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Recovering The Ancient Tongue Of The Elves.


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Tal'Aegul - part Aegul, Ascended

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Fionn is the name of an elven settlement in the verge, but I do not know what the word means. Do either of you have any ideas.

((If you do not, I do, but You are the experts))

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You spelled Fionn wrong, it has to be fi'onn: new born! :)

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Fionn is the name of an elven settlement in the verge, but I do not know what the word means. Do either of you have any ideas.

((If you do not, I do, but You are the experts))

To our knowledge, the last known Elf to name with actual Elven words was Malin himself, founding Malinor and Laurelin. Of course, Journeyman scribes have always used words they reckoned to be Elven and used these in their own nomenclature. Sometimes these words check out, and sometimes they do not.

So instead, I'd ask you what you think the word means, and we will cross-reference it with our acquired collections and the works of Aerin Lissar

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You spelled Fionn wrong, it has to be fi'onn: new born! :)

((Oh I can get on board with that. Nice call!

Ob, but I was going to make the 'kin afix to mean born, because DOVAHKIN!))

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((Fionn was a celtic warrior, the leader of the Fianna in Ireland. Fionn is also the word for blond in Irish. Where are you getting these words from anyway? ))

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((I know that, now, but when we named the town, I had no prior knowledge of Gaelic, and Fionn sounded like a fairly elvish word. It was suggested by someone else, and I do not know if it is merely coincidence that it happens to be a word in another language.))

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How do you say Dark Elf in elvish? Would it be Mali'Ker or Ker'Mali? Or is there another word used for them?

Also would such a term (along with other subraces) be lost with the language, or that bit retained?

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We might need a slight overhaul of all the words. It occured to be while writing a small story and converting it to elven that for someone to understand what I have written is possible, but made all the more confusing by words that end with the same letters as suffixes. We should go through and be sure that no affixes occur in root words, altering them slightly where required. Also in future, much care is required for making new words and new affixes that they will not confuse (too much) with words or affixes that already exist. ESPECIALLY when you consider that '-ir' is someone who does something, and '-ne' is not or the negative of. If we have words that already end in these sounds (I'm looking at -ir because I know it occurs reasonably often) then it will make it damn near impossible to translate something that has been written. Affixes that require ' are fine.

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Adding some new words. Will post them here so that you can all know what they are.

yallr : live

haleir : requirement, giving your word to do something

meracahe : balance

eloeh : magic

salume : to feel, to sense

bilok : to create, make

naelu : teach

Also adding iheiuh : wind

Little piece of trivia for you. There is no word for mage, as when the language existed all users of magic that were not druids were called ailer as they were considered wizards and conjurers of magic. The word for mage could now be elolir or as they are also the keepers of balance meracahe'evarir.

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OOC did I use the connotation properly in my above post?

Also how much of this language do elves actually recall? Is there resources in Laurelin to actually study it?

I appreciate the work thats going into this. But how does all this translate into RP and IC terms? I'm seeing these words crop up alot lately and don't want to get accused of meta gaming if I identify one or two of them ICly, but I still want to be involved with it.

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OOC did I use the connotation properly in my above post?

Also how much of this language do elves actually recall? Is there resources in Laurelin to actually study it?

I appreciate the work thats going into this. But how does all this translate into RP and IC terms? I'm seeing these words crop up alot lately and don't want to get accused of meta gaming if I identify one or two of them ICly, but I still want to be involved with it.

((It's Mali'Ker, adjective comes as a suffix to the noun/verb in most cases.

The original post is a public tome, an IC one, and therefore studying it is not metagaming. It's up to you to recognize how studious your character is. ))

I'm seeing these words crop up alot lately

This makes me very happy. Though admittedly a lot of that may be my zealot quest to imprint the language on you all as much as possible ;)

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Alright.. next question :mrgreen:

Mali'ame is Wood Elf? What would High Elf be? Mali'laurir?

And how do I get in on this zealous quest? :mrgreen: I'd love to be able to contribute in a ICly manner and help spread the elven culture around a bit.

A little language would help the elves act like elves instead of human I think. At least in a small way.

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