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Status Updates posted by Ogdan

  1. I just got a new kitty. Hes a male and I need some cool name suggestions. I'd like it to reference to some sort of fantasy game/movie. Any suggestions? :D

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. MongolKhan


      Pod the rod, or Ragnar

    3. Lark


      Steelwall Fluffykins of the 21st Battalion.

    4. Lark


      Oh oh, Frostmaw :3

  2. Looking for a character to play. Anybody have spots they need filled or suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Grouchy


      Dwarves provide something new

    3. Helvetius


      Invictus, lots of new peps :P.

    4. AndrewTech


      Hmmn. Depends I guess, Ben. Could play a VonSchlichten if you wanted, in theory, though I'm unsure how long I'll be around after Janurary...

  3. I wish there was a common enemy . Like  how the undead used to be.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      why the **** would anyone play a villain or an antag for someone to RP with? they’ll get dogged and lose and if they get plugins to win people will just cry, there’s no point playing someone to dislike anymore because literal dozens of people will show up to swamp you and take your time


      villainy and antagonistic rp are in the biggest hog-tied nut-vice double bind ever, if you loosen up the rules for villains to be played, no one will be free to do anything as the largest groups on the server just take your time and stuff, and because of how strict the rules are now, we basically have kidnapping squads and that’s it.


      oh and some plague-towns under a few cities but guard-discords spam alert each other whenever anything suspicious goes down. the amount of OOC planning it takes to provide even a sliver of fun villain rp is so not worth the 50/50 shot you have at getting gunned down, your IC name and IGN plastered into google docs spread around the entire server, and basically having a perma-locked character slot 


      so legit ask yourself why you think no one wants to play the ‘common enemy’ on this server

    3. Sorcerio


      3 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:

      why the **** would anyone play a villain or an antag for someone to RP with? they’ll get dogged and lose and if they get plugins to win people will just cry, there’s no point playing someone to dislike anymore because literal dozens of people will show up to swamp you and take your time


      villainy and antagonistic rp are in the biggest hog-tied nut-vice double bind ever, if you loosen up the rules for villains to be played, no one will be free to do anything as the largest groups on the server just take your time and stuff, and because of how strict the rules are now, we basically have kidnapping squads and that’s it.


      oh and some plague-towns under a few cities but guard-discords spam alert each other whenever anything suspicious goes down. the amount of OOC planning it takes to provide even a sliver of fun villain rp is so not worth the 50/50 shot you have at getting gunned down, your IC name and IGN plastered into google docs spread around the entire server, and basically having a perma-locked character slot 


      so legit ask yourself why you think no one wants to play the ‘common enemy’ on this server


    4. squakhawk


      hold on calling the based police disco spitting straight facts



      paladin logs, ledger, and orbiters that metagame a ludicrous amount

      paladins a few months ago (now they don’t interact with darkmages at all)

      NL policies on darkmages/villains, IC and OOC (Ic makes sense at least)

      Common guard policies ooc with alerts and the like 

      Common metagaming (that won’t ever leave)


      as a couple examples

  4. Is it possible to make a book and quill now?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more



    3. ItsMyWorld66


      No idea how to make paper, but book and quill you need a book, an ink, and a feather and put it in your crafting.

    4. Ventusyr


      Paper is 2 sugarcane, and you go to the Workstations section of the crafting table you just click on the paper icon to craft it

  5. As a returning player with not too many ooc connections, how does one go about learning a specific school of magic? I need an overseer or a teacher? Quite confused on the restrictions.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ___


      welcome back, ogdan! hope everything's good

    3. Ogdan


      Thank you @Bannerlord. As good as it gets! 


    4. ThatGuy_777


      You'll want to learn under someone RP'ly with the system as of current. It isn't too hard to figure out where teachers are so long as you have an IC idea of where they'd generally be. Reckon it's on the right track seven times out of ten. 

  6. I think I might want to play an orc. Would anyone be willing to make me a skin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Also, pm meh in game. I am da uruk guide currently. Noone fought meh when i announced it to the uruks, and they treat meh as so.

