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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. THE CONDEMNATION OF THE DEMON WORSHIPPING MAGISTER HAUS OF HOHKMAT I AM YERA SILVEIRA. I assisted in the burning of Hallowcliffe Manor, who many know was the heart of demonic activity upon the continent of Aevos. I have long since fought darkspawn because of their targeting of my people, my loved ones and myself. I have fought the undead, demons and any who have targeted my people. I have not done so in secret, and have always ridden forwards for the protection of others. You may not like me, but I have always kept my word, and my character is known. The leader of the attack on Hallowcliffe Manor, the nest of demons, and who has been a source of fear for Darkspawn for many years, though controversial and disliked by many, was Lanre Cerusil, who has spent the last decade fighting darkspawn fervently. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/233772-the-destruction-of-hallowcliffe-hall/ TWO YEARS AGO, WE uncovered that Haus, Magister of Hohkmat, was actively working with the demon worshippers of Hallowcliffe and subsequently entwined with the ‘White Cat’, otherwise known as Sarryn. Haus was confronted with this information and affirmed it, acting and pretending as though he were manipulating the woman. This was informed to the Grand Magister of Hohkmat, Razad, Fatebinder who did not act. Upon the burning of their manor, the duo of Haus and Sarryn plotted revenge, which led to the assassination of Lanre Cerusil and the plotting of my own assassination, as Overlord of Kaethul, vassal of Haelun’or. [Summary: Haus admitted to being ‘close’ with Sarryn and learning from the demon cults leader.] [Summary: Haus assassinated and plotted the assassination of Lanre Cerusil and the Vassal leader of Haelun’or, whilst holding the second highest position within Hohkmat.] AT THE SOUTHERN SUMMIT, I revealed Haus’s allegiance with demons to the world at large, working with Sarryn. A trial was to be held, where the evidence collected would be mounted against him. A curfew was to be enacted with a neutral third party where I freely agreed to be tested with aurum, with salt, to be judged by the spirits, by diviners and any canonist group that stepped forwards. IT WAS AGREED A trial would take place, with both myself and Haus remaining within our respective homes. He did not. Meanwhile, the Grand Magister of Hohkmat visited Kaethul with a group of ‘guards’, disregarding the evidence and the testimony of a separate party of accusers of Haus’s darkspawn acts, as well as the evidence of Kaethul, sourced from Hohkmats very own spies. THE PALADINS CAME FORTH with the results of their own darkspawn investigation, revealing that Haus had been working alongside a Lich in order to fight a voidal horror initially, and was believed to have made further deals for power. A letter was shown to him, detailing that Sarryn, named the ‘White Cat’ had claimed ownership of the attack - proving his connection to the demon worshippers that he protects. STILL, THE GRAND MAGISTER disregarded this, claiming the ‘White Cat’ could be anyone. This evidence was presented to the Grand Magister of Hohkmat, who scoffed, called it hearsay and decided to claim ownership of Kaethul, a Haelun’or vassal, on behalf of Hohkmat in a public missive. [Summary: Hohkmat has allowed Haus to retain his titles and land despite evidence being provided for his working alongside darkspawn.] [Summary: Hohkmat, has infringed upon the sovereignty of Haelun’or with its proclamation that the Grand Magister can decide who owns Kaethul should Haus assassinate Yera.] APPROACHED ON BEHALF OF the church, Father Nerium brought forth his own evidence to present, risking life and limb to do so. [Summary: Haus has fraternized with Azdrazi begging them for boons and gifts.] FATEBINDER ACTED ON HIS own accord to protect Haus from judgment and enact their own archaic rules where Haus’s allies can freely enter the foreign territory of Haelun’or, and butcher the people of Kaethul, instead of fair trial. Whereupon, Haus sent letters to others, detailing the name ‘White Cat’ had killed Lanre. A fact not spoken to him, either further implicating his involvement with Sarryn, a fact he has brazenly admitted in person to me, or implicating that Hohkmat’s Grand Magister is aiding the darkspawn sympathizing Demon Worshipper. HAUS AND SARRYN BOTH saw fit to try and implicate