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Everything posted by rdowdy

  1. This is cool! But it doesn't solve the issue that I'm not gonna roleplay Signs and Symbols when it's a genuine waste of time and boring as heck to do. I'm especially not gonna put the time and effort into making a potion so I skip a part of making potions I already skip. Otherwise? This is a genuinely awesome addition to Alchemical Lore and processes. If a plugin is ever made for Alchemy this would be an awesome addition I'd love to see. But, until we are forced to do extractions, or the core issue with alchemy is fixed (having a lot of steps that aren't worth doing, because their is minimal flair to them so it's basically just copy-pasting), I don't see it being used as anything more than a (really cool) piece of décor in my lab.
  2. General TLDR: I think you should further look into the existing herbs and existing alchemy packs before creating a new one. A lot of these are handled by Botany or other potions. I also think you should consider your redlines better, if you think something is clearly liable to be abused you should add a redline outright denying that use. Potion 1: This really has no reason to be rare, and I'm fairly certain something of this nature already exists, but it's 1am and I have work tomorrow. Potion 2: Frostvine applies a localized numbing sensation, as does Blissfoil. If you wanted to knock someone out for surgery those Nightsap is a better option. Potion 3: This is a combat potion. There is no other use for this then combat. It is just a WAY better recreation of Epistle Smog (from the Lector Alchemy Pack II.) You even acknowledge how potentially powerful in your redlines, but just to make this perfectly clear: This is a potion that affects a 6x6 area (36 blocks), for 5 emotes, and makes anyone affected by it unable to do anything for 3 emotes. That is enough for me to say... throw another one and keep a massive group of people trapped. Or force people to completely stop moving and reacting well I kill them with my Arbalest firing squad. Oh and on the medical side of things this is also just a better version of the Tranquil Draught from the medical pack II. Actually so is Potion II come to think of it... Potion 4: This is a cool idea, but I think it would almost be a better addition on it's own. I would specify it can't be used on Genetalia or used to reveal Genetalia. It should also only be usable any living objects (to prevent use on clothes), heck make it so it only effects skin so people don't use it for anything other than to check for internal injuries. Stuff I referenced. Botany Guide: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/226496- a-comprehensive-guide-to-botany/ Medical Pack II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200463-✓-medical-pack-2/ Lector Alchemy II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/210413-✓-alchemy-addition-lector-alchemy-pack-ii/
  3. The madlad did it... he actually did it. And somehow I couldn't be prouder. But... when's the world lore coming for the underwater depths?
  4. Alchemy is a weird thing... I think it's probably the best system to work towards making handled by a plugin, with some caveats. - Potions should not be usable in PvP. At the bare minimum they shouldn't be allowed in a warclaim. - Please don't introduce a bunch of Minecraft potions into the alchemy system that aren't already there. Night Vision & Water Breathing already exists in alchemy, now's just the chance to make use of the existing system to actually make them usable. Beyond that I think we should avoid adding Alchemy Additions that just add the ability to get like strength pots and stuff. Keep it simple, and limited in nature is probably the best way to handle this. At the bare minimum do not add splash potions or lingering potions. One potion, one person. - I think the current ST signature system for alchemy is a waste of everyone's time, Alchemy is about as exact as it gets in creation. However, I don't think making every potion mechanically makes sense. I think you should work to limit potions made through a brewing plugin to either potions that provide actual effects (like water breathing), and potions that currently require an ST signature. As far as other mechanical items go? Same idea. They should not be usable in PvP. PvP is balanced around the idea that everyone gets the same stuff, regardless of conventional IRP advantages. Please do not tilt that balance by adding "mechanical-roleplay" items into PvP. At the bare minimum if added, it should be kept out of large scale battles. "Mechanical-Roleplay" items even if used sparingly (they won't be) will still favor groups who pump out mechanical advantages, which makes no sense. If you want your FA/MA/CA to be relevant, you should do CRP. When it comes down to CRP as default? I don't think it's that hard. 1) PvP default for groups greater than 6 unless more then 50% of participants agree to CRP 2) CRP default for groups less than or equal to 6 unless more then 50% of participants agree to PvP. 3) Nations, Settlements, and Lairs should, within their direct locations (inside a city, settlement, or lair) be able to set the default for either PvP or CRP. If more then 50% of participants agree it switches. I'm way more iffy on rule 3... but I think a city of like Mages should be able to start in CRP and be overrided. Well a city of normal people should be able to start in PvP and be overrided.
  5. Aight, but seriously the formatting makes it kinda hard to read. Panashea gave better recommendations than I would have for fixing them tbh.
  6. Really cool concept, very easy read and well formatted, but I think it's limited in use, especially as a "capstone" voidal feat. I think it can work on its own but it might have made a better addition to Voidal Artificery if you wanted to keep the Feat idea intact. I personally could see it best being an addition to the existing enchantment system rather than a full feat.
  7. RIP the dream of becoming a Siliti and commiting massive tax fraud with the IBS (Internal Blood Service.) (Yes, I also have irritable bowel syndrome from all the blood drinking) Super excited for the new map and very excited to see the new events! I've always wanted more puzzle events but I know they might be difficult to create or run with how LOTC works! Thanks for the Update!
  8. Once there was nothing... Then there was the anvil... Now it wishes us to be reforged Folded into its metal The anvil protects The anvil guides The anvil Loves What the anvil is will be, and what the anvil will be, it is. PRAISE THE ANVIL!
  9. ACCEPT THE ANVIL! THE ANVIL IS GOOD! THE ANVIL IS KIND! You must accept the anvil into your heart... for it already within you, waiting.
