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To the son of a leech that stole my hammer

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[!] A small note will be placed on all notice boards around Aevos that Edvard has access to:

To whoever broke into my house and stole my magic hammer, who wore a maroon blindfold and lost it in front of the chest where it was stored;
Give it back to me, this is not just a hammer it's an important relic. I have clues of who you are, it's better if you just give it back and you won't be killed.

Edvard Kervallen.


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[!] A letter arrives at Edvard's homestead, burnt into it are the following words "You have helped me before, and therefor you have my blades in your debt old friend... Should you find in need of help, don't hesitate to ask"

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“Yeah, I got your hammer. Guess what, buddy? You aren’t getting it back. L-O-L!”, said Malik the Freak.

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John whistled, carrying a suspiciously hammer-shaped bag. "I'd hate to have been that guy!"

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Posted (edited)

Dhen would be fixing a table with a new hammer it had gotten “I sure do hope no one has lost their hammer. Would be a shame not to have the right tool for the job of fixing furniture.” Afterwards it read the missive “Well he can’t have my hammer.”

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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A blonde Wizard has recently come into possession of a new hammer.


"No... It can't be..." She looks at it, and shakes her head. "Nah. No way." Then dumps it into a chest.

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51 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

“Yeah, I got your hammer. Guess what, buddy? You aren’t getting it back. L-O-L!”, said Malik the Freak.


"No." Spoke a shrouded figure. "I have your hammer."

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Yera leans back in her chair, setting back a glass of wine that had been filled a few too many times in celebration. "Ungh I'm hammered...-" She blearily reads the missive, more than a little tipsy. "Oh.. I'm sure people will take this seriously and return it." 

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Posted (edited)

One of the notes was returned to Edvard's home, neatly folded with some carefully written words on the back.

"If you want it returned in one piece, you had better bring payment."

Edited by Operator_Bugman
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Serwa, coincidentally in the process of melting down a recently stolen hammer for reconstruction, read the missive. "Oh well. Probably not the same one. Probably."

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Arthur had been in the middle of forging some new Arcanium using a strangely magical looking hammer. He read the missive handed to him by a friend, gaze flickering from the paper to the hammer for a few moments. "Nah, just a coincidence, surely."

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Another note is promptly nailed on top of the note throughout various notice boards across Aevos.


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"Oh, no," remarked a particularly drunken and terribly bored Hyspian princess, "I am a-quivering in my boots. Does he really think he sounds intimidating? Prima, get one of the servants to send word if there is an update. I'm dying for some entertainment." @tadabug2000

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Zahkriikyzer the Musin reads the missive, rubbing his suspiciously hammer-shaped belly with a slight tinge of guilt.

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"Oi donnaeh even loikeh hammers." Says Sigrun Stonehammer, finding such tools stupid.

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