    3. Travista


      I think no one fought you because it was only to a few people and it's not even a title....

    4. Dukester
  7. Just thought, has anyone tried making a 'native of said realm' race? Like a race that is pissed that this whole group of elves, dwarfs, humans, orcs, ect. just came to Axios and started colonizing it? Just a thought.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ogdan


      Thats awesome. I didn't know the Kha were from Asulon. That's great! Thanks! I'm meaning a humanoid savage race, sort of like the native americans in america. Just as primitive, maybe even human but like cyclops or some weird distinct feature or perhaps just language. 

    3. z3m0s


      They tried for a native this map actually but it was scrapped and I am unsure if it was used for anything else, I think it might of been put in as an ET creature, it was a monkey type race if I remember correctly.

    4. E__V__O


      The Mori where native and hated all descendants.

  8. Is there a group of people that are on late? Like past 12-1am est l? I have a hard time finding RP in 2nd shift

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thomas


      Come to Llyria. There are normally about 8-9 people around from midnight est to as late as 7am est. Feel free to get in touch with my discord and I’ll shoot you the coordinates or what not. Tahmas#0117

    3. Princeton
    4. z3m0s


      I’m still around late old friend, I’m in Llyria as well

  9. The plague is annoying, yes. But it's not the tech team's fault really. The plauge is a really cool idea on paper, as most of you probably thought too. People abuse it, not the tech team.

    1. Lago


      ANyone abusing the plague will die of PvP.

    2. Kaiser


      doesn't matter if you pvp them, when you die/respawn you still have the plague.

    3. ToenailTickler


      Dieing should reset the plagus TEC TEMMMM FIX DIS

    1. Ogdan


      This is a fix for 'Could not resolve hostname' I had the problem and it was fixed!

    2. Grouchy


      i had the issue and couldn't fix it but when i restart it fixed

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      This never works for me, it always says invalid IP

  10. I can remain connected for about 20 mins at a time, getting timed out only periodically. Not really much of an issue for me.

    1. Kitten
    2. Ogdan


      now its more frequent D:

    3. Ogdan


      and people are poofing all around me

  11. Does anyone know if there are any cool 'unlockable' tinker recipes? 

  12. Whoever got the first "The Accomplice" book, it has only two pages, contact me please!

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      nah, I got the accomplace #1 and it has 9 pages

    2. Ogdan


      Thats the right one! I put one in the auction house that wasnt complete like a fool, the person bought it for a lot of minas and I want them to have the proper book =/

  13. I'm trying to make a new Raevir man skin. I dont know where to start. What defines a Raevir?

    1. Swgrclan


      Rugged, dirty, peasant-like, I would assume.

    2. Banzai Flowers

      Banzai Flowers

      Dirty clothes, beard, poor, long hair

  14. Why can't I see skins :(

    1. Endeavour


      Have you updated to 1.7.10?

    2. Ogdan


      :P Nope, thanks!

  15. How do I turn wool back into string? Is it possible anymore?

    1. Draeris


      Have you tried using the Crafting thing in your inventory?

    2. Mr_Boomer337
  16. I can't sign in. Anybody have an IP that works? mc.lotc.co doesn't seem to be working.

    1. Jonificus


      You're back? :O

      Try out this one


    2. Raomir
  17. Is it possible to gain access to shops through attunement?

    1. oblivionsbane
    2. BrandNewKitten


      It should though. Everyone should have that opportunity tbh

  18. u know u shitpost when u have 221 posts and 18 rep

    1. Ogdan


      thanks guys almost at a 10% ratio

  19. I hardly see cripples. Cmon guys, be cripples. I wanna make a wheelchair!

    1. Jonificus


      Ben, my friend.. Why don't we talk anymore?

    2. Ogdan


      upvote man, cant you see im strugglin'


  20. Should I buy Fizz or Nautailus? Oh the choices.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I think nautilus is better right now. Fizz is good too

  21. Well this is the second day in a row my school closed the night beforehand!

    1. gingernut97


      That phrase just created two COMPLETELY different scenarios in my head.

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