  10. "Et's the end a' Urguan... hell probably the end of this continent... hopefully we took a bloody fair bit of ehm." Meylis says casting aside the damaged shield and several empty potion bottles. "Seems like mostly everyone made it out at least..." Meylis enters his home on the shore somewhere close... it seems the time to leave was rapidly approaching.
  11. So I got lucky enough to see this post like 2 hours early, and I do really like it. Not only is this something I can see actually being used for more than 2 weeks before it fades into "Just another recipe" to collect. It is a set of potions designed for CRP, that have well laid out rules and redlines. I think a lot of potions in CRP suffer from being either useless, or being very open for use in CRP since they weren't necessarily designed with it in mind. Even with the fact that this is a CRP potion pack, there is still some IRP reason for it's existence and they do fill a, within my knowledge, unfilled niche. Coward's Whiskey is a method to damn the consequences and try to escape CRP, giving a way out rather than a prolonged chase that could should have become a mechanical one 30 minutes ago. Morphic Slurm (Gooinator in my heart) is a suit of alchemical armor that doesn't supplement Plate Armor (which everyone seems to have) and gives a reasonable alternative to it depending on the fight you plan to enter. There's a good reason to use it and I'd almost argue for it to be slightly buffed, perhaps allowing for something like chain (a much more reasonable armor in a normal setting) to give a really cool Alchemical Alternative to "everyone has plate." But maybe that's a little bit biased since I helped with some of the formatting. (I really don't deserve any credit for this piece tbh)
  12. Meylis reads the missive and takes a copy to bring to his lab. "Haven't had a decent commission in ages. Shame it's just the bland alchemy shite and not anything with more flair though." He drafts a letter to the person listed on the note.
  13. Meylis reads the new missive from Agnar Grandaxe. This is what the Dwed needed years ago. A call for proper unity. It seems odd that this is the result of such a hardlined Trial, but it is a good first step. Strike the Earth!
  14. I come from a server where "would" is a power gamers dream. Instead of trying to predict what your enemy does and correctly react you just add a conditional to your RP statement/action. With that said, I use present tense for almost all of my emotes. We are creating a story, not telling one from memory.
  15. A missive would be sent out and posted within Urguan, free for all to read. The notice would have no signature or emblem attached to it. My fellow Dwed, upon this day a monumental change has swept the city. One which bears ill for the future of this place. I speak not of a trial, but of the Mori’s growth in the depths of Urguan. Today we divided ourselves, and today the Mori see us as their next victim. The Mori have encroached upon our doorstep, even going so far as to consume it in their web. No city united thus far has stood against this threat. Let us prepare to face the Mori who have decided Urguan is to be consumed. But, it seems the Dwed forgot who the enemy was today… Perhaps today we also make an effort to unite the Dwed in this threat? Surely if a Dwed can stand with you against the Mori they deserve the chance to live beside you as well. Let the Dwed the court has punished today instead be directed at the mutual enemy of all Dwed. Any dwarf who would be banished should be allowed to take up arms to defend their homeland and be granted a place in this city. You have already given them one path at redemption, surely another, showing their true loyalty to the Dwed, is not beyond reason. Let us not forget the enemy at our gates; so we may stab the allies to our side
  16. The following missive has been copied and spread across the continent, most prominently in the north. "A guide has been found for the lightless path. Among the forest and trees I walk and there is a spot of shadow among the darkened grove. Towards the shadow I walk, guided through the very night by a bleating of Goat, the stomping of hooves, and flashing of devilish eyes, and from the forest came I, to a starless sky. Before me laid an altar and devilish eyes staring at the depth of my soul. And so I laid myself to be sacrificed, a knife to back, a dagger to the heart. And in my sacrifice, I was saved by cloven hooves and devilish eyes. At that moment, I realized… This is my savior, the Goat with shadowed eyes." Below the text is the mark of a black crow with wings spread wide. It's single eye painted to resemble that of a goat's eye. On it's right talon appear to be several drops of blood.
  17. Meylis recognizes the mark in an instant. The mark of a friend and teacher. He reads the note carefully and returns to his lab to grab a small book, his own book of grudges. He reads each page carefully and commits every name to memory before striking them from his book, in their place he adds one name... "I suppose I'll need to ask what happened next I see him... and to thank him for so clearly painting a picture of the true plague of Urguan."
  18. In his lab Meylis stops what he's working on as chills roll over him, as another Frostbeard passes from the world. Upon hearing the confirmation of his suspicious he burns a small book. "To a fellow scholar, here's the first journal for your future journeys."
  19. "Ya know... I just taught the Tanglefoot recipe to a few students of mine. How odd this happens now. Oh, coincidences and all that mess." Meylis throws the missive in the waste bin and continues his work on a small piece of automaton which continues spouting obscenities.
  20. Meylis looks dissapointedly towards Norli as he walks away from the recently collapsed entrance the Khron Hundmar. He tries to think of something inspiring... something that would make Norli stop, but his time as a meal for the beasts underground keeps him from doing so. Instead his own thoughts rush, perhaps now is the time to retire... he had only just recovered from the wounds dealt from the last altercation when he was forced to face death again and this was a tiring life. A face strikes his memory, and he makes a promise not to say goodbye. "I still have many questions for you about being our people, I never got the true chance to learn over all these years." Meylis doesn't like the response Norli gives, but hopefully it's something he can ask again one day.
  21. A dwarf finds the missive well taking a walk along a northern beach, and immediately walks back to his new home in the mountain. Once there he opens a small door and walks to a locked case, he disregards the sword and hat and instead grabs several notes from the case. He compares the missive to the the letters and notes before sighing. Meylis says "Bastard must be a Goldhand to come back from the dead" before grabbing the aurum axe used to single handidly break Galve's Defenses last time.
  22. Very sexy... but also no link to Animatii? I guess it's kinda weird it it's placement and the rewrite that came up! Thanks <3
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