch an arrow or bolt out of the air, especially at point-blank range or anything going at high speeds.

  • Cannot move as fast or faster than an arrow

  • Cannot do ‘unblockable’ or ‘unseeable’ attacks

  • This is not a “Spider-sense” you cannot it to dodge things behind you, or in an unpredictable area.

  • You’re not able to block or dodge arrows or bolts at point blank





Sense Enhancement (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics: 

With heightened senses this allows a Shikari to taste or smell minute ingredients in whatever they are attempting to understand, and when focusing hears the quietest of sounds. If many intense smells were to be in close proximity to the Shikari it would keep them from being able to use their sense of smell very well, possibly even causing an extreme headache


OOC Mechanics:
For tracking within an event talk with your ET, make clear and precise emotes describing what you're looking for and how the enhancements would assist, tracking players would really be up to the player you are tracking to figure out if you'd be able to do such a feat.



  • You could not ‘track someone’ without having prior knowledge of where they were, what they smelt like or what direction they were heading in. You must also clear it with the person in OOC.

  • Cannot hear through walls or other blocks, if the text is blocked by a physical barrier you cannot hear it, but one could hear around corners, glass, doors or thin objects.





Heart Rate (Combat / Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics:

The heart rate can be increased or decreased depending on the situation, lowering it to run for longer periods of time or increasing it into overclock to get a quick head-start. The heart rate can also be decreased to stay underwater for longer periods of time, though minor movement can only be done.


OOC Mechanics:

2 emotes to willingly manipulate your heart rate, either by making it go faster or slower. While underwater and decreasing the heart rate you may only stay underneath for 30 (RP) minutes if not moving (Will vary depending on the RP. Each emote counts as roughly 6-7 seconds)


  • Cannot move while lowering your heart rate way below normal levels.

  • When lowering the heart rate underwater you may move, but if done so the time you may remain underneath decreases to 15 (RP) minutes.





Minor Regeneration (Non-combat ability)



RP Mechanics: Shikari possess the ability to recover from injuries to their flesh and bones at an extraordinary rate, accelerated far beyond that of their previously mundane biology. Shikari flesh faced with negligible scratches and bruises repairs itself in a matter of minutes. Greater lacerations or blows will have scarred over and mended within a couple of days. Critical wounds, such as massive gashes or broken bones, may heal within weeks.  


OOC Mechanics: A Shikari will recover from minor punctures, cuts, and bruises almost instantly. A greater laceration or blow will be mended within a saints day. Critical cuts punctures take two saints days to heal. Due to the nature of their densified bone structure, a Shikari’s broken bones take three saints days to be mended back into place, though they still require proper splints or bracings to do so.



  • Cannot instantly regenerate major wounds, they must be treated first but will have a shorter healing time.

  • Healing can only be done outside of combat, must emote the healing beginning outside of combat or physically stressful or demanding situation for it to take effect.

  • Cauterized or frostbitten wounds do not benefit from the Shikari’s Minor Regeneration.





General redlines: 




  • Shikari only have 3 magic slots, they can never learn any diety magics (Paladinism, druidism, etc.)

  • Cannot achieve the recipe, ritual, and process unless a book detailing the experiments and how to do them comes into the alchemist’s possession

  • Once one becomes a Shikari they will need time to adapt to their new senses.

  • Shikari is affected by voidal poisoning just as everyone else, though they would be average strength of their race




PK Clause:


When making a Shikari you agree to the following;

  • Should your character die in an event or to an Event beast/monster the ET can force a PK
  • Should your character gain the wrath of fellow Shikari, and you are killed by said Shikari the character is PKed
  • Should you die while participating in the following it is a PK; (Banditry, Assassination, Kidnapping, Heisting) (This list is subject to change and updating)



OOC Purpose

The Shikari make a wonderful addition to lore, they bring to the table multiple new enhancements to general roleplay in the world of LoTC. With enhanced abilities, and being made as monster hunters, a race like this could bring back rise and popularity in beast hunting, and guilds within the world. While given specific enhancements, the Shikari are not meant to be a CRP combat mechanism. And instead of a tool to enhance the general roleplay combat experience. There's often not much racial conflict outside of a few very loud minorities, and with a very seemingly political race, it could also add to the mechanics and relationships of the world. The Shikari brings a lot to offer to RP in general, with beast combat roleplay, social roleplay, bringing guilds back into popularity and.



IGN - Forum Name

Ztrog- @Ztrog
Boarbarian- @Boarbarian

Vitalian - @NikoNiko

Atrex- @AtrexPieren

Edited by Mistel
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Sure, why the **** not?   +1

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I like the concept of this lore, however I am concerned about the lack of noticeable, not generic weaknesses for something with such heightened senses, and abilities such as muscle and bone enhancement can be powergamed fairly easily

Edit: Have been corrected, +1 good luck with the lore 

Edited by Firephantom37
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toss a +1 to your witcher, oh lotc

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+1 tho, was expecting a cringe copy but it ain't bad

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Just now, Firephantom37 said:

I like the concept of this lore, however I am concerned about the lack of noticeable, not generic weaknesses for something with such heightened senses, and abilities such as muscle and bone enhancement can be powergamed fairly easily

There is weaknesses and such within the redlines of each, for example the scent, overwhelming scents can mess with their other senses and in terms of strength and bone density, you cannot be stronger then the peak strength of your current race. 

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seems cool

maybe some fixing but good start 



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come hunt me witchers, this specter has some tricks up his sleave. +1

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Literal a Witcher pretty much but enough that I don’t see this being too over kill paired to an actual Witcher. But this is good with it giving another option of  a group to develop and more beast hunter styled guilds to come back. I want the huntsman back or least a guild like it so spring up like em around!  Man I missed the beast hunter life...

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This is awesome. This is perfect for many players, and I believe this could be one of the best creatures. Although I think it should be cleared up with this creature being able to learn magic, but being physically enhanced. How much weaker than the average human would a mage Shikari human be? Or would it still be more powerful? +1

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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