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Passing the Baton


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Rough, brother.

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You've been a fantastic admin who's been a breath of fresh air to the team, and a dear friend who's inspired me to crawl out of the pit of despair and be a part of your vision for the server.




I can't help but plead you to not go, but I'm sentimental and easily attached. We discussed a week or two ago at length our ideas and thoughts on the server, the players, the teams, what it all means and so on- I don't think I've had that much of a casually mature hours-long conversation with anyone on the server in a great deal of time. 



Roleplaying with you was a blast and I'm aswell sad to see it go. I think we were about to get into some fun stuff, but I don't mean to tug at your heartstrings. Keep in touch, at the very least- things won't be the same without you. I believe we're at the dawn of the age of heroes, and you should at least see- if from a distance- the fruits of all you've struggled for.


I'll pick up the weight of CC sometime soon, or help take that up- with all I'm doing and have been doing it might do me good, if today looks up as I'd hoped it would.

Take it easy man. Stay in touch.

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Take a break and play some RPG for a while, come back and don't join staff, relax for some time Caleb

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good on you for doing your best to make the server safer. i know it isnt fun or easy work.

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13 minutes ago, Treshure said:

While I had successfully pushed to remove an active pest from our playerbase (some of you may be familiar with the Terms of Service violation), the lengths of which it had to go quite frankly disgusts me. I cannot morally participate in an environment that drags its feet on issues that concern our youngest players, and I know that I do not have the time or circumstance to fix it myself.


You have my respect for fighting to keep this community safe. It is unbelievable that situations like this even need debate. This is not the first time this has happened, but it should be the last. Community safety should be a top priority and having to argue over the removal of one player for the safety of many or even one is continually exhausting when it should be an easy decision. Good luck on future endeavors, you know my DMs are always open. 

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For however little time we played or talked, it was a pleasure. Godspeed my good sir o7

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😞 thank you for helping protect los ninos and hangin wit the gang and i

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