me, by revealing one of their alleged spies amongst our ranks, as though we knew of them and simply kept them around despite our war on the demon worshippers. It is believed he will attempt to claim we randomly had darkspawn in high positions without investigating them. Thus, attached below are copies of the warrants signed that existed prior to this interrogation, witnessed by Lady Ember and numerous guards, investigating Lady Eshonai, and her darkspawn tests that followed. As well as the accounts our investigators have had carried out on two likely warlocks who have avoided our territory since the attack on Hallowcliffe. WE HAVE OPEN INVESTIGATIONS involving Castiel and Cordelia, both of which were banished by Lanre from the realm of Kaethul and Haelun'or at large following the attack on Hallowcliffe Hall. Their suspected state as warlocks was discussed with Paladin Aeolus ‘Glitterboy’. IT IS A PROVEN fact that we have fought the demons, necromancers, undead and every other hellish creature that has come for us, even when our numbers are low at the small hours of the night. If my testimony is insufficient still, feel free to test, interrogate, or investigate me. I have nothing to hide. IN SUMMARY: HAUS, MAGISTER OF HOHKMAT, admitted his ties to Sarryn ‘The White Cat’ and his learning from the leader of a demonic cult. He has also admitted in private to working with and for such a demon worshiper, which is further corroborated by multiple other forms of evidence. Furthermore, Haus consorted and fraternized with the Nephilim and begged for gifts and favors from them. FURTHERMORE, HAUS PLANNED THE assassination of Lanre Cerusil and additionally plotted to assassinate the Overlord of Kaethul. The Grand Magister of Hohkmat has allowed this, and permitted the retention of Haus’ titles despite the evidence provided regarding this and his consorting with darkspawn and demons. Haus has allowed the body of Lanre Cerusil to be taken by the undead, and allowed him to be raised into a weapon against the living. Hohkmat, a vassal of Petra, has also infringed upon the sovereignty of Haelun’or’s vassal of Kaethul and claiming its succession is liable to Hohkmat. In the wake of the incident, Haus claims that he had no involvement in the murder despite the reports otherwise, but still seeks to condemn myself and the legacy of Lanre Cerusil as darkspawn defenders. What does he have to fear if he is innocent? His motives are clear. AND SO IT IS ORDERED BY THE OVERLORD OF KAETHUL, A BOUNTY IS TO be put for the head and belongings of the darkspawn sympathizing, demon worshiping Haus, who has threatened my life and my wellbeing as a sovereign citizen of Haelun’or, member of its Silver Council and Overlord of the Commerce City-State of Kaethul, a neutral and peaceful region, who has murdered my husband who was the foremost champion against the demonics and Gashadokuro, who has deceived and corrupted the world of Voidal magi into something that serves the dark and festers with the influence of dark magic so that he might sustain his personal connections with the dark as he foolishly seeks the destructive path towards his goals. WHOEVER BRINGS HAUS TO KAETHUL ALIVE, BOUND AND BLINDFOLDED, SHALL BE AWARDED 3000 MINA & an additional 100 Minas (up to 2000) for the heads of any proven darkspawn sympathizers that attempt to fight for him after being shown this missive. THE OVERLORD HAS, SINCE THE 13TH OF THE GRAND HARVEST, S.A. 170, REDUCED THE BOUNTY TO: 1,000 MINA Plus an additional 100 mina per supporter of Haus, up to 1,000 mina. RULES: -Do not kill any child, pregnant woman, or unarmed man/woman - Those that crowd Haus may truly be unaware of his doings, please try to convince them with words not to aid him and show this missive where necessary. SIGNED, HER SERENE HIGHNESS, YERA SILVEIRA, Overlord of Kaethul, Master of the Hidden Tower, Matriarch of Clan Silveira
  2. Juniper, who has all but given up on love, decides to enlighten her sister, and smiles. "It really is beautiful, isn't it?"
  3. What’s your favorite kind of penguin :)
  4. Juniper, though she never had thought twice about the opinion of the Canondom, reminisced her previous marriage. Even though it had failed, a short pang in her heart reminded her of the grief she felt after the death of Scrisa. Nonetheless, she smiled for the friends she knew were finally allowed to declare their love publically. “Finally. Congratulations,” She mused aloud.
