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The Raze of Stonetower


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"Am I dumb for thinking stone doesn't burn, or are they dumb for lighting a stone tower on fire?" Tylos pondered to his automaton pet.

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After the fight, Kane Redfist wiped the blood of his blade "Hopefully this teaches those wiggehs tha' they shouldn't mess with the alliance" he nodded before sheathing his sword. The clan father then turned his head to look towards his comrades "It's a good day lads. Drinks are on meh!" he grinned before making his way to the tavern.

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Ser August Barclay sheathed his blade as the battle came to a close, assisting his Urguani comrades in the defense of their homeland. The man returned home with his page, Adhemar at his side!

( @Armod)

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Jakub MacDonough-Carrington approves and spreads the word in Sedan. "Lord Caius, we should fight next time." @GhostSHTR

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The Silver Lubba perked up a brow at the sight of stone tower burning, remembering the many days spent there. Though guesses it is applicable to have it razed to the ground after being used against them

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Olibhia NicIain, an Agnethe girl would stand in the middle of the battlefield after the conflict, holding her loots from the enemies and would finally have a rest, siting on the ground full of corpses and blood. "Ùnanach gu bràth!" She shouts, and it is to be heard across the battlefield.


Dùghlas Sutharlainn, during his journey towards Yong Ping, would recieve the message from a courier about the victory. He would look at the report and mumbles to himself. "Our two hundred warriors did a great job, I have to go meet them, definitely. Rathanach agus Nortiann gu bràth."



Ùnanach gu bràth! = Agnetes Forever!
Rathanach agus Nortiann gu bràth = Long live Norland, and the Rathonians.


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The automaton business owner and Clan Lord let out a hum as he enjoyed a spot of tea and deviled eggs, watching the stone scorch black and timbers crumble under the heat.

"Im just glad the eyesore is off my lands"

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Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of Norland, cleaned his blade that had been stained with Orenian blood. "Iron from Ice, my boys. The Tripartite has won a massive victory this day!"

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1 minute ago, BobBox said:

"Am I dumb for thinking  stone doesn't burn, or are they dumb for lighting a stone tower on fire?Tylos pondered to his automaton pet.


A dwarf engineer smiles, knowing that somewhere some surface dweller was baffled by the absolute marvel of an innovation that is dwinic fire, able to burn through stone.

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Jorvin Starbreaker, retired Grand King and veteran legionnaire, wipes the blood of Ferrymen from head of his axe, while casually leaning against his greathammer. He motions to one of his fellow Dwarves, remarking. "'ardly tha' 'angmen, now ah're they?"

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A certain Oracle foresaw the raze of The Stone Tower , but fire was not in his vision!  Perhaps the fire came as a unforeseen idea from a bewildered Urguani Legionnaire.  


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Grand Marshal Agnar Ireheart finishes one of the Ferrymen before looking across the field seeing the Ferrymen and Orenian troops fleeing from Stone Tower. "Today we 'ave won and took back w'at was ours. D'ey t'ought t'at they would c'ange d'e war w'en they betrayed us. Yet in d'e words of d'e late Grand King Algoda Frostbeard, d'is c'anges nothin'."

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