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The Raze of Stonetower


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Boots returned to his thoughts as the battle ended, trying to figure out what a pizza is. "Iron from Ice!" He would call out, as he busied himself with making field repairs on his armor and counting over how many arrows he had left and how many he had run down in the course of the fighting.

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Theroden raises a tankard upon receiving the news. "And so the reckoning has already begun. Woe to the Horenites. Iron from Ice!"

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2 hours ago, BobBox said:

"Am I dumb for thinking stone doesn't burn, or are they dumb for lighting a stone tower on fire?" Tylos pondered to his automaton pet.

"Red oil can't melt stone bricks." Gib commented to Tylos pondering to his automaton pet.

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Levian'Tol Grandaxe tosses the torch into the tower, steeping back as he watches the fire latch onto the wooden supports, climbing into the walls as the stones collapsed, unable to hold their own weight. He mumbles quietly as the last of the Dogs of Oren run over East Fleet back to their city, "'Ah just wanted ta stay retoired, but no. T'ese ***** keep pullin meh back enta teh fray..." The blood soak Grand Retiree turned back to Urguan, the fire raging behind him as he walk, "T'ey refuse ma peace, all t'is noise, et must be silenced."

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Erika Barclay frowned upon having not been able to attend. Her body had gotten sick just before they were supposed to rally and had thus been sent back home to Reinmar. The maid that had nursed her back to health offered a sympathetic look.


"Ich just wanted to help in fighting for mein kingdom..." Erika said to the maid as she offered an understanding nod in return.

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"Stone don't burn."

PONDERED a layman of Owyn's Lectorate.

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Alric nods, satisfied at the performance of the Norlandic folk and the cooperation of each nation from the Lord Marshals all the way down to the Men-at-Arms and Footmen.


"There is strength in honor, this battle proves it."

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With Stone Tower reduced to rubble in the background, a gold dwarf drenched in the blood of his enemies raised his head and howled:

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Ragrin would begin to wash his blood soaked blade and then to sharpen it "Shame we had to remove the tower for them" As Ragrin yawned beginning to raise his sword "for axels beard!" Ragrin roared out 

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Plinko the Horse smiles from heaven.

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Gillriik wonders how they burned a Stonetower

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Matthew changes out of his bloodied armour and into his fine suit, straightening it out before heading out into town to carry on his life, Yet another battle won, but there was always another on the horizon, especially for those that rustle.

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