  5. Liridona quickly sought to prepare gifts for her newest grandchild!! She has never so quickly packed her bags for Petra.
  6. “Finally, a true successor to the Orenian Empire,” Juniper remarked sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
  7. Esfir, who has just begun learning to sound out words, thinks she is the perfect candidate for every single one of these jobs. “PAPEJ!!!” Her voice rang out within Mondstadt, “EAM GONNA GO WORK FOR HAUCH-AEDYPAPEJ!!!!”
  8. Juniper, despite meditating in a cave somewhere, somehow also finds a copy of the missive. Truly, it is a phenomenon (and maybe a waste of paper to have printed so many.) She groans after reading it over, burying her head in her hands for a few minutes as she contemplated, before taking a deep breath and resuming her focus. This was to be a problem for another day.
  9. Liridona nods in approval of her daughter in law. How proud she is!
  10. Juniper, though having shut herself off from most affairs of the world as of recent, found herself with copies of the posters. “Perhaps Sermi was right,” She murmured. The paper was thrown into the fire. “Perhaps he should have been killed when he was weak.”
  11. Liridona laments her niece not marrying Enrico. "He was such ein polite young man...."
  12. AS THE STATE OF Kaethul has prospered greatly in recent years, the Overlord has sought to integrate a new position to assist with the city’s functions: the Mayor of Kaethul. Any adult citizen who holds a position, is an active member of a guild, or owns a residence within Kaethul may announce their candidacy and run for office. THE ELECTION PROCESS WILL take place as follows: After candidates have announced their intent to run for office, each nominee will give a speech on their beliefs of what the position of mayor should entail and the responsibilities the position should hold, and how they believe they could best fulfill the position of mayor. Following the speeches, the general populace of Kaethul, or the Hall of Commons, will vote on whom they believe to be the most promising candidates. Thereafter, the nobility of Kaethul, or the Hall of Lords, will pick the candidate they believe to be most competent of the elected pool. ANY WHO WISH TO announce their candidacy may do so by sending a bird to Anatoliy Godunov (@Caedis), or any other steward of Kaethul. SIGNED, YERA SILVEIRA, Overlord of Kaethul, Master of the Hidden Tower, Lady-Magister of Hohkmat JUNIPER ROSE, Advisor to the Overlord of Kaethul, Steward of Kaethul
  13. When ur part of the portfolio :J (rat dog smirk moment)
  14. Everything was going wrong. In just a single Elven day, Juniper felt her world crumble. The world she had built up from ashes, and watched burn, and built up again. Everyone she loved was dying. Leaving her. Her boyfriend, her best friend, her children... "I'm so sorry Scrisa. You were as good to me as you could be. I'm sorry I couldn't love you in the way you wanted me to." Juniper wept again for two of her closest friends, who both lay dead.
  15. Little Esfir Artemisia plans so many fun adventures with her hauchmamej!!! However, they are all just scribbles in crayon. Liridona, however, takes her own few moments to reflect. A sense of pride fills her as she looked back on everything she had done for the courts alongside Amaya.
  16. Juniper, accidental adoptive mother of Gob, pressed her toddler son to her side, and wept. "It's not fair," She whispered aloud, now having lost two of her children. "It's not f***ing fair."
  17. “I will save you.” . . . Juniper wailed within her room. Friends and family would not see her for weeks. Held close to her chest was a necklace, in the shape of a broken heart. Lanre had the other half. . . . “I am not going to die, Juniper.”
  18. Juniper scrutinized a copy of the missive that had unfortunately fallen into her hands. "How did Aveline fall in love with such a moron?!" She huffed, rolling her eyes.
  19. Juniper remembers the time she illusioned the pain of being set of fire on a kid because he annoyed her a little too much. “….Oops.”
  20. Thought this was gonna be a meme until I read it and my god u are absolutely right
  21. Juniper squints at her son’s missive. ”…..He’s gonna get his ass kicked.”
  22. Juniper and Liridona both look at the missive like this.
  23. “Oh, that fool.” Juniper hissed aloud at the mention of Arthur. After a few silent moments of thought, Juniper came to another realization. She took to the aviary to write a bird….
  24. Juniper prepares her air shields
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