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NEVER AGAIN (The Oyashi Burden)

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"FINALLY! S-RANK!" Cried the demonic Damiyo, Gashadokuro, despite the loss of a foothold, it did not seem to lose its confidence; it planned, schemed as its forsaken body would be leeched upon by the fabled blade, a vessel fully realized. "LET THEM COME!"

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12 minutes ago, Reckless Banzai Screamer said:


"These hips don't lie," rattled some half-sentient necrolyte, awake just enough to see the blur of the poster - cackling, to herself. "Shrek-ira, Shrek-ira ..."

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Shugo Kato,


I act pursuant to the writ of my lord Pontifex, his Holiness Caius I, with whom it was assumed had an arrangement agreed.


If your will is so spoken, then so is it heard. Only his Holiness, Cardinal Callahan, and I shall join you in battle in the name of the Church by your writ.


Light preserve,

Villorik Patriarch Jorenus

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Meifeng looked over the missive, holding tightly "Perhaps its time I Find My sister..." 

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The ghoul, "Todd" and the underling to the Lich, rattles with joy as he hears the news. He would prepare celebratory sacrifices for the red lich to increase his power yet bodies are needed. "That missive looks funny with all the symbols, a lot of talk for those who lost a village in two minutes.."

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