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Grand Regent Sigrun 'Undeadslayer' Stonehammer raises a hefty keg of celebratory dwarven ale above his head before going to attempt to chug the entire thing in excitement at winning!

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"What do you fight for, Hohkmat?" The Queen-Emeritus had asked of the people representing the Mages of the Hohkmat Enclave, giving them a mighty cry from the dais where she stood, overlooking her fellow soldiers.


"We fight against the Antethema, against Veletz," shouted Master Fatebinder's reliable second, Isabella Sanz. "They are both terribly evil, and we are determined to put them into the ground. We fight for Petra, we fight for Hohkmat. Petra is our oldest and most benevolent ally, so we shall follow them wherever they go, even if that means to the trenches and back!"

"That's beautiful," remarked Renilde, before going on to the next proud soldier, and asking the very same question.


@Minuvas @Dj_McMuffin

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Ser Garen stood proudly amongst his several broken lances and pikes, ready to take the fight to Veletz once again.

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There the Queen sat atop her steed, a fire burning in her heart - as per her moniker, the White Flame. No longer did she fear. There was naught else to seek, only retribution; for her people and for her allies.

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"Kept them out of Balian we did." he'd state, going to spit into his spatoon, "God Save the Kingdom of Balian." he'd exclaim.

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Percy de Lyons rode alongside King Aleksandr- their horses galloping in tandem. "PUSH THEM BACK!" The King of Haense ordered, followed by a quick, "kill them ALLLLL," from his second, Percy's voice cracked due to the screeching and shouting of the battle- and side by side they rode, cutting through the Veletz and Krugmar forces like a scythe cuts wheat.

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Emilio Jr. takes finally takes his oversized armor off after a long ride back to Napoliza, as he looks to his younger brother Furio: "Once I grow into this armor, then I can truly show the men of Veletz what I am made of. House Varoche does not forget the death of Sigismond!!!"

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The sun broke through the grey pall around midday.


Friar Villorik sat atop his destrier as it wound through the grasslands north of Hippo's Gorge. Behind him, the axels and wood of the wagon being pulled by the destrier creaked under the weight of Haeseni dead, with their gold-black cloaks wrapped around their lifeless forms as shrouds.


Despite that, Villorik felt at ease.


Their deaths had been far from in vain.

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Bakir Ireheart raised a large gallon of mead to the coalition and the Irehearts who fought in the battle "The Irehearts as usual turning the tide of a war." 

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"Wer Rastet, Der Rostet!"


"Kameraden! Victory has been brought to us this day! We did not Rust after our loss! We did not rest on our Laurels!"

"Ave Victoria! GOTT is with Us!"

Gottfried cheered with his Reinmaren brothers, the battle standard of green and blue flowing in the wind

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Princess Eirene sat a wreath of flowers atop the shallow grave of a hippo who lost his life valiantly defending his territory. While some hippos perished, their children will live on in their natural habitat. 




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Flemius rode down the enemy formation, hacking away before being smacked off his horse... While he landed on his back, he saw covenant soldiers rushing forward all around him to strike at the fleeing league soldiers... By the time he got up, the enemy was in full rout, having been shattered by the decisive cavalry charge.

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"Our steadfast unity is perhaps the Lord's greatest blessing in this time of troubles yet."

Spoke John, King of Aaun, before tracing the Lorraine over himself, and then making for prayer.

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“Unity. Regardless of the constant raids and attacks upon our homes. We shall persevere. For it was the Queen of Balian who personally visited us with a plethora of armor and resources. It was the Lord Marshal of Haense who provided us further assistance in resources and defense. It was the Queen of Petra who personally came with her architects to assist us in furthering the defenses of our city. Hyspia honors her commitments. Just like her allies. We shall always be resilient.” Commented the Viceroy of Hyspia with a nod. 

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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